Date: Mar 04, 2014 09:40 pm Title: Mine Again/ If I Were A Boy
Hot damn!... *picks my lip up off the FLOOR* Despite what he did in the past, he is trying, and deserves some credit for that. imo. Keeping on bashing him won't change the situation or what happened. Sometimes it takes hitting rock bottom and losing the "ONE" for us to see it.
P.S. @HumanNature: Thank you for responding to my offer and I respect your honesty. :) Keep up the good work! ;)
Date: Mar 04, 2014 09:34 pm Title: Mine Again/ If I Were A Boy
Man glad he told her now, before it went too far!
Date: Feb 19, 2014 04:48 pm Title: Chapter 23
@HumanNature, I wanted to ask you a question. I've been wondering if I can pay you to make book copies of both the prequel and sequel. I'm willing to pay for my own copies. I only have one request: My sequel ends with Bee and MJ back together, if this story doesn't end that way. Please think about it, and let me know.
Author's Response:
What a great offer and I deeply appreciate it but sadly I have to decline. It's nice to know that you enjoy my story that much, People like you keep me motivated to keep writing. Thanks sweetie!
Date: Feb 18, 2014 07:41 pm Title: Chapter 23
omg continue
Date: Feb 18, 2014 07:10 pm Title: Chapter 23
Damn Michael is just stuck with crazy ladies! The only sane one is Bianca! Lol.
Date: Feb 18, 2014 06:52 pm Title: Chapter 23
And the fuckery continues while I still don't have an iota of a fuck to give about Michael. Kelly is a crazy raggedy ass bitch and I hope she dies in a horrible accident, but for the time being since her punk ass is still alive, Michael's life is about to be hell. Michael needs to realize something though, because Kelly is Jaylen's bio mother and Shawn is his bio father, they are both living (for the time being sadly), Kelly could VERY much get custody of that boy. Or at the very least Shawn could. Biologically, Michael would not have a case because that's not his child. Even if they go to court, the most they'd do is award the child to a person next of kin I believe. Michael isn't blood related to Jaylen. Chile.. This is about to be a hot ass mess. All because Michael cheated on his damn wife. I can't and refuse to feel bad for him. He brought all this shit on himself. I just hope that Bee will continue to rebuild her life, her and Michaela. Michael should and deserves to drown in this overload of fuckery ALONE. He's got a handful. Elvis Marie's sorry ass and now Kelly is out?! Lmaoooooo he will never have a moments peace. Bianca deserves a chuckle at this shit. And I hope she has a restraining order against Shawn's ugly camel lookin ass, and around the clock security. She needs to be safe and definitely keep her child safe.
Date: Feb 18, 2014 06:06 pm Title: Chapter 23
Fuck naw'... I KNEW it! Kelly and Shawn been scheming from the START! Armed robbery on WHO!? And when will Mike go ahead and kick that hoe Lisa to the curve? Have mercy. Sis, I need a winecooler after this here fuckery! This bish out on a technicality and still scheming. Now, why do I think those two crazy fuckers will announce Jaylen's true paternity in GRAND style, ala MEDIA...
Date: Feb 14, 2014 07:59 pm Title: Prologue
I really think the divorce shouldn't have happened sure michael cheated on bianca, but the reason michael's and bee marriage was sabotaged in the freaking first place waz becuz kelly telling that BIG FUCKING LIE on him, saying he was the father of the child, she knew he wasn't. so y blame michael. u know in the story u should have kelly herself tell bianca, that michael isn't the father, but Shawn is. I can't wait for the second for bianca to KNOCK THE SHIT OUT OF HER and SHAWN LOL. i'm sad to michael and bee not together cuz they are really fighting the erge to not rip each other clothes off. really sad what kelly did to there marriage.
Date: Feb 06, 2014 09:51 pm Title: "Liberian Girl"/Return of the Old
Lmao!!!! And the chickens just keep coming home to roost! I can't and simply won't. The flashback would be a cute memory had Michael not been a trifling ass niggrum, but that's what it is. I said it before and I'll continue to say it: I do not feel sorry for this clown. He's gotta deal with two crazy trifling ass hoes and I hope Bianca lets him drown in it ALONE. She needs to focus on herself and attaining her own happiness. Nobody but Michael got himself in this shit, so he is the only one should be dealing with it and getting himself out of it. Let the games and karma begin whooping his ass. Idk how the hell Kelly is out of jail, but oh well. He's gotta deal with her crazy ass and Lisa. I hope Bianca laughs her ass off.
Date: Feb 06, 2014 06:46 pm Title: "Liberian Girl"/Return of the Old
Date: Feb 06, 2014 06:40 pm Title: "Liberian Girl"/Return of the Old
Shit. I wanna know how that crazy hoe got out of prison!? Six years ain't passed yet. That flashback was sweet. Why did he have to mess it up. Sigh.
Suggestions: I've been ratchet up the drama even more, maybe that fatal attraction Shawn can kidnap Michaela and hold her for ransom to Bee and MJ? He uses Michaela to get Bee to come back and hurt Michael. It would be even more crazy if Kelly and Shawn set this hold thing up from the beginning. They're scammers.
Date: Feb 01, 2014 06:16 am Title: Chapter 21
Omg omg continue
Date: Jan 31, 2014 09:15 pm Title: Chapter 21
@Damonika, I love seeing your comments and bubbly font personality, lol. Are you going to start back working on your stories?
Date: Jan 31, 2014 08:51 pm Title: Chapter 21
Keep up the good work once again @HumanNature and again, this is YOUR story! ;)
P.S. How are you feeling and the hubby?
Date: Jan 31, 2014 06:27 pm Title: Chapter 21
So wait a minute.. Lisa's dumb ass actually left the tape at his house? What kinda retarded shit?! Chile I cannot. Bee will find a man who's right for her, he will come when she least expects it. Hell, maybe she needs to meet Usher or somebody. Lol. She would be going backwards messing with Michael's ass. She can get dick from anywhere, she sure as hell don't need Michael for that. He didn't deserve her when he had her and she sure as hell don't now. Lisa is about to drag his ass and I am anxious to see how it's gonna play out. Furthermore, what is with the stalling of telling Bee that Jaylen is as NOT his damn son, but her ugly ass ex's? Michael is a fuck up in more ways than one. Ugh.