Date: Feb 23, 2013 10:50 am Title: Chapter 1
Lol I am so a grammar Nazi when it comes to texting xD
This is good, keep going girl :)
Author's Response:
When I'm texting I don't mind, but when I'm on Facebook I always do punctuation and stuff lol! I don't know exactly why... lmao!
Thanks for the encouragement! :)
Date: Feb 23, 2013 10:49 am Title: Chapter 1
Girl, I loved this first chapter!! :D
The story sounds so awesome and it's slash! I love slash!!!
So, Michael is an out-of-the-closet guy who just befriended another weird guy on Facebook, right? And Julian is just Mike's friend and doesn't have a problem with him being gay, right? (Sorry, just asking questions...)
Anyway, I hope you continue with this story. It's going to be great! <3
Author's Response:
SLASH!!! Ahh I love it too<3 Lol! Slash is amazing, we need more slash authors!!
Lol! Yes! Exactly correct. And don't worry about it! XD
:) I will! I usually continue with every story I start; I think there was only one or two that I 'abandoned' (boo me), but yeah, most of the time I always continue :D
Thank you! Glad you think so :) <3
Date: Feb 23, 2013 08:59 am Title: Chapter 1
like it
Author's Response:
^^^^And I like THAT XD
Glad to hear you like it! Hope you like the rest of it too :)
Date: Feb 23, 2013 08:07 am Title: Chapter 1
A new story from the one and only!!!! Yes!!!
yanamania is back in full swing!!!!
Geez girl u updated four stories today!!! :O
lol Julian made me laugh but i really lmao at "i got a friend request" "good for u! U are moving up in the world!" XD idk why but it was funny lol! Guess im in one of those moods :P
Author's Response:
YANAMANIA! Omg... lol! I can't belieev I almost forgot about that amazing word.. I'm glad to be reviving it with this new story ;)
Haha! That's only because I've been away for a week and I got a lot of writing done in my spare time so I thought 'what the hell, why not update them?'
Lmao! Trust me... I know EXACTLY what mood you're talking about :P