Reviews For Shedding Masks
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Reviewer: Dreamer102 Signed [Report This]
Date: Apr 19, 2013 06:42 am Title: Chapter 18

At this point I guess you can't really blame Marilyn... Michael did kinda break the rule and its kinda sad but he's got to pay for the consequences. Also horrible that Marilyn doesn't believe Michael. I was thinking tht he would be the first to kinda see that Michael was telling the truth... Oh gosh wait... *smacks foregead* Is that why Tilly's here. Is he going to spill the beans to her and she's actually going to listen *unamused face* I REALLY want Michael to just get away from her idc if she "cares" for him now idc she needs to go. GREAT CHAPTER!! 

Author's Response:

Hahahaha! I have to admit, I'm a little surprised at the fact that it seems that you're liking Marilyn more than Tilly at this point ;) Haha! We'll see what happens between then three soon,... :) Thanks for the review!

Reviewer: ThrillerEraSlave Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Apr 19, 2013 04:47 am Title: Chapter 18

Michael just needs to call 1-800-Choke-Dat-Hoe!

Author's Response:

Lol! Ouch! XD Harsh! Haha! But so true! :P

Reviewer: MichaeliciousMJfan Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Apr 19, 2013 04:28 am Title: Chapter 18

I kind of hope he does take her back but at the same time i kind of don't. I mean.... idk.... she doesn't deserve him but i want michael to be happy! :)

Author's Response:

We'll see what he does soon :)

Reviewer: Pytinhercloset Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Apr 11, 2013 11:36 pm Title: Chapter 17

Miiiikeee..... This is the kind of lies that get your ass in trouble! And he wonders why shit goes wrong....

haha, well Michael told Tilly alright. 

Omg i love how right after that Marilyns like "Hey Roomy!" Lol Michael just has the most enviable perfect life xD


Author's Response:

Ha! :P That made me lmao!

Well, I figured since Marilyn is just SUCH a nice guy he should great Michael with kindness ;) *she said sarcastically*


Reviewer: MichaeliciousMJfan Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Apr 09, 2013 09:08 am Title: Chapter 17

it has indeed been 9 days *disappointed* no im kidding! this was an interesting chapter; im a little upset michael didn't tell the truth though :( but if he really lvoes tilly than i guess he made the right choice.... until he mouthed her off...

Author's Response:

Haha! Yeah, he might have took a bit of a misstep there by calling her a whore :P

Thanks for the review! And it's okay, you can be disappointed lol! I am!! XP

Reviewer: jacksonfan Signed [Report This]
Date: Apr 08, 2013 08:52 am Title: Chapter 17

Michael is kinda of lost here. He lied for protecting Tilly but he has a big grudge on her for the sextape.

I think he will regret to protect Tilly and Marilyn at the end. Tilly said she loved him but I'm really not sure.She's just afraid that Michael could talk about the tape...

Author's Response:

You have every reason to not believe Tilly when she says that she loves him; if I were in Michael's position I woudn't believe it either!


Thanks for the review! :)

Reviewer: Dreamer102 Signed [Report This]
Date: Apr 08, 2013 07:19 am Title: Chapter 17

*sigh* Why hy and why. I would totally just tell on the both of them, it's not like the school doesn't know that Tilly's a whore in the first place it wouldn't even matter *rolls eyes* Now if they do figure out that Marilyn did it Michael will tech be an accomplice and he'll get in trouble! Smh Michael you dumb fart. But good for him not to believe Tillys BS at leat. Great chapter!

Author's Response:


I love the sheer disappointment in this review! Lmao! XP I can TOTALLY sense it! :P

Thank you! :)

Reviewer: Eltoie Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Apr 08, 2013 07:10 am Title: Chapter 17

Michael Michael Michael *smh*..... You should have told the police. Blace's death deserves justice and don't save Tilly's ass. With Marilyn gone all trouble will be over. Smh.....!

But I guess Michael still loves Tilly.. 

Anyway, great chapter again! <3

Author's Response:

Hahaha! GOOD POINT! As soon as Marilyn's gone Michael has nothing to worry about :P

I sense that you said the 2nd to last line with a disappointed sigh ;)

Thank you! :D

Reviewer: ThrillerEraSlave Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Apr 08, 2013 05:02 am Title: Chapter 17

Am I the only one that expected Michael to be violent towards Tilly at the end? xD

& I'm working on a chapter for the new story o: it's kinda hard since I had exams last week. Oh well, I'm going to school now c: bye girly :b

Email me back too x]

Author's Response:

Haha! MARILYN is the violent one here ;P

Okay :) And don't worry about it I understand; I have a crap ton of tests this week and essays to hand in >:(

Yes! I'll send you an e-mail tonight! :D

Reviewer: Eminemprincess Signed [Report This]
Date: Apr 07, 2013 07:44 am Title: Chapter 1

haha are we gonna just sing the whole song? lol 

Author's Response:

Lol naw I'm good; got my fix :P XD

Reviewer: Eminemprincess Signed [Report This]
Date: Apr 06, 2013 06:09 pm Title: Chapter 1

You wanted perfekt! You got your perfekt, but now i'm to perfekt for someone like you! I was a dandy in your ghetto with a snow white smile and you'll never be as perfekt whatever you do!

Author's Response:

Hahahaha! This made my day! XD Again! Lol!

What's my name what's my name? Ah-ah-ah-ah Hold the S because I am an AINT .. !! :D

Reviewer: BeforeYouJudgeMe Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Apr 05, 2013 11:09 pm Title: Chapter 16

Update soon! This story has me hooked :D

Author's Response:

I'll try my best :) Glad you like it!

Reviewer: Eminemprincess Signed [Report This]
Date: Apr 04, 2013 04:41 pm Title: Chapter 14

funny thing is...I was listening to (S)aint when I read this, lol! I love it so far! 

Author's Response:


Omg. That's my FAVORITE song! No joke! (s)AINT is just like, too good for words! Definitely my favorite song by him! I swear to God I listen to it everyday! I'm favoriting you just because you made this comment! Omg. This made my day! Omg...



That's my favorite line lol!

Reviewer: Pytinhercloset Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 31, 2013 10:48 am Title: Chapter 16

Michael, u gettin pa-laaaaayyyeed!!!

and he just realising it? Tut tut. Mike, i love u but damn, u need to work on those observational skills! 

You were with Tilly, all happy... Do u REALLY think u get to be happy in this story? NO!

foolish boy. As long as Marilyns around, there are no happy moments for u Mike. 

Lol! I know thats harsh, but i feel im pretty accurate saying that, right Kourts? ;)

actually, as long as Marilyns around, no one can have happy moments...

except from, of course....

the Russian girls ;D 


Author's Response:

Lol! He's so innocent he likes to think that everything is just a prance through a daisy field :P

Hahaha! Indeed!! Marilyn = automatic depression

You are completely accurate ;)

Oh, those Russians ;P

They give the finest of pleasures I can assure you.

Take it from me, I know those Russian girls very well.

Got 'em on speed dial ;)


Reviewer: jacksonfan Signed [Report This]
Date: Mar 31, 2013 02:08 am Title: Chapter 16

I'm not really into what Tilly did.She slept with Marilyn and now she's using Michael...She's probably liking Michael for real but for now, she's not honest with him.

About Michael, he will have to make a choice.I think he should keep the secret about Blaze's death...He loves Tilly and moreover I'm not sure he will want her to be humiliated...Even if she could deserve it a little...

Author's Response:

It seems as though nobody at the school is Michael's true friend at the moment.. :/

Haha! Oh, she definitely deserves it! :P We'll see what happens...

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