Reviews For World Of Favors
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Reviewer: Rate Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 24, 2013 07:54 pm Title: Childish


I rate and review anyone's story cause i enjoy doing it. I have so much reading all differen't plots and leaving my thoughts behind.

It don't matter for me even if the story isn't popular i'll read and review. If sometimes i don't have time to review i be sure to leave my ratings and then come back later to review. That's how i do it.

And this site being complete fuckery with favorite groups and picks on here. It just don't make sense.

I try to ignore the kiddie stuff that goes on up here but it's hard not to pay attention to it cause it happens on here to many times.

I like this a lot but they gotta get there shit together up here.

Author's Response:

Thank You So Much! Cause Thats Exactly My Point! ANd For The 'Nerds' Who Dont Get Reviews...People Could Like Leave A Comment And Be Like "Hey, I like This But Next Time Check On The Grammar Or Dont Write So Fast, Jut A Few Tips But Overall Its A Great Story :)" Something That Will Make The AUthor Feel Better Within Themselves!

Reviewer: Rate Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 24, 2013 07:47 pm Title: Bad Part 2

Awwwww i really see that they do deserve eachother at the end of the day. Maybe there hearts really do belong to eachother. Inspite of the age difference Michael is still legally grown if he is 18 or over 21. I wanna see her divorce Freddy so she could be with Michael cause that's who she seems to wanna be with.

Can't help who fall for.

I loved this chapter darling!

Author's Response:

Awwwww Thank You!

Reviewer: Rate Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 24, 2013 07:44 pm Title: Bad

FUCK FREDDY!! I hope someone beats his ass just for doing that to her. All he had to do was pack his shit and leave then. Dumb ass duchebitch!

I want Michael to whoop his ass just for that. That's cool and it don't matter rather Candace cheated or not. Fuck outta here Freddy that's why Michael is hotter you :P lol

I enjoyed this chapter darling!

Author's Response:

Lol Im Making A New One As We Speak Girly! Hope You Continue To Enjoy!

Reviewer: michaelfan90 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 24, 2013 06:35 am Title: Childish

I love everyone on this site. I tell people constantly,  that if they need a friend, all they have to do is write me. Im sad to see all this negative energy on a site where love is suppose to take over. I read a review where a girl just lashed out at a author for no reason, she even told her that she takin her off her favorites. That was just wrong. I don't understand the problem here. We are suppose to be authors. We are not getting paid to write, we are not winning awards, this is for Michael.  Reviews are nice and all but they are not the main thing, and if people make it the main thing, then they are at the wrong place. I don't read slash stories but im not gonna down the author for it. Their story their way. I see a lot of talent on this site, like your story world of flavors, I don't review like I should and I apologize.  Sometimes I don't have time to read and review. Things will change. Every author should sit in their room and listen to man in the mirror. By the way, I hated cliques in school, thats why I was friends with everybody. Cheerleaders and all. But I would put people in their place if they treated others wrong in my face. If need be, ill do the same here. Thanks for making people realize all this hun. We mj fans need to stick together, not compete. And I will do my part by making more time to support yall more.

Author's Response:

Thank you for agreeing!: I just think it's getting pretty ridiculous! And your Right reviews aren't all That because at the end were not getting nothing Lol. I think Michael would Be soooooooooooooooooo disappointed 

Reviewer: BanananCreamPie Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 24, 2013 03:08 am Title: Childish

I don't like the mj fas fighting i think it's so mean and a waste of time to arguing for stuidest things i feel we all should get along for the sake of mj he would be so upset at us for fighting over silly things like fanfics it's not like we are getting paid for this or anything

but it's still about respect and we should always carry a certain amount of respect to eachother.

the people on here could be so mean and rude and competive with doing popular stories and a bunch of updates in one day so they could get reviews and pats on there backs.

We should always write cause love MJ this is no contest of whose the best author

It's not nice we is suppose to have and celebrate Michael's life through our writing

I don't see no celebration over mj :( all want popularty and all is seperrate groups im in the nerd group i ask all my favorite authors to comment my story for support they did on first chapter but after my recent chapters they never commented no more :( i still enjoy writing reguardless though even if they don't like my happy mj story it's a fun story you should read it.

It's called stoners please check it out it will make you laugh this site needs funny warm fussy stuff to besides the crime drama plots and things like that.

I'm more of a humor person and is that a bad thing? I'm even making Michael a power ranger in my newest sorry soon.

