Reviews For Lost Love Found
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Reviewer: damonikalovesmj Signed [Report This]
Date: May 05, 2013 11:49 am Title: Turning Points Pt. 2

Aww fuck naw! All the like I had for Shawn just went out the door! Smh! Bastard!

Reviewer: SuperflySis Anonymous [Report This]
Date: May 05, 2013 11:20 am Title: Turning Points Pt. 2

O my god you had me like DAMN DAMN DAMN DAMN and im shaking while typing o lord ahh please I need the next chapter This is gonna be something else

Reviewer: BritBrat Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Apr 27, 2013 10:50 am Title: Turning Points Pt. 1

I'm not here for Shawn and his controlling antics. I hope his behavior isn't foreshadowing anything. Anywho I can't wait for Blue Ivy to be born! :P

Reviewer: Michaelsbaby Signed [Report This]
Date: Apr 26, 2013 07:26 pm Title: Turning Points Pt. 1

Continue please

Reviewer: KekeJackson Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Apr 25, 2013 07:55 pm Title: Turning Points Pt. 1

Well damn that was way to quick plus I knew it!!!!!

Reviewer: iam_music Signed [Report This]
Date: Apr 25, 2013 05:41 pm Title: Turning Points Pt. 1

Baby, marriage.. Lawd!!!! I am living! I am here for it all dahling!! I can't wait to see how Michael reacts to all of this. Everybody here is team Michael and I'm team fuck him. To hell with that. I cut him no slack at all, mistake or not. If Shawn brings Bianca happiness then I am all for it. Let Michael deal with that bastard child of his--allegedly and that crazy HO Kelly. Bee needs to tell Shawn that she's pregnant. I just want Michael to know she's engaged and pregnant. I'm waiting for that. That reaction will be priceless I know. Bring it on!!! 

Reviewer: marieland_ Anonymous [Report This]
Date: Apr 25, 2013 04:18 pm Title: Turning Points Pt. 1

Omg , I love this! I love Bianca!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Reviewer: Annies_NOTokmj Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Apr 25, 2013 04:11 pm Title: Turning Points Pt. 1

oh, I'm sorry girl! I didn't mean to offend you. Please accept my apologies. it's just that you write so damn good, that I think I'm IN the story, ya dig? lol.

ok, this chapter has me all kinds of turned up! lol. That crazy ho Kelly is up to ssomething, and was trying to flirt with Mike. He shut her down, but I know she holding a grudge and is thinking of a way to mess with him through Jaylen.

Shawn...girl, I KNEW something wasn't right about him. No man is that perfect, I'm sorry. That waiter is right. This fool is about to be emotionally and physically abusive. Did you hear the way he talked to Bee!? Sucker was ready to lay hands on her. He was extremely controlling too! Poor girl is pregnant, but she just don't know what she's in for. This marriage is going to be abusive.

Honey chile', honey chile'! Smdh.

Please keep going! ;)

Reviewer: damonikalovesmj Signed [Report This]
Date: Apr 25, 2013 03:55 pm Title: Turning Points Pt. 1

Wow he proposed! I'm sure she'll say yes!

Reviewer: Mjladyinlove1 Anonymous [Report This]
Date: Apr 25, 2013 03:54 pm Title: Turning Points Pt. 1

o my god please help me I need the next chapter

Reviewer: CrazyForMikezilla Signed [Report This]
Date: Apr 25, 2013 03:46 pm Title: Turning Points Pt. 1

Oooohhh!!!!! *___*

Reviewer: mjstreetwalkerbaby Signed [Report This]
Date: Apr 24, 2013 11:59 pm Title: Emotional Rollercoaster

ok I had to comment again. Michael makes a better sex face than Shawn ? AND she said he ain't the best looker ???

I cannot take all of this shade *cries* Bianca, your fast ass din learn the first time, no glove, no love baby DAMN !! and YOU KNOW you still loving you summa that HIStory gold pants schlong and don't you lie bout it girl. Kelly, sister girl, please tell Michael Jaylen is not his, admit to some secret affair twist thing with Jermaine damn.

I'm in my feels because I'm still rooting for Michael and Bianca (and I'm hoping that this baby ain't Blue, I hope it's the one she lost) I know Michael did his wrong but maybe I'm being soft but he deserves to be forgiven, I mean the nigrah is trying his utmost best and Biance should open her eyes and stop playing herself cuz she still loves him. Thou shalt not be thinking about your baby daddy whilst having sexual relations with your current man.


Can't wait for the next update !!!

Reviewer: KekeJackson Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Apr 24, 2013 08:22 pm Title: Emotional Rollercoaster

I'm confused sad and miserable didn't Bianca learn her lesson on sex without the condom I swear dumb dumb. Plus what about Michaela that's my issue you have another baby on the way and your trying to handle your own. It's gonna np make her look bad.... Plus she should be waiting and not going fast it has what she is doing Michael is finally on the right track minus Lisa but hey she moved on he still has feelin but this is making me frustrated. That's why Michael's voice is inmy head not Shawn's.... I'm not even close to being on their team I'm still rooting for Michael because he is still taking the blame from Bianca and well she needs to sit her ass down somewhere and look at herself because she is stressing herself out. DUH MIKEY HAS A BETTER SEXY FACE HE CAN GET IT AND BEAT AND LET IT DRIP!! Shawn can't do ship no offense but I can't see that happening. Please knkflkwbofibrwpifvprekfdvejbofdvwihbonwdlkjnfvdojnp next chapter. Even though I hate and I can't take it but its unbreakable but ooooh! Shame on b and s! 

Reviewer: Annies_NOTokmj Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Apr 22, 2013 10:21 pm Title: Emotional Rollercoaster

My problem is. making Shawn out to be perfect, when noone is...Yes, MJ was wrong, but to keep constantly throwing it up in his face, makes me believe that Bianca hasn't moved on like she claims! not to mention her comparing MJ's sex face to be sexier than Shawns...I sense a whole bunch of BS. what's the point if the story is going to mimic Beyonce's personal life for real.

I saw the tag of abuse on the story, so it makes me wonder. if Shawn will start acting up after they get married.

I'm team MJ and Bianca, just hope that as the years go by, they find their way back to each other.

Reviewer: Wassup Signed [Report This]
Date: Apr 21, 2013 06:51 pm Title: Prologue

aww i want bianca and michael to be together ... the story was interesting at first then boom she's pregnant with shawn's baby :( ..... i really do hope michael and bianca get back together keep writing , i want to know what happens next . bring on the drama

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