Reviews For Possessive 2
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Reviewer: nene147 Signed [Report This]
Date: Oct 04, 2014 01:06 pm Title: Love Making

I know you're probably busy but please update soon :(

Reviewer: michaelsbeloved Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Aug 17, 2014 07:44 pm Title: Love Making

Bruh. I need some more of this story. Pleeeeease update! Btw that chapter was sexy


Reviewer: ThrillerEraSlave Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jul 19, 2013 04:23 pm Title: New Beginning




This bitch gotta go to the fucking NUT HOUSE!


Reviewer: ThrillerEraSlave Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jul 19, 2013 04:22 pm Title: Love Making

Daaaamn..that was hot. *Thumbs Up*

Reviewer: True_Critic Anonymous [Report This]
Date: Jul 12, 2013 05:18 pm Title: Prologue/Starting Problems

Both 1 and 2 is sick and twisted

Reviewer: MikeyJackieLover Signed [Report This]
Date: Jul 11, 2013 08:06 pm Title: Love Making

Nice sex scene haha.

Reviewer: CrazyForMikezilla Signed [Report This]
Date: Jul 11, 2013 04:51 pm Title: Love Making

3 Years of no sex with mikey? Wooo i would have been hella beast in those sheets. Cant wait for the next chapter im so glad u updated! xD

Reviewer: SineMj Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jul 11, 2013 03:54 pm Title: Prologue/Starting Problems

For some reason I get this feeling that Something is up with them trusting Marlon with their son. 

Great chapter BTW. I freaked out when she said they went 3 years without sex. I was like "HELL NAW!!!" That's evil, That's just evil.

LOL to Michael and Jr.'s tickle seesion. I can really imagine Michael having a ticklesession. It's cute!!!

Tamaki x Kyoya Cute

Reviewer: MJsLilSecret Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jul 11, 2013 02:16 pm Title: Love Making

Hot sex scene. Michael's so demanding.

Author's Response:

Gotta love a demanding throw that ass back Lol

Reviewer: iam_music Signed [Report This]
Date: Jul 11, 2013 02:07 pm Title: Love Making

Damn!!! 3 years?! That definitely won't happen anymore, it's a wonder Michael didn't go crazy from that alone since we all know how much he loves his woman's good stuff. Lol. I know the fuckery is coming and Michael is gonna show his ass again about something. The good times don't last that long with these two. Oh lawd. Smh lol. 

Author's Response:

That's what I'm saying...3 Years and no play boyyyyyyy my vibrator would've been having a work out Lol. There is A LOT of fuckery coming...this is Possessive we're talking about when did the fuckery ever stop? 

Reviewer: Pradachic718 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jul 11, 2013 01:38 pm Title: Love Making

Woooo you updated and i enjoyed it! More soon please.

Author's Response:

LOL..I will and thank you the next chapter will fill you in on everything that's been happening

Reviewer: Cruelrules900 Anonymous [Report This]
Date: Jul 01, 2013 05:28 pm Title: New Beginning

"All my life I had to cook" Mama Kay said 

LMFAO that one just blew in my miind bahahahahaha! 

And How in the hell are you gonna shoot your got damn mama x.x omfg janet you went too far though.. janet is going to the same psycho house billie holiday went to smdh.


Anyways thank god, i love this stroy <3 so much!

Author's Response:

Sound like some Color Purple type of ish

Aye if yo mama was that crazy i'm sure you would shoot her just to knock some sense into

Reviewer: Cruelrules900 Anonymous [Report This]
Date: Jul 01, 2013 05:07 pm Title: Time to Face Evil

Shit about to get reall Too!1

Author's Response:

To the realest 

Reviewer: Cruelrules900 Anonymous [Report This]
Date: Jul 01, 2013 04:55 pm Title: Time to Face Evil

I cried when he said i want Michael.. Omg is he serious.. He good at pretending to not be a gay guy.. EVERYONE WANTS MIKE! XDDDDD

But anyways I tottally respect gays, just as long I'm not with them they aren't with me.

Author's Response:

Righttttt!!! Everybody and they mama want Mike..Lol trueee

Reviewer: Cruelrules900 Anonymous [Report This]
Date: Jul 01, 2013 04:50 pm Title: He's Backkkkk!

-.- .. <--- look at my face 

Dammit Jeff.. 

Author's Response:

LOL that face though

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