Reviews For Holiday One Shots
Reviewer: mjlifemate58 Anonymous [Report This]
Date: Apr 05, 2015 11:30 am Title: Michael And Kayla's Easter
Author's Response: thanks
Date: Apr 05, 2015 11:30 am Title: Michael And Kayla's Easter
Awww!!! Too cute! I love it, I don;t even have a favorite part but I do like the part about drawing on mj face! lol
Author's Response: thanks
Reviewer: KOP77 Signed [Report This]
Date: Apr 05, 2015 08:25 am Title: Michael And Kayla's Easter
Author's Response: thanks pooh
Date: Apr 05, 2015 08:25 am Title: Michael And Kayla's Easter
Happy Easter! Adorable story!
Author's Response: thanks pooh
Reviewer: Gabby7 Signed [Report This]
Date: Dec 26, 2014 04:56 pm Title: Michael And Kayla's Christmas Story
Author's Response: We celebrate Christmas and hang out thanks for the review also review my new stories Little Things and Jackson knows best
Date: Dec 26, 2014 04:56 pm Title: Michael And Kayla's Christmas Story
Hmmmm, so what happens when they pick up Janet and Tito from the airport?
Author's Response: We celebrate Christmas and hang out thanks for the review also review my new stories Little Things and Jackson knows best
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