Date: May 13, 2013 06:15 am Title: Chapter 22
Gabby fussing over the remote lmao
Michael needed to be shown that she's not a pushover, you can't kick someone out of a damn car, especially your woman, and think its OK!
I'm proud of Gabby. :3
I think they need to have space and time between them before continuing... I want them back together but they need this distance rn.
I can't wait for more Hun. :)) , <33
Author's Response: Yeah it was about time Gab stood up to him sheesh! Lol & yea who doesn't love there remote?? 0.0 I'm sure they will be back together again! ;) & thanks girly! <33
Date: May 09, 2013 02:45 pm Title: Chapter 22
OMG this was such a great chapter PLEASE UPDATE SOON
Author's Response: I sure will & thanks! <3

Date: May 08, 2013 03:37 pm Title: Chapter 22
Eventful! I think Michael is just the big old roote of this. He needs to stop being so proud for once and fess up to his wrongs. Gabby did the right thing.
Author's Response: Heck yeah she did what was right. Michael has to learn smh that Gabby isn't always gonna be his weak prey. He gotta stop taking her 4 granted to. He loves her & all but he has to realise that she is right about everything. Hopefully he will get off his high horse & fess up. & thanks!
Date: May 08, 2013 03:29 pm Title: Chapter 22
The best chapter!!!! I looooove it!
Author's Response: Aww thanks so much nene147! (:

Date: May 08, 2013 03:01 pm Title: Chapter 22
I'm real proud and happy how Gabby stood up for herself I hope she continues to do that and then maybe Michael will come to his senses and learn how to respect and treat her. Great chapter.
Author's Response: Ikr me too! :D & Michael should learn to come to his senses hopefully soon. &thanks!

Date: May 08, 2013 03:00 pm Title: Chapter 22
The nerve of this man! Michael is starting to get on my last nerves with his behavier. I'm just glad that Gabby stood up to him though. Even when she is about to pass out she still stood her ground. *CLAPS HANDS* about damn time.
Rather Michael like it or not he knows that she is right about all of this.
#Mike grow up!
Great update!
Author's Response:
YES, Mike needs to grow up! U ain't neva lied about that & yes kudos to our girl Gab 4 finally standing up to Michael's behind! & he really did deserve that slap to. Yep even when she's not feeling well she still gonna put his ass out! Yep Yep! Gab handled herself well this time. Maybe Michael will learn in due tim. &thanks!

Date: May 08, 2013 02:51 pm Title: Chapter 22
Michael will be the death of her! He should better take care of her now. This chapter was a real surprise....love it. Michael should remove Ebony out of his system for real...I like Gabby for him.
Author's Response: Yeah if he dnt stop this crap he could be responisble if anything happens to her health wise or not.
Michael will hopefully learn soon & knw that Gab is the right women 4 him to.
As 4 Eboni he just needs to get over her & live his life with Gabby.
Date: May 08, 2013 02:36 pm Title: Chapter 22
ehh... they realy have a big problem i hope they will get back to each other
Author's Response: Hopefully they will soon whenever Micheal gets his act together. There still a couple, there just having serious issues right now. &thanks!
Date: May 08, 2013 02:28 pm Title: Chapter 22
Love love love da long chapter, more like this plz! .... Gabby is a real good 1 cuz n dis 1 right here cuz me n Michael wuda been jackin like some real niqqaz n da hood 4 REAL, dat blood n crip type ish. He is so WRONG in SO MANY WAYS. N I almost died...HE called HER difficult. Michael CAN'T call NOBODY difficult, wen YOU da 1 pulling out a gun n wil-in out n da car cuz she ain't wanna marry u, y'all dne only knew each other 4 a FEW MONTHS. N how da F#CK u gne pull da gun out on her AGAIN???? And she having a panic attack. Gurl I cud go on n onnnnnn!
Author's Response: Ikr! & all the nerves Michael has 2 be acting this way.
Mike needs to get his act together & realise things.
& thanks girly!

Date: May 04, 2013 08:11 am Title: Chapter 21
GOSH what an eventful chapter.
I'm so freaking glad she slapped him. I agree with iam-music; she needs to cuss him down for what he did. She shouldnt be a weakling to him; she needs to show him they're meant to be equals in this relationship. If he can't handle it, he shouldnt be asking for her marriage yet lol
He better not lay a finger on her because he deserved that one for being the ass... He deserves worse ahah. Lets see how it plays out.
I can't wait for more Honey. XD , <33
Author's Response: yes you, & iam_music is right Gab has to be strong & stand up to Michael & tell him how she really feel & on how he hurted her like that. She needs to let it all out yell,kick,scream, & curse his ass out for this. He needs to feel the wrath of Gabby & maybe he will stop being such a douch about this hopefully. & heck yeah he deserved that slap & every bit of Gabby will say to him as soon as she man's up. & yep will see how this plays out. LOL & thanks girly! <3

Date: May 03, 2013 01:06 pm Title: Chapter 21
Author's Response: LOL! & thanks! (:
Date: May 03, 2013 09:32 am Title: Chapter 21
you know he can't do shit he urt her eariel
Author's Response: Exactually he better not put his hands on her. Maybe he will & maybe he won't. But let's hope they both can prevent from something seriously happening. &thanks! (:
Date: May 02, 2013 04:54 pm Title: Chapter 21
oh shit its about to go down
Author's Response: Yep, Yep! LOL &Thanks!
Date: May 02, 2013 04:33 pm Title: Chapter 21
You go gabby
Author's Response: Ikr go Gabby! & thanks! (:

Date: May 02, 2013 04:07 pm Title: Chapter 21
There's a dollar store a block away from me and they sell good stuff there. Daisy is very high matenence. Lol not that it's wrong i like expensive stuff to but i don't mind the dollar store they sell ice cream to. :P And oh shit! Gabby slapped shit out of him. If my hits her back i will jump in this story and kick his ass! Can't wait for the next update.
Author's Response: LOOL i have dollar star around the corner from my house ima keep it real i be going in there xD & heck YEAH they be selling good stuff there. Yep it happened Gab slapped Michael! It's one of those OMG moments dnt knw what will happen next nor go down. & you so silly u would be good help if u come in this story & kick michael's ass! XD Let's just hope Michael doesn't get stupid and hit her this time tho. You'll see & thanks (: