Date: Mar 20, 2013 08:00 pm Title: Chapter 8
Well...Damn! Just when I thought Michael was gonna be all cute and lovey-dovey... Guess not lol
great chapter though! Can't wait to read more!! :D
Author's Response:
LOL, I think everybody was expecting that, this is why I chose to make it different ;)
Thank you! I'll try to update soon
Date: Mar 20, 2013 10:53 am Title: Chapter 7
At this point I think Michael has proven that he wants Robyn but more importantly he didn't offer her money this time. So maybe she'll be able to open her heart and see where this might lead to if she stops running. And maybe we'll find out way he wanted to call her by another woman's name. Lastly what's the deal with Riley?
Author's Response:
Hello Vicki :) Thank you for the review. Yes, I'm glad you noticed he did not talk about money but Robyn still has second thought about it and the fact that Tyler isn't happy about it, is not helping her. We will find out about why he called Tatiana and who is Riley sooner than you think ;). I left clues in previous chapter so maybe you could re-read them and find out rapidly about how they are all linked ;)
Date: Mar 20, 2013 09:37 am Title: Chapter 7
Dang Michael is one hot teacher to LOL oh no is Robyn getting second thoughts about him again? She might aswell surrender there's no escaping this sexy man & Mikezilla he got her cornered. XD poor Roybin this story reminds of Mike&Bev all over again. I love this & thanks 4 updating i would of reviewed sooner but this site was down & i couldn't one 4 awhile.
Please update soon! ^_^
Author's Response:
I swear! Mike is as persistent as in Liberian Girl ;) Yeah, I saw that! I wrote this chater a long time ago but I couldn't update it. Be back soon ;)
Date: Mar 20, 2013 08:41 am Title: Chapter 7
wow i can't wait what's next
Author's Response:
I'm so busy with school but I'll try to make time to write another chapter :)
Date: Mar 20, 2013 07:29 am Title: Chapter 7
Well. That was educational. And apparently she learned a new lesson, eh?
Author's Response:
HAHAHA! You nasty ;) Me likey
Date: Mar 20, 2013 06:12 am Title: Chapter 7
Ouff damn! Stupid Tyler, such a cock block! Just when it was about get reeaal good haha can't wait to see what happens next!! :D
Author's Response:
LMAO! I swear! Robyn was about to feel way moe than firefork before he called her. She is screwed now aha
Date: Mar 20, 2013 12:03 am Title: Chapter 7
excellent!!!! please continue!!!
Author's Response:
Date: Mar 20, 2013 12:01 am Title: Chapter 7
Excellent! Well done!
Author's Response:
Date: Mar 19, 2013 11:55 am Title: Chapter 6
you 're killing me girl with your stories, so gooooooood! please keep going!
Author's Response:
HAHA! And what's coming will destroy you ;) I'll tru tu update soon
Date: Mar 19, 2013 07:27 am Title: Chapter 6
Great job! Keep going :D
Author's Response:
I will ;) Thank you for the review Ria ;)
Date: Mar 19, 2013 04:58 am Title: Chapter 6
omg i need next part please!!!!!!! gosh i love this sooooooo much
Author's Response:
It's coming ;) Thank you for the review !!
Date: Mar 18, 2013 09:03 pm Title: Chapter 6
For each time that im reading this i get so hooked and Robby should of known better well if she had known better she wouldn't even be wearing that revealing skirt. Miss kitty is about to get smashed seriously.
@Missmj MikeZilla bouta pop that!
Michael needs to chase me to -___- waahhhhhh I'm jealous of Robyn and any girl in any story with him. D: lol
We need more darling continue. ;-)
Author's Response:
Hello Rate! Thank you for the review and the rate haha! I'm so happy you like my story. I thought you were reviewing only to support me but I see that you like it too :D. Hhaha, if she knew Michael would be her teacher she would have worn something else. LMAO @ Miss Kitty. She will have trouble walking afterward!
Date: Mar 18, 2013 07:01 pm Title: Chapter 6
Oh no she's about to get attacked by Mikezilla after all that avoiding she is still about to get banged from him LOOOL Poor Robyn Michael just won't leave you alone.
I Think Michael is so hot in this tho.
I can't wait for the next chapter!
Author's Response:
LFMAO!!! It doesn't matter how hard she tries to get away, he will find her. She won't be walking too haha!
Too hot for me *fanning myself*. I'll try to update tomorrow
Date: Mar 18, 2013 06:55 pm Title: Chapter 5
LMAAOO that got me! Robyn wants no part of him but she still some how is running into him. There goes her luck. XD
Author's Response:
HAHAHA! She should be glad to have Michael chasing her! Kind of remind me of BJ and Mike hehe
Date: Mar 18, 2013 06:46 pm Title: Chapter 6
Oh dear god! *fans self* Just give in to him honey. He's a hot peace of ass you shouldn't turn down... Hahaha I can't get enough of this story!!!
Author's Response:
She better! God, I wish I had Mike as a teacher! I bet the learning process would have been easier ;). I'll update tomorrow! Thank you for the rate and the review !