Date: Feb 23, 2013 07:56 am Title: Chapter 14
Ahhhhhh shits not good!!!
will Michael be subject to torture?
and once again i ask: will it involve the sacrafice of a small goat?
still waitin on that... ;)
Author's Response:
Mmm... not exactly 'torture' but he won't appreciate it
Hahaha! if it's going to involve the sacrifice of anything it would be puppies, because according to the rumors Marilyn Manson killed puppies at his concerts, so yes, it would have to be the sacrifice of a puppy.
Aren't rumors fun?? ;)
Date: Feb 23, 2013 07:53 am Title: Chapter 14
:O whooooaaa... okay, i'm a little scared to figure out what marilyn has in mind for michael. i mean... he's not going to kill him... but it'll probably make michael WANT to kill himself. that's my guess. poor mikey :(
Author's Response:
Omg don't worry! It won't be as bad as what he did to Blaze (obviously, I mean who can top murder?) BUT it will hurt Michael a lot, I will say that, and it'll end up hurting someone else too... I'm sure you can guess who that 'someone else' may be ;)
Date: Feb 15, 2013 09:56 am Title: Chapter 13
Ahhh shit...
WHAT will Marilyn do?!?!
i cant tell! Lol cant wait though!
lol i love how Marilyn starts a convo and then Twiggy talks about a girl and they both just stop and appreciate her lol!
"mm,dat ass!" XD
lol yep im definitely feelin your excitment :P
Author's Response:
Haha you'll see ;)
Hahaha! Well c'mon, it's so true though! I mean, when a hot guy walks by it's like notihng else it relevant...
"So yeah I got these shoes at-"
"Hold on, hot blonde."
*stares until guy is gone*
"Anyway, I got the shoes at..."
^^Every time. XD
Yes! Happy EXTREMELY LATE Valentines day! Sorry it took me forever to reply :P lol! You know why though ;)
Date: Feb 14, 2013 04:55 pm Title: Chapter 13
Daaaaamn, lol
I wanna see em fight man! x)
& Dang, that sucks for you, taking exams all week >.<
HAPPY VALENTINES DAY! :D it's my brothers birthday on V Day x)
Author's Response:
Haha, don't worry, this is why I'm so excited for the next chapters because there'll be a lot of that ;)
BTW, was that pun the whole "Fight fight fight fight" thing, because Marilyn Manson has a song called 'The Fight Song' (very orginal title) and in it he sings;
Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!
Lol XD That was the first thing I thought of when I saw the comment.
Thank you! You too! And Happy Birthday to your brother!
And yes, the exams sucked. Especially the History one which was about the History of France, like seriously, I barely know the History of Canada (mostly because my teacher doesn't teach us ANY history)
Date: Feb 14, 2013 04:22 pm Title: Chapter 13
On Michael you are not bad geez! He's gonna get himself killed holy crap *face palm* Ugh he makes my blood pressure go up xD
Author's Response:
HAHA! "Michael you're not bad!" lol I loved that; he likes to think he is though ;)
Date: Feb 14, 2013 11:13 am Title: Chapter 13
I'm agree, Michael is playing a real dangerous card with the sex tape. Marilyn will be more than upset and the two girls will be seen too. It will probably hurt them.
But like Eltoie, I'm in hurry to see the reaction of Marilyn when the school will see his tape...Tilly's reaction will be good too I guess.
Author's Response:
Oooh, the reaction... there'll be mixed reactions with the tape being broadcasted throughout the school I can tell you that ;)
Date: Feb 14, 2013 10:32 am Title: Chapter 13
Oh no... Michael is digging his own grave... and what about the girls in the video? They're gonna be hurt too. I know that everything will end badly, but I can't wait for it. Action! ;D
Great update, can't wait 'till the next one! <3
Author's Response:
Haha! ACTION! And drama will soon follow... ;D
Thank you! :)
Date: Feb 14, 2013 10:11 am Title: Chapter 13
okay, he's dead. bye michael, i'll be at your funeral. oh my, he's going to get killed!1!! marilyn seems so protective of his tapee! lol1 And omg, the end of this chapter had me laughing "ass" "you wanna kiss it?" lol! best line EVER! Too bad about the exams :( that must seriously suck!
