Reviews For Band Geek
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Reviewer: Treasured Signed [Report This]
Date: Jul 12, 2013 09:42 pm Title: The Bus Stop

This is to good one of my favorites please continue

Reviewer: Treasured Signed [Report This]
Date: Jul 12, 2013 09:42 pm Title: The Bus Stop

This is to good one of my favorites please continue

Reviewer: Treasured Signed [Report This]
Date: Jul 12, 2013 09:42 pm Title: The Bus Stop

This is to good one of my favorites please continue

Reviewer: Treasured Signed [Report This]
Date: Jul 12, 2013 09:42 pm Title: The Bus Stop

This is to good one of my favorites please continue

Reviewer: Treasured Signed [Report This]
Date: Jul 12, 2013 09:42 pm Title: The Bus Stop

This is to good one of my favorites please continue

Reviewer: Treasured Signed [Report This]
Date: Jul 12, 2013 09:42 pm Title: The Bus Stop

This is to good one of my favorites please continue

Reviewer: Treasured Signed [Report This]
Date: Jul 12, 2013 09:42 pm Title: The Bus Stop

This is to good one of my favorites please continue

Reviewer: mjstreetwalkerbaby Signed [Report This]
Date: Jul 11, 2013 01:07 pm Title: THAT Michael Jackson

ok I'm sorry I've been a silent reader all this time but WHERE THE FUCK DID KARA COME FROM? like baby was getting his quiet time with Olivia and this bitch came back like herpes, like outta nowhere. Being mean and a complete dick to Michael aint gonna make him give you the drawers Kara.

she gotta die or go home or something. Great story by the way!!!!

Author's Response:


Reviewer: ilovemichaeljackson34 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jul 10, 2013 03:35 pm Title: Just for fun

Okay I have a question for 2 of the characters:

To Olivia: When are you going to rip apart Kara?! I wanna read some actiooon!

Okay the next one is one that everyone already wants to ask soo..

To Dirty Michael: How big is this dick a yours?!?! A girl needs to know! :3

Author's Response:

I'm not a very violent person, but after she did this she should sleep with one eye open. ~Olivia

Bigger than yours :P ~ DM

Reviewer: Cali_Santana Signed [Report This]
Date: Jul 10, 2013 03:06 pm Title: Just for fun

To Dirty Michael,

Why you so freaky? You want to be touched that bad that you think about being fucked and stripping a woman's clothes off that bad? Lol

Author's Response:

I'm not dirty everyone else is just cleaner than me :P

As for thinking about sex all the time, simple. I'm a man. A man who hast really finished puberty or gotten over his awkwardness but I have a penis so I'm still a man :P

Reviewer: CrazyForMikezilla Signed [Report This]
Date: Jul 10, 2013 02:56 pm Title: Just for fun

An ask for kara. Why u a thirsty hoe -.-

Author's Response:

Cuz it's healthy to be hydrated ~Kara

Reviewer: Cali_Santana Signed [Report This]
Date: Jul 10, 2013 01:24 pm Title: Sequins are tacky.

I laughed during this whole chapter. Michael always keep me rolling. That boy said bitch I'm fabulous! I died..Updateeee

Author's Response:

He is fabulous LOL I'll update soon, I promise! :)

Reviewer: 1958AndBeyond Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jul 10, 2013 12:13 pm Title: The Bus Stop

LOOOL " Nigga I was pussy hunting ". That cracked me uuuupppp. Anyway, I'm soo glad your back! <3 keep it going <3

Author's Response:

haha I will! :) 

Reviewer: CrazyForMikezilla Signed [Report This]
Date: Jul 10, 2013 11:58 am Title: Sequins are tacky.


Author's Response:

*gives you tissue for all your tears* LOL that boy is thirsty as fuck 

Reviewer: Cali_Santana Signed [Report This]
Date: Jul 10, 2013 10:02 am Title: Sorryyy

Continue if you don't i will come looking for you and you wouldn't want that lol i sound like a muderer

Author's Response:

You sound like Kara xD 

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