Reviews For Meant To Be
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Reviewer: Michaela Josephine Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 06, 2015 09:43 pm Title: Lust

You are amazing. I love this.

Reviewer: Redone Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 06, 2015 09:30 pm Title: Disarray

Not taking her calls makes me wonder just how into her he is. He seems to want what he's missing, but when he isn't missing her and she's missing him, it's a different story. Pft.

Reviewer: Redone Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Dec 12, 2014 10:41 pm Title: Stay With Me

This is so good, please update soon!

Reviewer: Redone Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Dec 12, 2014 09:25 pm Title: Love

They waited 10 months 0_0

Reviewer: Redone Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Dec 12, 2014 06:55 am Title: Plunge

I'm melting. I love this story. My one gripe is that you skipped that period. I wanted to "watch" their first date!

Author's Response:

I know. I'm sorry. I wrote the first few chapters one day while I was bored. It just poured out of me and I summarized a lot of the story. It was suppose to be six chapters in all so I didn't put a lot of love into it in the beginning. It was suppose to be short and sweet. I'm thinking of expanding it a little longer now.  


If you like long stories, check out some of my other stories; i'm kinda known for long chapters. Lol. 

Reviewer: Redone Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Dec 11, 2014 10:39 pm Title: Lust

I love this story already. You are excellent at portraying interactions and creating tension.

Author's Response:

Thank you so much! I appreciate that. I'm glad you are enjoying the story!

Reviewer: Redone Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Dec 11, 2014 10:22 pm Title: Friendship

Great start! I'm hoping by shorter, you mean 100,000+ words  ;)



Reviewer: DaizyfreeMJJ Signed [Report This]
Date: Apr 14, 2013 12:05 am Title: Love

Ohh my goodness. This story has got me SHOED IN!! LOVE IT! I'm a definate stick-to fan, now. Super glad I gave this story a chance! Please post more!

Reviewer: MissA1485 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 10, 2013 05:22 am Title: Plunge

I love how he didn't give up on her and overcame his shyness. Especially the part when he chased her out of the building, so romantic!!! So now they are dating, yes!! I hope they make it!!! Love it!! Great chapter, Gigi

Reviewer: ilovemj1973 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 08, 2013 02:32 pm Title: Plunge

I love this can't wait for more:-)

Reviewer: ilovemj1973 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 08, 2013 02:32 pm Title: Plunge

I love this can't wait for more:-)

Reviewer: lashai01 Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 08, 2013 01:00 pm Title: Plunge

You have a reader in me...please continue! I like where this is going.

Reviewer: MissA1485 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Dec 30, 2012 08:26 am Title: Lust

LOL Poor Stephanie. She was getting on Michael's nerves. And Yay!! Melanie is back...I could see they are both relunctant to act out on their feelings but when the feelings are strong nothing could hold them in. I can't wait to read what happens next.

Loved it, Gigi as always...


Reviewer: SmellyApplehead Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Dec 29, 2012 06:15 pm Title: Friendship

Two shy persons who falling for each other, but they could not tell each other their feelings. Ouch, damn it. Btw I like Melanie, she kept it professional. And...stephanie and Melanie's friends tho...nevermind.

Reviewer: SmellyApplehead Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Dec 29, 2012 05:37 pm Title: Friendship

I love this already ! :)

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