Author's Response:
Haha! Well, he's not going to like the aftermath... but someone else might *hint hint* ;)
Ugh, the exams sucked. I had my History one today, seriously, it was 11 pages of 'WTF is this' lol! When I handed it in the teacher looked at it and saw all the blanks and he's like "You didn't answer these questions" and I was like "I didn't answer a lot of questions." Haha he was like "Fair enough" XD
No but yeah, I failed.
Date: Feb 09, 2013 01:45 am Title: Chapter 12
Michael wants to play a joke on Marilyn? He wants to die or what? lol. I really want to know what he will do...
You were in Paris? So how did you find the capital of my country? I hoped you enjoyed it :)
Author's Response:
Lol! We sha'll see...
I LOVED it! It's so nice there! Waaaay different from ANYWHERE in Canada, but I've come to the realisation that Canada and France are pretty different when it comes to that kinda stuff :P But the one thing that freaked me out was that around l'Arc de Triomph there's like, this big roundabout (I think it's called l'Etoile) and there are like, 12 roads that attach onto it! That's the biggest roundabout I've EVER seen! lol! But the scary part is that there aren't any lanes and people just GO! Like, it's every man for himself in that thing. Lol! I would NEVER drive in that thing. Ever. Haha! I'm sure you know what I mean ;)
Date: Feb 07, 2013 07:55 pm Title: Chapter 12
I dont even know anymore.... Michael smh. That stomach hurting? THATS PAYBACK FROM THE MATH GOD! PRAY TO THE MATH GOD MICHAEL! USE THE TOOLS OF GRAPHING CACLUATORS AND FORMULA CHARTS. O THE SYNTAX, THE SYNTAX!!! *clears throat* This is not going to turn out well....not at all
Author's Response:
HAHAHA! I lmao-ed at the Math God thing! Hahaha! XD
Haha, yeah... you're probably right :P It won't turn out too well...
Date: Feb 07, 2013 03:22 pm Title: Chapter 12
Slug is so funny x)
FINALLY you updated :')
Daaamn, Michael gonna be a sexy badass ;) Even in Porclein, omfg, sexy quarterback .____.* :dies:
Author's Response:
Lol! He's funny if you're not the desk ;)
Lol! I know! It took me forever I'm so sorry! I'm going to try to update as quick as I can, but unfortunately I only have so much time. Did I mention that school here is 8:30 - 5:00 ? lol! I'm living in France for 3 months so I have to attend school; so far... not so well lol!
Lol! Well let's face it, he could be doing pretty much anything and still make it sexy... Michael: the sexy plumber. Michael: the sexy garbage man. Michael: the sexy janitor. ;)
Date: Feb 07, 2013 11:14 am Title: Chapter 12
Playing a trick on Marilyn? So Michael wants to die...? >.<
Marilyn won't learn his lesson; he's gone teach them a lesson. And Tilly won't be happy about this either... O.o
Great chapter! <3
Author's Response:
Haha! Michael's suicidal in this story as it is clearly evident :P
Well... Tilly might get something good out of this ;)
Thank you! <3 :D
Date: Feb 07, 2013 09:26 am Title: Chapter 12
Whooooooa... michael is so gunna die in the next few chapters. what is he thinking?! marilyn will NOT be happy AT ALL! eugn, michael is so... stupid now! i blame tilly. I hope she gets screwed over in the end. -_-
Author's Response:
Oh yeah, things definitely won't be a walk in the park for Micahel after this :/
Date: Feb 07, 2013 08:28 am Title: Chapter 12
Lol, Mike is a BRO (brofist!)
ah shit, so Marilyn is alreday pissed at Michael and now hes gonna get pranked by him?!
NOT good.
Im preparing for the release of barrels.
Author's Response:
Hahah! BROFIST! lmao!
Oh, I'm anxiously waiting to release them ;)
Date: Jan 26, 2013 09:47 pm Title: Chapter 11
Wow! Im excited for the next chapter! I wanna see what michael does hes finally going bad thats all i know!! And why would he takebthe brownie??! Thats a death senrence right there! Michaels lucky marilyn didnt poison the brownie!!!!
Author's Response:
Haha! He's damn lucky it was just extremely spicy and nothing more! At least he didn't take the water ;)
Glad to hear you're excited for it! :D