Date: Aug 15, 2022 06:48 pm Title: Us
Well, this one had me tearing up. I wanted more... you should write more fics, you are very talented with words.

Date: Apr 25, 2021 05:29 pm Title: Us
Such a great story, with a cute ending. I loved it
Date: Jul 23, 2018 08:06 pm Title: Us
I love this you should write more about that
Date: Aug 31, 2017 11:08 am Title: Us
Just read it again and it's wonderful. Great, great writing style, truly inspirating.

Date: Aug 23, 2017 03:57 pm Title: Us
without a doubt the most beautiful lmp/mj story i have read so far. thank you, please write more.
Date: Jun 28, 2016 07:11 pm Title: Us
Really like your story. It's nice. 👍🏻
Date: May 07, 2015 01:11 am Title: Us
I love how honest and raw it is. Seeing him open up like that and admit he feels like he has to put on a performance for people an illusion of sorts was like wow I wonder if that's how he really felt but never could find the words to describe it. I like how you didn't make her or him out to be the one ruining the relationship, you were neutral it was both of their faults. I have a lot of respect for her because one she got him through those allegations by staying on the phone & getting her lawyers to help with the case and she NEVER trashed him. She could have easily done that given she was still hurt from how it all ended. She could have said a lot worse than she did instead she said it didn't end well, it seemed like she had to numb her feelings just so she wouldn't feel the hurt . It's so difficult to be in a relationship with someone whos dependent on pills you want to save them but at the end of the day it's up to them to save themselves. I loved when he said I didn't know I was doing that to you that was pretty profound. I think she did try but at one point she felt she had to get out to do what was best for her. She mentioned once that after hearing that Debbie Rowe was pregnant she got really sick, got mono, infected gallbladder I think hearing that tore her apart. When I read this I was thinking if only they could've had this talk things would've been different. She wrote 2 songs about him which are amazing just a dream and I was wrong. I know long rant. Anyway loved this story
Date: Jul 29, 2014 05:13 pm Title: Us
omg!!! I love this one shot so much.. could you do another thing of them but as a story instead
Date: Jul 18, 2014 11:17 pm Title: Us
Awh!!! They made a cute couple you should have made this into a story
Date: May 08, 2013 01:51 pm Title: Us
That was sweet XDXDXD Thanks for that :D
Author's Response:
aw, thank you and you're welcome! lol

Date: Apr 20, 2013 11:17 am Title: Us
You know what, i just cannot tell you HOW MUCH I LOVE THIS STORY. This KIND of story, I favorited them, and read them like what, a bibble?
It is affected me, your story affected me. This one, and that one with Madonna too. They are genius. Thanks. Five stars.
Author's Response:
*extremely humbled* It is a beautiful feeling to read the reactions of the people who enjoy my stories. I giggled when you said you read them like a bible LOL, and I'm so touched by all your other words as well. It's readers like you that I keep writing for. Thank you so much. :)

Date: Apr 20, 2013 11:16 am Title: Us
You know what, i just cannot tell you HOW MUCH I LOVE THIS STORY. This KIND of story, I favorited them, and read them like what, a bibble?
It is affected me, your story affected me. This one, and that one with Madonna too. They are genius. Thanks. Five stars.

Date: Apr 09, 2013 07:57 pm Title: Us
Don't be overwhelmed. Just keep writing. For the love of God, please keep writing. I haven't written a short in God knows how long, but the stories of yours I've read since last night have me working on a short story RIGHT. NOW. You've really sparked my writing bug.
Author's Response:
OMG I am gonne be first in line to read your story, for real! And Imma keep on writing for lovely people like YOU. :)

Date: Apr 09, 2013 07:39 pm Title: Us
Jesus Christ, you are the most superb writer ever. I think I've found a new favorite.
Author's Response:
:') I just...I get so overwhelmed with the words that I get from the people who like my story, and you are no exception...I just worry one day Imma run out of words to express what your support means to me. Thank you so much. <3