Date: Jul 19, 2013 10:58 am Title: Coming back soon!
YAYYYYYYYYYY! YAYAYAYAYA! Oh sorry.....excitment built up :)
Author's Response: Lol yep!
Date: Jul 15, 2013 12:33 pm Title: Chapter 27
*squealing* Ah Michael is about to show her how much he really loves her.
But how is he gonna lay everything on the table during a romantic evening out with her? He must gonna ease his way through his conversations with her smh. Lol
Continue real soon!
Author's Response: Yep most likey it will turn out that way & thanks so much for reading! ^_^
I will try to have some chapters up in due time.
Date: Jul 04, 2013 09:27 am Title: Coming back soon!
Aw I understand hun!
Take all the time you need, and I agree sometimes it's easier to have a few chapters written before updating because then it's more frequent. :)))
I can't wait for more from this though, and also with Stuck. XD I'll be ready and reading as always. ;)
Much LOVE ! , <33
Author's Response: Exactully! That's what ima do on my long break do chapters & save them & then i'll be ahead of everything. Once i get a little time off & more inspiration ima start doing lots of chapter for stuck, this story, & The Verge, & delivery guy i never 4got that one either. Lol &thanks so much 4 understanding as always! <33 <33 (:
Date: Jul 04, 2013 09:24 am Title: Chapter 27
Awwwwe look at Michael being sweet. XD
I love romantic Michael hehe gosh I wanna be Gabby now.
I wonder if she'll move in with him... Hmm I can't wait for more. ;3
Another great chapter sweetie! ^_^
, <33
Author's Response: Me too i luv it whenever he gets romantic like this i think all of gals would wanna be in Gabby's shoes. Lol She is in for one big surprise!! :D btw idk if she's gonna say yes to moving in with him yet :/ She having a hard time with accepting things from him like marriage perposals, & moving in with him. Ugh here comes more drama soon. But Michael loves Gab so much that he'll keep insisting until he gets what he wants soon. & thanks girly! Much Love always! <33 <33
Date: Jul 04, 2013 09:19 am Title: Chapter 26
Awwww they're back together, YAYE!
This was such a hot and sweet chapter where they finally had a good, deep talk. Its sweet that Michael is trying to change, and I think Gabby should trust him enough to open up to him about her condition!
I think she's very scared so it must be rooted deep down for her, however she should know she can share anything with Michael. She can trust her sweet, slightly insane cop boyfriend. ;) hehe
Great chapter Honey, gonna read the next one soon. XD
, <33
Author's Response: Yep Michael is changing coz that man just loves her so much & cares 4 her a great deal. It's just Gabby needs to really get her act together now before he loses his patience with her. Hahaha ikr he is slighly insane but is real sweet & normal who wouldn't love that guy? :P But hopefully Gabby will come around soon with this. & thanks girli! Always <33 <33 (:
Date: Jun 30, 2013 05:51 pm Title: Chapter 27
she is so lucky to have him even he is crazy most of the time hehehhe
Author's Response: He's a crazy good man LOOL & thanks Karoll!
Date: Jun 30, 2013 12:10 pm Title: Chapter 27
This is one of the sweetest chapters you have her. Michael going all out to surprise gabby. You are a good writer missmj2012 period.
Author's Response: Aww thanks girly im really trying my best & Mike is really surpsing her. Gabby dnt knw what she's in for. Lol Hopefully i'll update when i can. & thanks girly! (:
Date: Jun 30, 2013 08:59 am Title: Chapter 1
This is great! I'm not done but what I've read so far. Girrrrrl <33333333333
This chick is nasty. Lol she'll take anything and I love it. Michael is mean as hell in this story Lol. Crazy af.
P.S I started on Stuck to.
See? Told you you have my support. You're a great author sweetheart. Don't get discouraged anymore with your writing there should be nooo reason for you to feel not good enough. Who wouldn't love this story? Lol
Be Good,
Mel. :)
Author's Response: I'm glad your enjoying it so far! I love writing stories like this & stuck with action & fun & crazy sh*t LOOL And i will try my best not give up i just get like this some time im scared that im gonna end up giving up permnently. But I will try my best to keep going and & thank you so much girly! (: <33 <33
Date: Jun 29, 2013 11:14 pm Title: Coming back soon!
