Date: Mar 13, 2013 08:45 pm Title: Chapter 8
Mike is so sexy when hes aggresive!! *___* Damn!
Author's Response: Ikr isn't he? LOL & thanks!
Date: Mar 11, 2013 10:05 am Title: Chapter 7
omg he realy is crazy about her hehehe
Author's Response: Lool yes he sure is. & thanks 4 your review!

Date: Mar 10, 2013 10:00 pm Title: Chapter 7
I'm wondering how Michael will MAKE HER do the favor for him? He is partly crazed anyway so I wouldn't put it pass him to force her do with his good charm and good looks and sex along with his shiny pistol. Lol I know he don't play.
Update when you want. :)
Author's Response: Ikr with him anything is possible & he's used to getting anything his way but you'll see & thanks!

Date: Mar 10, 2013 07:45 pm Title: Chapter 7
Hahahahaha Michael I crazy he is really crazy and trying to fight his feelings for Gabby. I just have a feeling he maybe controling and possive I'm thinking about what if they become a couple and he strick on her? I know this story is gonna be really good soon. It's already good you know what i mean. i love stories that takes time like this to show off people's true colors.
That's just sign right there that he don't want her around no men but him. He is posessive and obsessed without realising if he already been watching her the whole time. That's pretty stalkish to.
I can't wait for them to become a couple soon though it's gonna be interesting. And Gabby really needs to over her ex or if not Michael would probably kill her ex who knows. Lol
The funny part is she got him about to beg her something he's not use to doing with any women. I wonder how will he convince her to play his hoe? i gotta see this lol
Author's Response: Yea he is trying so hard he didn't knw this paticular girl could affect him in so many ways like her thought. & yeah he is a little bit of both possive & obssesive when u think about lol yeah he is cray cray like that. Lool
Ikr them as a couple will be interesting will see & stay tuned more will come soon! & thanks!

Date: Mar 09, 2013 07:22 pm Title: Chapter 6
Author's Response: New chaper being posted now & thanks for enjoying!

Date: Mar 09, 2013 12:10 pm Title: Chapter 6
I dislike how it seems that Michael is already controlling her and hes made it clear he wants no relationship... Hows he gonna tell her what to do when he has no right to? Lol Michaels crazy with power.
He obviously likes her but has trust issues. :/
I cant wait for more, Honey XD , <33
Author's Response: yeah he thinks just cause he made love to now he owns her in his own way & you will also be surprised of his jealousy side to cause when he does grow on to her he's not gonna want her around any men. The crazy man is still there he is just calm 4 now Lol you'll see how possive he will get her to sometimes as the story progresses through. Oh everything gonna change drastically soon ;) so stay tuned! & thanks girly!! <3

Date: Mar 09, 2013 03:15 am Title: Chapter 1
Congrats, 60th review!
Ahaha so cute <3
Author's Response: & thanks girl being the 6th reviewer Lol & the additional Mikey Gift ;) I love it. Haha & I copied it. He so cute right here!! LOL <3
Date: Mar 09, 2013 02:57 am Title: Chapter 6
awww Michael will fall for her soon
Author's Response: Yep Yep & you'll see! & thanks!

Date: Mar 09, 2013 02:52 am Title: Chapter 1
BTW, I'm soo glad people recognised your talent on this story, because it really is awesome. You're a great writer msmj2013/12, whatever year XD
Author's Response: Aww thanks so much for always supporting me :) & you know how i feel about your great work too! ^_^ & yeah i have 2 missmj names Lool xD

Date: Mar 09, 2013 02:48 am Title: Chapter 6
They better fall in love! XD
This is soo good, please continue!
Author's Response: Ikr i want them 2 fall in love soon but you'll see & thanks 4 enjoying!

Date: Mar 09, 2013 02:46 am Title: Chapter 6
She should move on anyway. A girl has needs, and he obviously can't fulfill them. He don't want a relationship?...fine, but she does, so get you a man girl. Make him suffer, make him want you. Great chapter as always.
Author's Response: Ikr but knwing her she's a sucker 4 love & hard headed she still never gotten over her ex either lol watch you'll see when her ex comes in the picture to it's gonna get crazy & Michael may not want her now but he may have a change of heart soon & not gonna want her 2 be crying & misrable over her ex. That's why she hasn't moved yet cause he ex left her 4 someone else & he more likely is married now with a kid oops i spilled some out. Lol you'll see how this all goes soon. & thanks girl! More coming soon!

Date: Mar 09, 2013 01:05 am Title: Chapter 6
I love this story and this update was so good. Michael may not want to be with her right now. I bet as time flys by he will fall for her. For a minute i had thought he was when he grabbed her hand like that at the table. And big ups to you for not giving up try to keep going cause your doing a good job on this as well as your other stories.
Only leave when you really mean it cause i see that you love writing a lot. Lol
Update soon if you want. :)
Author's Response: I agree the more that time goes on he will most likely fall 4 her soon you never knw how this could turn out between them. & yeah they had one of those moments again. Lol but maybe next time they'll probably have a bigger moment u never knew ;) & thanks so much I apprecate this & yes I am trying my best. But I actully feel in love with writing this story now. It's became my favorite. & yeah I'll only leave when i actully mean it cause right now in my life between me working & runing my business I wanna dedicate my spare time 2 writing. but not just mjfiction any type of fiction that is. I enjoy writing period. I just have my bad moments when I just wanna give up on this site but never on writing. I just get discouraged on here sometimes but im a little better now & thanks again 4 reviewing & i'll be updating this soon! <3

Date: Mar 08, 2013 11:22 pm Title: Chapter 6
Hahahaha Michael loosen her up. That's a good thing cause then she be use to him and his ways.
I like his craziness he so down to earth and I can tell he may have a thing for Gaberial he is trying to fight his feelings that's growing for her. I don't he will be able to control them soon. Lol can't wait for the next chapter!
Author's Response: Yeah he did kind of opened her up cause she's been so uptight 4 so long every since she came out her old relationship you'll see how this all runs once you see more of Gabby's & Mike's pov's all will puzzle together soon. Your right i think he maybe fighting his feelings 4 her to but he just not ready 4 love right now :/ but hopefully he"l have a change of heart cause of Gabby ;) you'll see & thanks so much more coming soon!
Date: Mar 08, 2013 09:28 pm Title: Chapter 6
I hope michael gets into a relationship with her soon! I mean he cooked breakfast for her instead of just dropping and leaving her in the middle of the street! Loves this chapter!!!!
Author's Response: That's so true he could of been worse to her but he wasn't so we could he most definitly have a thing 4 her. & thanks so much more coming soon!
Date: Mar 08, 2013 09:21 pm Title: Chapter 6
Gurl, I effin love u fa dis right here. Cuz this was a good loong chapter n I loved every second of reading it. Plz plz plz update soon! :-) Thx.
Author's Response: I'm glad you enjoyed & yes more is coming soon! ^_^ & thanks!