Thank you had fun chatting with you and i m looking foword to the next chapter this story is amazing :)

Author's Response:

Thank you looooooooove! I know what you mean! THAT'S WHAT IT'S ALL ABOUT!!!!We need something different here! I hate it When people say. "She stealing my plot" And the story is the same Michael gets a high School Girl pregnant!  Bitch take a fucking cause MILLIONS have your same plot

Reviewer: missmj2013 Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 23, 2013 09:39 pm Title: Childish

I think some female finds it sexy for Michael to be with a another man i personally in opinion dnt think so I mean i'll support there work but doesn't mean ima find it hot that michael has a boyfriend he screwing up the ass & i have no problems with gays either it's just that i really can't picture Michael allover a man like that. & the problem he was already acused as gay & being a pedo so anyway they still wanna write about it right after he's been through those terrible acusations enough ppl be hating on this poor man as it is calling him gay,weirdo,freak, they'll say things like i hope he's burning in hell all types of hatful things towards michael & i read these on youtube comments & differen't websites they talk so horrible about him so if they were to see the the slash stories on here they would deffo believe michael was a pedo they say it all the time on youtube I feel & believe he never touched no little boys & can't believe still til this day there still calling him a pedo. But what can we do we all got haters some how. But Michael haters are really out there though. & i wish one day everyone will support eachother on here tho i appreciate the little reviews i get to & i always make sure to answer back when I can I dnt wanna be one of those rude authors who asks for feedback but then don't take the time to thank them 4 leaving a review because my head is to big to reply that. It's like if you got the time to ask for reviews then you must got some time to reply to the reviews that you recived that's how I see it tho. Lol I think I'm spamming up your wall page LOOL xD

Author's Response:

Lol Girl you good

Reviewer: missmj2013 Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 23, 2013 09:14 pm Title: Introduction

& yeah an author i been writing from my other account missmj2012 for like a year now & damn I go through hell getting some love 4 my work it's sad cause im always asking ppl to check it out & then i earn like 2 fans at a time they'll comment 4 awhile & then stop & automatically makes me think I'm doing something wrong cause they dnt say anything & it's funny I see those same readers reviewing on the really popular stuff so they be like giving up on me half time all cause the chapter wasn't eventful enough I'm guessing but get this whenever I post a note up saying I'm leaving then everyone starts to pop up that I've never seen before ever comment on my stuff they be like don't quit please but I'm like where the hell did y'all cam from?? 0.0 so suddenly the silent one's speaks up including the one's that gives up on me they come when i say I'm gonna quit like da fuck does that make any sense?? U finally speak up when i wanna leave but when i continue you still not suportting & that really pisses me off cause I dnt do that ppl up here cause i know how that feels. If I can't catch up on ppl's work cause I'm busy I eventually do when I have time off or I'll leave reminder review letting them know that i'll catch up soon I'm very considerate like that I wish other's on this site was like that. But sadly:/ they not cuz they dnt give dnt care especially the big authors. There's one big author that favorited me as there favorite author & get this they never read my stories or comment but i always comments on her's maybe she think she's 2 good 2 comment on my stuff cause she's just to popular or she's an in the closet fan of mines & just to emarressed to read my stuff like wtf is up here ass?? You add me as your favorite author but don't wanna comment my work? & i commened on basically all her stories isn't that a damn shame?! So I'm like fuck it im not gonna comment on her stuff anymore & be an ass kisser. & i see what u did that author saw your comment & snubbed you cause of course she is a big author & arrogent see this why i don't like reviewing the popular authors stories cause there attitudes r stanky & they have enough of support as it is what more they want us to bow down like Beyonce's song bow down bitches. Hell noo LOL

Author's Response:

Lol I appreciate my little reviews I get cause I work hard But people Be emailing me to do something like a slash story and I'M like "Ummmmmmmmmm ain't nobody got time for (That" lol but forreal 

...I don't like slash, I was raised not to support it and I find it disw respectful to Mike, no offense to anyone. Just my opinion. These people need to learn hoto support one another 

Reviewer: missmj2013 Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 23, 2013 08:43 pm Title: Childish

& I gotta another bone to pick LOOL fakes phony ppl i won't say no names but it's true I've asked a few big authors to check my stories out before & they never did like there to good for me & there shit dnt stank &I'm sitting up here being a loyal fan to them & they dnt wanna take 2 minutes out of there time 2 check my stuff out psh please I"ll tell ya fake ppl r up here some reviewers r fake to like really the'll only read your story if it's popular with ton's of reviews & if you got a creepy plot or something with sex & stuff in it but if it's cool low key story then it's like eww you ain't getting our love will just scroll down to the next & certain reviewers & authors i won't say no names they just continue to comment one the paticualar stuff not the nerdy or outsider stuff it's a damn shame cause everyone deserves a chance in anything they do in life & like I said before we love MJ we all do but don't support eachother that's sum ole dumb butt shit right there Lool ok I'm letting lose tonight cause I'm so tired & I needed to vent thank youuuu so much 4 posting this &@cali_Santana I deffo agree with u girl to!

