Reviews For The Bad Cop
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Reviewer: aj102503 Signed [Report This]
Date: Mar 31, 2013 06:03 pm Title: Chapter 11

love it!

Author's Response: Thanks!

Reviewer: Sabrinamjjlove Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 31, 2013 12:13 pm Title: Chapter 11

Haha that car was a cute present! Michaels actually being sweet, omg!


Its sweet how her brother even knew about their chemistry, however Michael was setting such a bad example at times! Lol its true that if the girl acts like a bitch, she shouldnt be treated good but that could be for anyone. If a guys being a jerk then he doesnt deserve reawrds either, hint hint Badass Michael haha.


Great chapter Sweetheart. 


I can't wait for the update. XD


Much LOVE , <33

Author's Response: ikr it is cute & green :P & yeah her brother thinks Michael is cool & wanna hitch him with his sister. Lol Yep that's Michael 4 you him & his bad example's. He just believe's what he wants to believe with his cray cray self LOL & thanks girly! More is coming soon! <3 <3

Reviewer: Karoll84 Signed [Report This]
Date: Mar 31, 2013 05:15 am Title: Chapter 11

aawww i think he has to hurry b/c she can say to him that she has enough the car is so cute hihihi

Author's Response: Ikr he needs to tell her his issue already but he will soon in his own time. & ikr the car is cute :D Lol &thanks!

Reviewer: Rate Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 31, 2013 12:35 am Title: Chapter 11

Aww that's so sweet of Micheal to give her that surprise! Those car's are cute the remake of them 1930's cars.

I wish Michael will tell her already why he can't be with her. Cause Gabby is really falling for him.

Continue darling!

Author's Response: Yep them buggie's r classics & very cute & stylish & it was nice of Michael to surprise her like that. Only certain women can turn him into sugar. Lol & dnt worry he will soon at his own timing. &thanks!

Reviewer: CrazyForMikezilla Signed [Report This]
Date: Mar 30, 2013 10:08 pm Title: Chapter 11

I honestly understand why michae doesn't want to be with her right now. Hes afraid he might get his heart broken again! 

Author's Response: Exactually! & thanks!

Reviewer: mikeylover32 Anonymous [Report This]
Date: Mar 30, 2013 09:40 pm Title: Chapter 11

Dang loving it Guess what missmj2013 I added a new chapter to touched a dream just letting you knownand i think it my fav chapter continue please

Author's Response: Yep already read it lol & thanks 4 your review!

Reviewer: Sabrinamjjlove Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 26, 2013 10:20 am Title: Chapter 10

Is it a car?? Thats the first thing that came to mind since she was complaining about it ahah


I loved the chapter, the insight into Michael's past gave us a glimpse of what triggered his crazy-ass. That woman was a bitch for doing him wrong like that, smh.


I LOVE this, I can't wait for more Darling. XD , <33

Author's Response: Yep you coule be right! :P lool & the past always gotta be added cause everyone gotta reason 4 being the way they r to. & im so glad you enjoyed this chapter! More is coming soon! & thanks girly! <33

Reviewer: Bubbleses34 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 25, 2013 06:02 pm Title: Chapter 1

Wow i really like this story.  i really wanna slap Michael sometimes. like he can't treat all girls the same...he not rite. but, i like this story!!!!!!! but please check out my stories and give me some feedback. keep writing!!!!

Author's Response: Yea he has his reason behind it though but he shouldn't use his past as an excuse & thanks so much 4 enjoying this & i sure wil check out your stories! :)

Reviewer: thatmoonwalkerchickk_ Signed [Report This]
Date: Mar 25, 2013 05:50 pm Title: Chapter 10


Author's Response: Lool more is coming soon i promise! & thanks! :)

Reviewer: Karoll84 Signed [Report This]
Date: Mar 25, 2013 05:01 am Title: Chapter 10

hmmm a car? please next part i love this story

Author's Response: You maybe right & you'll see :) & thanks!

Reviewer: MikeyJackieLover Signed [Report This]
Date: Mar 25, 2013 04:24 am Title: Chapter 10

I think its a car!

Author's Response: Wow girl you maybe right. Lol but you'll see ;) & thanks!

Reviewer: NatashaRosee Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 25, 2013 01:26 am Title: Chapter 1

Happy 100th review again girlie!

Please continue, this story is a biiig success :D

You're a great writer and I'm glad you didn't quit x


Author's Response: Thanks Natasha!! :)

Reviewer: mikeylover32 Anonymous [Report This]
Date: Mar 25, 2013 01:22 am Title: Chapter 10

Dang next part

Author's Response: Yep next part be up soon! & thanks!

Reviewer: SugaCream Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 25, 2013 01:05 am Title: Chapter 10

Dang no wonder Michael don't wanna be in a relationship. Well maybe Gabby should understand if he does ever tell her way. And oooh im so curious about this surprise. Lol

Continue sis!

Author's Response: He needs to tell her i agree & you'll see ;) & thanks! XD

Reviewer: NatashaRosee Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 25, 2013 12:50 am Title: Chapter 10

Thanks for the shout out :)

I'm excited, can't wait to read more!

Author's Response: Welcomes girly & thanks! :)

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