Reviews For Night Shift
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Reviewer: RhythmChild Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: Mar 12, 2013 07:57 am Title: Trust Issues


Does she not know the art of professionalism?

When you're being kissed randomly onstage in front of thousands of people, and you're a perfectionist who wants the show not to be COMPLETELY fucked by someone else's mistake, you go along with it ONSTAGE and fire the problem AFTERWARDS!!! Dear jesus in heaven, how is this even debatable?

LIke Mike was gonna go, "Oh, yeah, I'm just gonna push her away on stage and make an even bigger scene in the media than it already is, because my girlfriend wouldn't think I loved her if I didn't push her away on the stage...."


anyway, now she needs to get her butt SAVED by Michael, the very man she doesn't want to see. Ah, life.'


Author's Response:


But sorry. There's more tragedy to come


Reviewer: Hanna_MJ Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 12, 2013 05:45 am Title: Trust Issues

Oh my... What the fuck!! Omg I hope nothing happens to her!!!! This is.. Holy crap! Please update soon! ;)

Reviewer: AppleheadJax Signed [Report This]
Date: Mar 12, 2013 03:34 am Title: Trust Issues

Fuckfuckfuck, I agree with@southern_cutie! Call batman! Or even Superman, or spiderman! 

I swear I curse too much, but still. I hate fucking drivers. Fucking kidnappers. Fucking rapists. 

I loved it though! But, the scene with Tatiana and Mike -_- Dammnn, you are good at writing, girl!

Shiniee xx

Author's Response:

Swear all you want I don't mind hahaha

Reviewer: Southern_cutie Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 12, 2013 03:24 am Title: Trust Issues

nnnnooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!! help help , call batman, call superman, call anyone just help!!!!!!!!!! *panicking*

Author's Response:

hahahahahaha I'll call aquaman.

Reviewer: thelostchild143 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 10, 2013 12:00 pm Title: Let's Get This Party Started

Wheww! XD

Reviewer: SmoothCriminal58 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 10, 2013 11:56 am Title: Let's Get This Party Started

Hahaha yeeaaahebdjedivwjebsjsbsjbekwndodbeisbso!!! Lol

Author's Response:

lolol ;)

Reviewer: Hanna_MJ Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 10, 2013 08:05 am Title: Let's Get This Party Started

I looooove ittt!!! :D

Reviewer: SmellyApplehead Signed [Report This]
Date: Mar 10, 2013 05:55 am Title: Let's Get This Party Started

Hey bew-bew (Eh...what your names really, I'm sick of callin every damn single author with their username). Your story is great, just lettin u know. I honestly can't wait to read the fallowing chapter, asap. Michael is interesting in this story and Leah is hella funny, and you know, unpredictable and what not. Well, great writes :)

Author's Response:

My name is Sydney :)

THank you! I'm so glad you like it <33

Reviewer: AppleheadJax Signed [Report This]
Date: Mar 09, 2013 11:11 pm Title: Let's Get This Party Started

I loved it! Babe, your good :-* 

Okay don't kill me if I say so, I like CYLMFM more than this :p but this is amazingly good too ^_^ 


Shiniee xx

Author's Response:

It's alright I don't hate you. I'm sure everyone has a preference aha

Reviewer: thelostchild143 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 09, 2013 10:02 am Title: She Put Her Hands, WHERE?

I'm soo sorry girl..... ): I'm here if you wanna talk, I'll cry with you.


I love you soooooo big! XD

Author's Response:

Thank you :)

Reviewer: Southern_cutie Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 07, 2013 03:43 am Title: She Put Her Hands, WHERE?

I'm so sorry for your loss!!! with every cloudy day is a rainbow ready to appear!!!!!

Author's Response:

Hope so <3

Thank you very much :)

Reviewer: SmoothCriminal58 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 06, 2013 01:14 pm Title: She Put Her Hands, WHERE?

Oh my god... Im so sorry about your aunt! My regards... :'( but this really was an excellent chapter, thanks a ton! cant wait for the next one... again, wish your family well from me, and take care! =)

Author's Response:

Thank you, that's very sweet <3

And I'm glad you liked it :)

Reviewer: Hanna_MJ Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 06, 2013 09:48 am Title: She Put Her Hands, WHERE?

Awww my deepest condolences! But I'm glad you're back! I love this chapter!! "Open mouth, insert new jaw cause I have no idea where mine went" hahahah love it!!! <3

Author's Response:

Thank you, very much <3

I'm glad you liked it :))

Reviewer: SmoothCriminal58 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 05, 2013 12:47 pm Title: Wakey Wakey

WRITE. ANOTHER. CHAPTER. U R TORURING ME!!!! lol really tho plz plz plz??

Author's Response:

yes mam <3

Reviewer: Karoll84 Signed [Report This]
Date: Mar 05, 2013 09:34 am Title: Wakey Wakey

aaww they so sweet together

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