Author's Response:

Lol she tells it like it is and I know what you mean. I asked my favorite author to think about cowriing with me homegirl didnt even answer me! So I was like Well Fuck you too you, shit!

Reviewer: missmj2013 Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 23, 2013 08:31 pm Title: Childish

You told nothing but the truth girl preach! I'm like a middle class writer up here no joke I'm lucky if i get them most time barely no support but i keep going sometimes i just wanna give this whole mfics thing up cause i feel im wasting my time & energy on something that no one will appreciate all cause everyone is in dumb butt clique's like you said. You remind of shellappe she mentions this stuff all the time you should read her notes she'll have you cracking up & agreeing with her & you real just like her. I'm glad you express this & not pretending that everything is all gravy on here like most of them think up here we need another person to speak up. & your so right this site is suppose to be a dedication to Michael so wtf?? Is ppl's problem we all suppose to be having fun & supporting eachother but this site poorly lacks that. I don't get it i can't even with this site sometimes. I try my hardest to stay here & I'm only staying on this site cause number 1 I love mj & he wouldn't like any of his fans fighting or being dumb butt clique's it's really retarted & so highschool. Number 2 is cause a few ppl i knw on this site that's i why i don't leave. But if it comes up to that i'll delete all my dumb shitty stories that's not considered with higher upper authors save them all the fame & time & save me some time on wasting my energy on writing that ppl won't pay attention to I dealt with that to long & I'm really getting fed up with it. Ppl up here act like they shit dnt stink it's all gravy but really it's not I met a lot of ppl who left this site cause of the immature & ignorance up here. But anyway I like your stories & hope u can continue if this site doesn't drive u up the wall cause i dnt blame you one bit this all is BS I dnt wanna be apart of no stanky clique's on here it's not worth it. It makes ppl seem s arrogent on here especially the big authors that barely shows no love to lower one's maybe they should be nice & shed some light one the one's with barely no reviews cause at the end of the damn day we all r writing about mj in differen't ways but no matter how you look at it it's still all mj stuff so idk why everyone is so seperated on here it's stupid & i'll never get it.

Author's Response:

And That's Real! Giiiirl They just so ignorant it's ridiculous!  I'M gonna have to check her out one day and Thank youa. And I didn't know you were a author!

Reviewer: mikeylover32 Anonymous [Report This]
Date: Mar 23, 2013 08:28 pm Title: Childish

Dang you just spoke the truth

Author's Response:

I had to get it off my Chest lol

Reviewer: Cali_Santana Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 23, 2013 08:24 pm Title: Childish

THANK YOUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!! People on here be tripping sometimes and its about time that someone said something about it like jesus we all suppose to be here becuase we love Michael not to tear down other people and their stories like that shit annoys the hell out of me. I've seen people supporting the 'cheerleaders' and not even giving the 'nerds' a chance to recieve some positive feedback on their stories because they already have stories that their reading and they don't want to give someone else a chance. The 'nerds' can't even work their way up to the 'cheerleaders' because these damn silent readers....FUCK I'M AGGRAVATED

Author's Response:

Exact!!!! It's ridiculous girl

Reviewer: Karoll84 Signed [Report This]
Date: Mar 23, 2013 05:30 am Title: Bad Part 2

wow hot part in the end

Author's Response:

Lol and Thanks for the review!

Reviewer: Rate Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 22, 2013 07:06 pm Title: Bad Part 2

Candace darling drop that zero husband of yours and get you a hero like Michael.

Age ain't nutting but a number remember that you two!

I will be both of yours cheerleaders so yall could get married and have 15 babies. Lmao :P

Waves my pom pom's in the air.

GO GO Michael GO GO Candace!

Author's Response:

*Michael and Candace ARE Laughing *

Reviewer: Rate Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 22, 2013 07:02 pm Title: Bad Part 2

I loved this a lot darling!!! Michael needs to hurry up and wife her up!


Author's Response:

Thank you Lol!

Reviewer: CrazyForMikezilla Signed [Report This]
Date: Mar 22, 2013 05:24 pm Title: Bad Part 2

Lmaoo mike your a damm freak !! Lol but what i told you michael loves eating pussy got damn ! >.>

Author's Response:

You were Right Girl!!!

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