Date: Mar 17, 2013 11:56 pm Title: Chapter 2
Oh no Mike about to make her walk crippled. LOL I can't believe Robyn took the job. Well atleast Mikes her first customer. XD i was so happy when i saw that you updated & there's a few chapters already up! I love it whenever there's a few pages to read thanks for updating mulitple times girly! :)
Author's Response:
LMAO! I bet he did ;) Poor girl, her parents cut her off and she is too lazy to look for a real job... She was desperate :(. I know right! Can u imagine if that was with some king of perv :o. You're welcome! It takes a long time to get in the story so I thought I would publish many chapters to see if people likes it or not :)
Date: Mar 17, 2013 09:12 pm Title: Chapter 3
Well, DAYUM!!
Another story of yours for me to obssesively refresh the MjFiction "Most Recent" page over, waiting for the next update.
Can't wait to see how the client pleases the escort teeheehee!
Don't worry, I'll wait...
Author's Response:
Hhaha thanks. Well, you'll have to wait for me to end your story "When, when; when" first ;))
Date: Mar 17, 2013 08:24 pm Title: Chapter 3
Oh dear god! I already feel like I need a cold shower, and they've harldy even started.. Please update soon! I can't wait to see what happens, although I can imagine ;)
Author's Response:
I'll try to update ASAP! Ye,s we know what will happen but we don't know HOW it will happen
Date: Mar 17, 2013 07:52 pm Title: Chapter 1
@missmj2012 Kudos for your memory ahah ;)
Date: Mar 17, 2013 07:49 pm Title: Chapter 1
Cool can't wait 2 read them! I'm adding to favorites! ^_^
Author's Response:
Thank you hun xx
Date: Mar 17, 2013 07:21 pm Title: Chapter 1
Ooh you brought it back? I can't wait 4 more!
Author's Response:
Hey you! Actually it's a different story but I liked the name so I kept it :)). I'll update the 2 other chapter now ;)