Reviews For Possessive 2
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Reviewer: LavJacksonx Signed [Report This]
Date: Apr 27, 2013 01:44 pm Title: He's Backkkkk!


Author's Response:

Yeeeesssssss chiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillllllllllllllllllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Reviewer: iam_music Signed [Report This]
Date: Apr 27, 2013 10:10 am Title: He's Backkkkk!

If this ain't some bullshit!!! I really hope Jeffrey is there to help Lola but pretending to help Katherine just so he can get close to Lola and help her escape. I really don't want anything to happen to her baby. These Jackson hoes are crazy as hell. The police and Michael need to hurry up and get their asses to her before them bitches harm her and that baby. My main concern is that baby. Fuck Janet and Katherine for doin this crazy shit. I hope Jeffrey flips the script and is there to help Lola!!!!!!! Otherwise he needs his ass wiped out too. 

Author's Response:

You'll have to wait and all those e's

Reviewer: Southern_cutie Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Apr 27, 2013 10:02 am Title: He's Backkkkk!

the fuckery is still very much real!!!!

Author's Response:

That shit ain't gone never go away

Reviewer: Mjladyinlove1 Anonymous [Report This]
Date: Apr 27, 2013 09:59 am Title: He's Backkkkk!

This shit is fucking crazy this fuckery update please

Author's Response:

I will i'm actually about to type that shit right now

Reviewer: CrazyForMikezilla Signed [Report This]
Date: Apr 27, 2013 09:18 am Title: He's Backkkkk!

Lord fucking jesuss!!!!!!!! Im so sick of janet & her annoying as shit. God if i could go in the story i would literally shoot her in those motherfucking ugly ass cheekbones!! As for michael go and find her god dammit!!!

Author's Response:

you know what you should do....cut them bitches off!!! Yeah chop them motherfuckers up and feed them to her and see if she like it and cuz WE DON'T LIKE THEM CREEPY LOOKING SHIITS

Reviewer: dshanice Signed [Report This]
Date: Apr 27, 2013 08:56 am Title: He's Backkkkk!

What the fuck..

Author's Response:

and the fuckery always

Reviewer: CrazyForMikezilla Signed [Report This]
Date: Apr 20, 2013 09:25 am Title: Kidnapped

* LOUDS GUN * I KNOW DEZ MUTHAFUCKAS AINT TRYING TO KIDNAP HA ! * clap * * clap*  My god mike open ur fucking mind ! And mama kay why cant u just fucking die already? With her saggy ass tittys dry pussy long nipple having ass hoe. Ik this review is late but i completely forgot my password LOL.

Author's Response:

OMG!!! BEST.......COMMENT.......EVER!!!!!

Reviewer: Cruelrules900 Anonymous [Report This]
Date: Apr 18, 2013 05:49 pm Title: Kidnapped

Ahh, a cold case XD Nothing like it. And Lola went off on michael but i understand. And ER ME GAWD MICHAEL SAVE YOUR WIFE!!! its like hes never around when shit happens like this lml

Author's Response:

You know i never noticed that either but since you brought it to my attention Michael is never around when shit goes down

Reviewer: MikeyJackieLover Signed [Report This]
Date: Apr 18, 2013 12:54 pm Title: Kidnapped

More! Haha..

Author's Response:

You sound excited lol

Reviewer: pamluv10 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Apr 18, 2013 12:42 pm Title: Kidnapped

thank u soo much 4 dis chapter my b day is now awsome!


Author's Response:

your welcome lovely

Reviewer: True_Critic Anonymous starstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: Apr 18, 2013 03:08 am Title: Prologue/Starting Problems

I read the first one and then this.

Uh yeah really to dramatic and sick. 

But it's neat.

Author's Response:

Thank you!

Reviewer: ThrillerEraSlave Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Apr 17, 2013 10:23 pm Title: Kidnapped

Eddie Murphy d84;d84;d84;d84; *.*

Daaaamn, Mama YOU need some serious help. Oh gawd, someone call DR. PHIL!

Author's Response:

YAASSS! I love me some Eddie Murphy to the fullest!!! And yes that bitch needs dr. phil, jesus, and a miracle

Reviewer: LavJacksonx Signed [Report This]
Date: Apr 17, 2013 08:58 pm Title: Kidnapped

See I thought Michael was crazy, but the nigga actually has a reason. but now HIS MAMA. Awh laaaaaawd smfh this bitch is craaaaaaaaayzeeeeeeee. Her little old ass movin around too. Smfh, Latoya dum she done snitched and is now doin dirt. She hella duuuuumb. And Michael can miss me with that "I'm sorry" shit. Aint nobody want to hear that. Nigga shut the fuck up and step yo husbandly and fatherly duties up. He better stahp playin before my goon Lola really leave his ass AND if they loose this baby (which I doubt) Im gon personally come up into this story my damn self and kick Michael's OCD ass and he aint gon need them damn pills no more, Ima kick his ass to where he gon act right. Shit don't fuck with Lola muthafucka's *shakes curls* Ima need myself to be a fictional character. First Ima take out Mama Kay then Janet scary ass and Latoya she just a retarded ass female.THEY AINT BOUT THAT LIFE. Lavender is a fuckin GANGSTA lmao. Let me shut the hell up this wasnt even suppose to be that long.

LMAO I wouldnt have guess no damn Eddie Murphy

Author's Response:

OH SHIT THAT GIRL DONE SNAPPED!!!! They aint ready for it though, they ain't ready!! Lol and yesss chillleeeee Eddie Murphy has to be in it..that's my nigga

Reviewer: iam_music Signed [Report This]
Date: Apr 17, 2013 08:28 pm Title: Kidnapped

Lawd.. I can't Jesus! Katherine has lost officially lost her rabbit ass mind. I'm so glad the police are involved. They need to get to Lola and throw Katherine's crazy delusional ass behind bars. Fuck that. This bitch is just as mentally ill as her damn son. I just can't. The police need to play hardball and would somebody slap Michael's stupid ass!!!!! 


Author's Response:

Shit fuck that saying like father like's like crazy bitch like crazy bitch...they're one in the same

Reviewer: April Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Apr 17, 2013 07:40 pm Title: Kidnapped

Awsooommmeeeee :) 

Author's Response:

OMG! You sound like one of those surfers!! LOL but Thank you..i try *pops collar*

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