Date: Mar 21, 2013 06:42 pm Title: Truth Be Told
And what happened with Jess?? I hope Michael didn't kill her. O_o cause he is nuts so NUTS the man needs help serious help why doesn't his family get him some mental help? If they know he is mentally not there?
Author's Response:
Lol! Remember he's famous and it wouldn't look good on his rep so it was better if they kept it to themselves rather than doing something about it
Date: Mar 21, 2013 06:03 pm Title: Truth Be Told
You know, I got beef with the family now. They apparently never called the police, he never got arrested or got any kinda help, and everybody wants to NOT say something to Lola and wait until she has sex to tell her, "don't do something he won't approve of."
What neglectful, ignorant parents. Now SHE has to reap the benefits of that.
Author's Response:
Speak the truth!
Date: Mar 21, 2013 05:43 pm Title: Truth Be Told
ohhh snap i hope jessie wont come back in the story i just want michael and lola to be if only lola will keep up this act!!!!
AS ALWAYS CONTINUE!!!!!!!!!!!! (p.s. whenis next update?) :)
Author's Response:
Thanks next updatw will be tomorrow..SPRING BREAK!!
Date: Mar 21, 2013 05:25 pm Title: Truth Be Told
Omg this chapter was amazing and i know who jessie is but lola i think im with her about faking but at the same time i think mike just need help that what ringing in my head and my chapter for why did i get married out to keep going its getting juciy
Author's Response:
Thanks so much
Date: Mar 21, 2013 05:14 pm Title: Truth Be Told
hmmmm Michael has to undrestand that she is not his
Author's Response:
Everybody tried but he just doesn't care
Date: Mar 21, 2013 05:14 pm Title: Truth Be Told
Oh hellll fucking noooo!!!!!! No wonder jessie left michael because of his crazy ass! Mike u know damn well you don't own lola.
Author's Response:
But he will neverrrrrrrr understand that
Date: Mar 21, 2013 04:59 pm Title: Truth Be Told
Lawd if this man ain't crazier than a fish with titties?!!! I mean completely batshit crazy!! Lmao hot mess! Man I wonder how long Lola is gon last before shit gets real. The next time he puts hands on her, she better fight back. Kick him in the nuts, somethin. I wonder what happened to Jessie. I know wherever she is she is glad to be away from this damn fool. Smh at him thinkin he owns somebody cuz he helped them. And now it's even worse because Lola took his virginity.. So in a way, she owns a piece of him and he's gonna make sure she's stuck with his ass because of it. I've said it before.. The puss has drove the man crazy!!!! Lol
Author's Response:
LOL! Your comments are too funny for my own good! He batshit crazy! She's most definately going to last a good minute and trust me Jessie is closer than you think
Date: Mar 21, 2013 03:52 am Title: Prologue
This story is hot, and intense xp ohh please write more.
Author's Response:
Thanks another chapter coming today
Date: Mar 20, 2013 08:49 pm Title: Confusion
Hmmm :/ Come back already.. :(
Author's Response:
Someday today it's Spring Break!!!
Date: Mar 17, 2013 05:22 am Title: Confusion
wow what a mess
Author's Response:
i know smh
Date: Mar 17, 2013 01:16 am Title: Confusion's Jessie? ..I'm shocked.
Author's Response:
She's human...that's all i'm gonna say
Date: Mar 17, 2013 01:07 am Title: Confusion
Please post more please
Author's Response:
I'll try
Date: Mar 16, 2013 07:13 pm Title: Confusion
I wonder who Jessie is. Can't waut for more.
Author's Response:
In process of being completed
Date: Mar 16, 2013 06:21 pm Title: Confusion
I need that next part asap
Author's Response:
Working on it boss
Date: Mar 16, 2013 06:12 pm Title: Confusion
Lmao this is getting crazier and crazier! Who in the hell is Jessie? Lawd Michael is crazy as hell. Can we say bipolar?? Poontang be damned. Well that's part of what ran his ass crazy, but he's definitely crazy as hell and that exacerbated it. And what is really good with Jeffrey, is he for Lola or against her?? Smh I am so damn confused. Lol. I wanna know who Jessie is though.
Author's Response:
Lola is confused as well and Jessie have to wait until the next chapter