Hey girl I'm still here as a reader you never lost me
Update soon
We should all know people has a life outside of stories and Michael
Author's Response: I knw everyone's busy i am myself to. I just felt like i wasn't getting no support at all anymore. Not just this story but all my stories to. But ima try to stay & continue. & thanks for your review Best. (:
Date: Jun 29, 2013 12:26 pm Title: Chapter 27
Update soon plz!
Author's Response: Thanks! & i'll try.
Date: Jun 27, 2013 04:28 pm Title: Chapter 1
Missmj2012 doesn’t do weak Michael character. And yet I still loved every illogical, psychological, volatile, temperimental, bipolar character version of him. And look forward to reading this story again in a week or so when I have forgotten every bit of him.
That summed it for me. I loved this story. I have no real reason to love it only that it made me feel good after reading it. It was a suspenseful and comfortable read. I read it in less than 2 hours when I had a lot of other stuff going on.
A recommended read for all MJ fans who seeks the 'bad' side of him.
Rating: Another perfect 10!
Author's Response:
Awww im glad you really appreciate this one too i try as much as i can & again thank you so much for Perfect 10's Ratings it means a lot to me! Your honest reviews really inspires me to carry on Very soon i should have another update hopefully bynext week. Thank you so much again for the sweetest reviews MakingMichaelMagic! (:
Date: Jun 20, 2013 04:15 am Title: Chapter 26
boring what?...girl this is one hell of an awesome sexy eventful chapter...lmao! made me horny right now...hahaha! 10plus stars and more...hehehe
Author's Response: Awwww thanks Aj! Glad u always apprecate it! Michael made u horny LOL &thanks so much! (:
Date: Jun 17, 2013 05:45 pm Title: Chapter 26
Oh okay so there is more to the condition...hmmmm wonder what. Surprise me lol!
Author's Response: Yep there is, Gabby hasn't told him her story on why she takes medications and gets these heart attacks. But Michael needs to know so she needs to stop being so proud about it & just tell him. & thanks! (:
Date: Jun 17, 2013 03:48 pm Title: Chapter 26
I'm glad these two made up. They are a trip. Gabby needs to woman up and tell Michael about her condition. She always wants him to talk to her and stop acting like an ass all the time, well she's gonna have to meet him halfway. You can't expect from someone else what you aren't even giving yourself. That's not right. She better cut the bullshit and tell that man! He needs to know! Cuz if some shit happens to her, he won't know what to do. Stop being a fuckin child Gabby and tell the man what's really goin on. He is only concerned about her health. She's so damn stupid sometimes. Gets on my nerves. And I'm gonna assume she's on birth control given that they aren't using condoms. He's tryna change so she needs to do her part as well.
Author's Response: LOOL heck yeah they are trip they r to much 4 me sometimes. Yeah Gabby is has her little selfish ways sometimes & Michael's made it up to her being a man about things. But she can't fess up about her own problem to him & that's not healthy for there relationship either. They just got back together & still there's a problem. If there isn't one thing it's the other for them. Yes Gabby is mostl likey on birthcontrol that's if she even remembered to take her pill ;) lol & Amen to that Michael is being sweet to her & in she needs to do the same aswell & put in the pot it takes two. & thanks! (:
Date: Jun 17, 2013 03:29 pm Title: Chapter 26
At least Michael tells it like it is... he maybe crazy but he smart im glad his father pushed him to be a cop just like him. A bad boy turned cop i like the sound of that! Lol and damn they have so much going on there relationship right now but as long as there toegther that's the main part that's good. I love the update and it wasn't boring at all :P i enjoyed the hot scene too plz update soon.
Author's Response: Yeah he is like a bad boy turned cop LOOL That's so true & yeah Mike has been better lately & telling the truth you got that right. Ikr they do have so much going on welp that's what comes with a relationship a bunch of drama ish. Lol & thanks! (: