Date: Apr 28, 2013 11:24 pm Title: Chapter 30
At least he apologized. Damn that was a jackass move! You never just pull off without making sure a woman gets in her house safe and sound! He's such a dumb ass! He needs to spend the rest of his life making up to Robyn for what he's done to her! Ugh. Michael is so fuckin dumb and inconsiderate. Just drove off without seeing if she made it in safely. He needs to apologize for an eternity.
Author's Response:
LMAOOO! I can already see him text her every hour with an "I'm sorry Robyn, I love you, forgive meeee"!
Date: Apr 28, 2013 10:18 pm Title: Chapter 29
Chile I cannot take it! Robyn isn't a HO because she slept with Michael. Imma need for her to read Riley's ass her rights. She's gettin on my last damn nerve. And oh lawd.. Robyn is in the car with Michael. That should be interesting. But yes.. Robyn needs to read Riley's ass. I'm sick of her punk ass throwing shade, being phony, and thinkin she's slick. She gon get her feelings hurt and/or her ass beat.
Author's Response:
Hey Kat! Well, you left that review on time for the next chapter ;)
Riley is tiring. She should talk to her father instead of pissing everybody off. But poor girl doesn't know a lot; she doesn't know why Tati and Michael broke up, she doesn't know who is a real daddy, daddy is too busy chasing or making creepy plan to hav her to aknowledge her presence, Robyn did not tell her she is sleeping with her daddy... Riley is angry at everything and everybody! And indeed; if she continues to act like a child instead of talking with her father, she will get her ass whooped!
Thank you for the review! BTW, new chapter on The sweetest gift, didn't know if you see it :) Lot of dramaaa!
Date: Apr 28, 2013 09:04 pm Title: Chapter 29
Update more!
Author's Response:
I will!
Date: Apr 28, 2013 05:17 pm Title: Chapter 28
Whoa. I'm amazed by the negative reaction eveyrone has towards Riley right now. Does no one look at it through her eyes?
This is a girl whose parents broke up and didn't tell her the reason, whose father clearly didn't attempt to get close to her until she opted to move in with HIM, and whose friend she just realized has been sleeping with said father who has never attempted to get close to her own fucking daughter! And she doesn't know ANY of it, because no one told her!
In fact, the only one my sympathies lie with right now is RILEY. Her mom is a cheater, her father is an absent player whose fucking his students, one of which is her friend and didn't even bother to tell her. EVERYONE is bullshitting her, and everyone doesn't want to tell her the fucking TRUTH. If her parents were honest about their breakup, despite putting Tati is the bad light she deserves, at least Riley wouldn't try to get them back together. At least she'd understand Michael's blatant hatred towards her own mother. And maybe if Michael was more honest and open with Riley, she wouldn't feel so rejected when she finds out he's been sleeping with a student! which COULD get him fired.
Riley is in the dark because she's being fed lies from everywhere, so why is she getting hated on for acting on the only information she has??
(whew sorry for the rant hun! lol)
Author's Response:
Is this really happening...? I think it is! Som-someone did it... The wait is over
I wrote this story so obviously I love every characters of my story and I secretly wish that my readers will go further than what I wrote and try to understand the characters and ask themselves why they act this way. Indeed, Riley is doing crazy stuff because she is angry. She thought she had a father, friends but at the end she finds herself with only her mother. None of them is 100% tru to her. They are all hiding secrets to her like she is a child. But one day, Riley will know the truth... And that day! Shit will hit the fan.
No girl, you did better. YOU.GAVE.ME.LIFE
Love ya RC!! 💋 💋 💋 💋
Date: Apr 28, 2013 05:57 am Title: Chapter 28
Woah woah whaaaaat? Michael isn't even the real dad? Well damn!! Ooh this is also gonna be revealed soon, isn't it.. Gosh I love this story!!! :D
Author's Response:
No he is her ste father :) I said it in another chapter I think :) Thank you fo reviewing Hanna! New chapter soon ;)
Date: Apr 28, 2013 03:16 am Title: Chapter 28
oh nm Michael has to be strong and be with robyn not that bitch
Author's Response:
AMEN! It's time to man up Michael!
