Reviews For Give me love
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Reviewer: mjiscool Signed [Report This]
Date: Apr 04, 2013 05:54 am Title: Prologue

I the story so far

Reviewer: Suzzanna Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Apr 01, 2013 06:34 pm Title: Chapter 5

Oh way to go Michael ! I hope they see each other soon , thax for the update

Author's Response:

Haha Riight? They will ;)

thank YOU for the review!! xx

Reviewer: MikeyJackieLover Signed [Report This]
Date: Apr 01, 2013 02:37 pm Title: Chapter 5

Update soon plz!

Author's Response:

I will! :)

Reviewer: Karoll84 Signed [Report This]
Date: Apr 01, 2013 02:16 pm Title: Chapter 5

awww i hope that Michael will call her

Author's Response:

I'm sure he will ;)

Reviewer: Karoll84 Signed [Report This]
Date: Mar 30, 2013 03:44 am Title: Chapter 4

awww that was so sad but I hope Michael will choose his friend

Author's Response:

I hope so too! ;) xx

Reviewer: MJSWIFEY Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 30, 2013 02:41 am Title: Chapter 4

Oh, crap. Here she comes to ruin everything. That was strong of her to leave him, especially with  the way she feels about him. That's hard, but it's true. If he wants her he has to call her. Now, that he started to having feelings for her. Please update ASAP..

Author's Response:

Ikr! stoopid Lisa lol xD thanks for reviewing! xx

Reviewer: MJSWIFEY Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 30, 2013 02:27 am Title: Chapter 1

wow, good story.. i'm on to the next chap..

Author's Response:

Yay thanks!! :D

Reviewer: ilovemj1973 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 30, 2013 01:42 am Title: Chapter 4

I love your story please continue

Author's Response:

Thank youuu! & I will! ;)

Reviewer: BadPYT Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 30, 2013 01:02 am Title: Chapter 4

Wow, she left? Strong decision, girl! That was probably the right thing to do. I hope Michael doesn't make her wait too long. 

Author's Response:

I hope so too! ;) xx

Reviewer: BadPYT Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 30, 2013 12:58 am Title: Chapter 3

Oh gee, he kissed her! I bet it's Lisa who turns up... *Clicks next* 

Reviewer: Dri Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 29, 2013 09:13 pm Title: Chapter 4

Bianca's love for Michael is beautiful! She's not selfish and wants only happiness for Michael. Lisa does not love Michael and I hope he sees this ...
Maybe if Bianca tried dating another man Michael would get jealous and he decides to stay with Bianca.

Hanna...I love this story so much!*__* It's PERFECT!Thank you!

Author's Response:

Omg thank you so much! We'll see where this'll go ;) xx

Reviewer: Southern_cutie Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 29, 2013 06:46 pm Title: Chapter 4

girl she should have gotten in lisa's face atleast once before leaving!!!! And hopefully Michael will call

Author's Response:

Hahah maybe she should have.. Oh well.. xD I hope so too ;) thanks for reviewing! xx

Reviewer: ALLFORLOVE77 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 29, 2013 06:12 pm Title: Chapter 4

Oh God.... This is too painful!!!

Let's see what is Michael's choice going to be...

I hope you continue as soon as you can!!

Author's Response:

Wait and see. I will, I promise! :) Thanks for reviewing! xx

Reviewer: BitchesLoveMJ Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 29, 2013 06:05 pm Title: Chapter 4

You can't leave me like this girl :0!!! You have to update again, please :]. Nice chapter ;)! I knew it was Lisa.. She already irritates me >.<

Author's Response:

hihi soweee! I've already started writing on the new chapter, and I'll upload as soon as it's finished! ;) Thank you so much for your review! :D xx

Reviewer: Karoll84 Signed [Report This]
Date: Mar 27, 2013 08:04 am Title: Chapter 3

o wow karen go away you slut

Author's Response:

Hahaha wait and see ;))

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