Reviews For Shedding Masks
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Reviewer: ThrillerEraSlave Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 12, 2013 04:28 am Title: Chapter 9

Damn, Titty is such a bitch lol

Author's Response:

Lol! I'll never got over the Titty thing... :P

Reviewer: NatashaRosee Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 12, 2013 03:04 am Title: Chapter 9

Grr, Tilly.

She's annoying.

Hope you update soon cuz I liked this chapter! lol

Author's Response:

Lol! I'll try to update as soon as I can! Glad you liked it! :D

Reviewer: Eltoie Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 12, 2013 01:56 am Title: Chapter 9

Awh...! I actually hoped Trixie was still out there waiting for Michael to leave. It's just so funny when she's chasing him around! XD 

Anyway, hope that if Tilly gets to know Michael better, she'll change her mind. Or else, I'll moonwalk up and down on both her and Marilyn's ass. Mwhahaha! I'm soooo evil! 

Great chapter girl! <3

Author's Response:

LMAO! That would have been really creepy but seriously funny at the same time XD Haha!

Lol! You might be moonwalking a lot on people's ass' throughout this story :P

Thank you!

Reviewer: jacksonfan Signed [Report This]
Date: Jan 12, 2013 01:50 am Title: Chapter 9

Oh poor Michael. He will think she wants to be friend with him but she just wants to use him for being with freak Marilyn.

But she will turn him into a little delinquent and I really feel that she won't resist to the new Michael. She will realise that Michael is so much better than Marilyn, even if he had to be turned into a badass for this...

Author's Response:

Michael's definitely going to have it rough for a little while; hopefully he'll end up getting the girl before Marilyn :P

Reviewer: Pytinhercloset Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 12, 2013 12:33 am Title: Chapter 9


mike u gettin PLAYED!!!!!

girl, why u got so many damn barrels in ur stories!?

hahaha jks i love it 


this will be VERY interesting!


Author's Response:

Haha! I can't help myself. Every story needs a good barrel ;)

Haha! Glad you like it! :D

Ba da ba ba ba... ur lovin' it ;)

Lmao, wtf... sorry, I couldn't help myself; I had to add that. I saw this Adam Lambert dictionary and it had all of these weird words and one of the was... McAdam : An over the top hamburger. lol! I've been thinking about it all day; that's why I just had the urge to type it.




Reviewer: Eltoie Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 06, 2013 12:34 pm Title: Chapter 8

Hmm... I was thinking about the love triangle which you mentioned in the end notes, when I came to realize this: Love trianlge: Michael wants Tilly, Tilly wants Marilyn, Marilyn wants... wait that should be Michael. Not a triangle right? Haha, the thought of Marilyn having hots for Mikey...! XD 

Author's Response:

HAHAHAHHAHAHAH! Oh God... that would be a bit of a twist wouldn't it?

It's probably why Marilyn hasn't killed Michael yet O.O

Hah, kidding! :P

Okay, it's a love... crescent? A love line? haha Idk :P


Reviewer: NatashaRosee Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 06, 2013 03:39 am Title: Chapter 8

Tilly grimaced. “Ew, don’t do that again; it reminds me of Michael.

Haha, made me laugh!

Can't wait for next installment :)

Author's Response:

Haha glad you got a giggle out of it! :D

:) Thanks! I'll try and update it soon :D

Reviewer: Pytinhercloset Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 06, 2013 02:57 am Title: Chapter 8

Oh TILLY! Why?! Poor michael. 

Its official, marilyn is a barrel! 

And i dont want tilly in affiliation with the barrels! XD


Author's Response:

Poor Michael :'( Not gunna be easy...

LMAO! Screw those fahking barrels! ;)

We have to bring her back don't we? We don't need any more barrels...


Reviewer: Eltoie Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 06, 2013 02:42 am Title: Chapter 8

I'll be much calmer now in my review, since Marilyn didn't harm Mikey. ;)

Anyways, that's indeed a love triangle...! I don't think Marilyn is the type of guy who would take a relationship seriously. Tilly's gonna get it hard!

