Reviews For One More Chance
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Reviewer: MJluvr12many Signed [Report This]
Date: Feb 21, 2014 11:50 am Title: Ain't No Sunshine


Reviewer: MJluvr12many Signed [Report This]
Date: Feb 21, 2014 11:33 am Title: Ain't No Sunshine

Okaaay... (Drawn out sigh) lol

Author's Response:

LOL! If it helps, I'm writing chapter 1 right now!

Reviewer: MJluvr12many Signed [Report This]
Date: Feb 21, 2014 11:17 am Title: Discontinued


Author's Response:

Oh, I'm sorry sweetie! Please don't be sad, these two will be back and better than before!

Reviewer: PeacePunkNirvana Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Feb 09, 2014 05:27 am Title: Cry

Oh...I hope she comes back, because I hate when Michael's sad :( I like this story ^_^ please continue!

Reviewer: xosweetseducingsighsxo Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Feb 08, 2014 11:44 pm Title: Cry

Ria! You dedicated this chapter to me?! Oh my goodness! Thank you :') and whaaaa!!! Mariaaaaa!!!! *sings sadly* why girl, why?! Damn Frank...Imma kill his behind. I hope she comes back... And makes Michael happy


And I hope you continue! <3 I love this story!! 

Reviewer: Michaelsbaby Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 24, 2013 08:28 am Title: Don't let it get you down.

What the fuck oh shit oh shit oh shit,continue stop playing continue

Author's Response:

Lol déjà vu! I shall update soon x 

Reviewer: Michaelsbaby Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 21, 2013 06:40 pm Title: Morphine

Awww that was cute, continue please

Author's Response:

A brand spanking new chaper is up! Thanks for your review sweetie x

Reviewer: pinkyinthebrain Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Nov 21, 2013 09:45 am Title: Morphine

OMG..Tatiana is soooo lucky Maria didn't die! Whoo, I'm happy. I would've killed her lol xD please please please update soon! I really love this story! <3

Author's Response:

Thank you so much for reviewing! There's a new chapter up! Enjoy x


Reviewer: Michaelsbaby Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 21, 2013 03:03 am Title: She's out of my life.

What the fuck oh shit oh shit oh shit,continue stop playing continue

Author's Response:

Your wish is my command! Chapter 19 is up! Thanks for reading and reviewing x

Reviewer: AppleheadJax Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Nov 17, 2013 07:37 am Title: She's out of my life.

Oh oh oh... I have no words... I like the chasing idea, I loved it when that happened, but omfg, the drama. This is so sad.... 

She's upset about his fucking hand on her back? Oh, girl, Maria... There's more shit in this. Mike better fire Tatiana's ass before I jump in to the story and get my hands on her bony slutty ass. 

:| you can't do this, Ria. Not to ME!

Update soon... Until then.

Author's Response:

My dear Shiniee, never underestimate the power that the smallest gestures have between lovers, to an outsider it may seem like nothing but when you're in the thick of it, that small gesture can mean so much. Food for thought :)

I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter, at least I hope you did ;) thank you for sticking by me. I have so much love and respect for you as a writer, co-author and most importantly, a friend x

Reviewer: MikeyJackieLover Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 21, 2013 06:36 am Title: Street Walker

Update soon.

Author's Response:

I shall :D Thanks for reading x mwah x

Reviewer: AppleheadJax Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 20, 2013 08:27 am Title: Street Walker

Fuckkkk Ria!!!!!! HOW COULD YOU DO THAT?!!!! Firstly, you don't update , and then when you do , you give me THIS?!!!!! OMFG I'll start crying . Noooooooo I hate Tatiana for doing that , even though I like her a lot in real. Ouff dumbass move Tatiana. Ugh she makes me sooo angry.


Ohh and the sex scene tho lol! That was awesome. We need more authors like you!!!

Author's Response:

Thank you so much sweetie x I hope my next chapter gives you similar reactions XD

Reviewer: BestOfJoy Anonymous [Report This]
Date: Sep 19, 2013 07:10 pm Title: Street Walker

Ria you and that sex scene. YOU BLEW ME AWAY....

Author's Response:

Thank you for reviewing T x and I think it was Maria doing the blowing XD

I'll have a new update for you soon. 

Reviewer: AppleheadJax Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Apr 08, 2013 05:31 am Title: Wanna Be Startin' Something

I loved it! You should have seen my face when I read the girls name :P lmao thank u soooo much love<3 I love you.

Author's Response:

You're very welcome!

Reviewer: Sky_Allyi Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 22, 2013 05:58 am Title: 2000 Watts

Okay So Sheryl is Cool With Them Being Together, I Wonder How Tatiana Gone Feel??? -________-

Author's Response:

Sheryl is happy  because she knows Michael isn't messing Maria around and they're in love :)

Tatiana will be a completely different story....stay tuned! :) 

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