Date: Apr 27, 2013 10:31 pm Title: Chapter 28
Ok I've had it. I've had enough. Somebody needs to put Riley in her place NOW. She is way out of line. Michael is a grown ass man and who he loves and chooses to have sex with is NOT her business. Imma need for Michael to check her. Fuck that sugar coating shit. Riley is old enough to know the truth. Michael is not with her HO ass mama because she cheated and ain't shit. She needs to know that and know that Michael will NEVER be with her ass again. Ever. Also, Imma need for Thirstiana bony ass to get the idea out of her head as well. Obviously she didn't care for Michael as much as she claims because otherwise she wouldn't have been fucking Riley's dad. Hell why is she not with her real father? She needs to be somewhere building a relationship with him and stay the fuck out of Michael's love life. Robyn needs to check her ass as well.
Author's Response:
Hello Kat! Sorry for the wait, I'm back and there will be more chapters to come :)
Riley is crazy and a real bitch. Someone needs to shake some sense into her real quick! And Tatiana needs to leave too LMAO, she really thinks there is a chance with Michael!! Those delusional ho... HAHAHA! I can't wait for Robyn to read Riley
Date: Apr 27, 2013 09:58 pm Title: Chapter 28
Somebody holds me please because I want to hit Riley's face! This girl is so mean!
Poor Robyn ... She will assume that Mike and Tatiana are trying to get back together again ... Michael needs to do something and fast! Tatiana can not stay at Michael's house because she will try to seduce him ... And my fear is that she succeeds!
Cant wait next chapter!Thanks for posting!I've missed this story, Annie!
Author's Response:
I'm here, I'm here! Don't go anywhere to hurt Riley, girl, I'm here to hold you!
Riley has an angel face but she is rotten inside. Someone needs to check her before Robyn does it, and lemme tell you; if Robyn does it, it won't be pretty! Robyn knows running after Michael isn't the right thing to do so unless Michael acts, she won't stop drinking and crying on her case LOL. And Tatiana... Let's not discusse this ho lol
Thank you for the review Love :) I missed writting this story too! I had my exams but now it's HOLIDAYY *Madonna's voice*! New chapter veeery soon ;)
Date: Apr 23, 2013 02:58 pm Title: Chapter 27
Michael with Robyn, not with Robyn, into Tatiana not into Tatiana: man can be really a complex-complicated specie...luv this chapter...sometimes I want to knee michaels (the character) groin in this story!
Author's Response:
Michael truly is complicated. He only wants what he can't have, like Robyn... Me too! LMAO! He really needs to get it together! Thank you for the review ;)
Date: Apr 23, 2013 11:38 am Title: Chapter 27
Seems like to me that Reliy is fishing for clues still and is trying to get a reaction out of Robyn. Honestly she should just confront her dad about it and leave Robyn alone. And couldn't possibly think that Michael would want to get with her mom after all this time.
Author's Response:
Indeed, Riley isn't a 100% sure that something is up between Robyn and Michael but she has doubts! Let's see what she will do ;) Oh m, you'll never know with Michael. Thank you for the review Love :)
Date: Apr 22, 2013 06:58 am Title: Chapter 27
Michel can't be with Tatiana she cheated on him why
Author's Response:
I will explain it later ;)
Date: Apr 21, 2013 09:37 pm Title: Chapter 1
Just read the first chapter :)! I can't wait to read more. I'll read and review more tomorrow. Riley dooonnnnn'tttttt do it gurrrrllllll :0. Do not...
Author's Response: Hey you! Glad you're liking it too! Nice chapter too :D
Date: Apr 21, 2013 05:35 pm Title: Chapter 27
Oh dear GAWD the fuckery of the dramatics of this situation is TOO MUCH TO HANDLE!
keep going tho.
Author's Response:
Hey Love! :) This gif is too funny hahahhaha! More drama to come!! ;)
Date: Apr 21, 2013 05:08 pm Title: Chapter 27
i really hope michael and robyn get together real soon .... can't wait for more drama hahaha !
Author's Response:
There will be more drama :) !!
Date: Apr 21, 2013 05:04 pm Title: Chapter 1
Damn Riley is bogus, Now I'm feeling Michael. What is with these two? Michael wants her, she runs from him. Now She wants him, but he's doing the right thing by leaving her alone. She needs to let Michael go and move on. After all that talk about not wanting him, she needs to stick to it. She Should Let Michael Move On.
Author's Response:
That interresting! Most of my reviewer thinks Michael doesn't deserve Robyn but you think that it's the other way round. I get your point and I think you're right too :) Next chapter soon :)