Hmm... so Michael is already in love with Tilly? Or does he really only want her forgiveness? I wanna know! :3

Please continue! <3 

Author's Response:

Haha! I guess I'll be able to predict your reviews now...

No violence towards Mikey: it's all good.

Violence towards Mikey : O.O


He feels attracted, but he needs her to give him some respect before she gives him anything else ;)



Reviewer: jacksonfan Signed [Report This]
Date: Jan 06, 2013 01:42 am Title: Chapter 8

How can Tilly prefer Marylin to Michael?!! But she doesn't seem to be the romantic kind of girl so I can understand...

Well if Michael wants her, he has to learn to be a hardcore boy...Poor Mike...It will be sexy but kind of frightenning too...I wonder how far he will go for her and how this love triangle will evolve?With Marylin, being a part of it, it could be dangerous.

Author's Response:

Haha Tilly needs a bit of a reality check ;)

Michael will have to make a few changes... :P

Reviewer: ThrillerEraSlave Signed [Report This]
Date: Jan 06, 2013 12:13 am Title: Chapter 1

Haha okay x) guuuuurl, you are gonna LOVE the next chapter on Ours. You're finna be like Omg! :O . Ours is the longest story I've done :)

Author's Response:

I like every chapter of Ours don't you worry! :D yay! Good job! It's great I honestly love it! I don't know why but I love stories about pregnancy... haha! :P I just think they're interesting :D I can't wait for it! XD

Reviewer: ThrillerEraSlave Signed [Report This]
Date: Jan 05, 2013 11:02 pm Title: Chapter 1

Yeah use it xD

Author's Response:

Lol yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees! Hahah! I'll mention you when I use it though k? :D it's only fair! Haha! :)

Reviewer: MichaeliciousMJfan Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 05, 2013 10:32 pm Title: Chapter 8

Tilly.... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! LIKE MICHAEL! LIKE MICHAEL! NOT MARILYN! Poor Mikey, he'll get her though, I know he will. I believe in you Michael! you can get any gurl you want you sexy mofo!

Author's Response:

Hahahaha! In reality he could get anybody he wanted! Here, at the deliquents school... it's a tad different ;)

Haha! yes, let's all have faith in Mikey! XD

He is a sexy mofo. :P Sexy beast

Reviewer: Dreamer102 Signed [Report This]
Date: Jan 05, 2013 09:44 pm Title: Chapter 8

Aawww poor Michael :( All he wanted to do was say sorry and be nice about it. In all realities, he needs to move. First cause he should focus on grades and keeping good, second cause he doesn't need any more bad influences and those girls were kinda booty wipes, and third there's a chance Tilly might try to use Michael to get Marilyn. I don't trust them but I don't trust too many people in all this *scratchs head* Michael shouldn't have to change who he is to he a girl so he just needs to stay away from her, no matter how much he thinks he likes her. Cause really he's only liking her cause she looks the best in the school and that's not exactly accomplishing much considering its a delinquent school of people you should try to avoid if you're trying to turn your life around.  

Author's Response:

Haha! I'm writing the story and I don't even trust any of the characters other than Michael! lmao! Like you said, it's a school for deliquents. If Michael ahd seen her at a normal school he probably would have by passed her because she'd be at the bottom with all of the druggie losers :P

He's going to have a hard time being a model student if he starts chasing after Tilly XD

Reviewer: ThrillerEraSlave Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 05, 2013 09:19 pm Title: Chapter 8

Lmao! Tilly aka Titty is such a bitch here lol

Michael should DEFIANTLY be a hardcore bad boy. That would be sexy. ;)

Haha, continueeee :) 

Author's Response:

LMAO! Omj! Girl can I use that? Tilly = Titty thing? That's so funny! Please let me use it! Pretty please *gets down on knees and begs* Please... lol!

Hehe you're going to like the rest if you like hardcore badboys ;)

:D I will! :)))

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