Date: Dec 14, 2012 10:49 pm Title: Chapter 4
Lol! poor mike!! :'( He's reeeally having a tough time at the school.. hopefully marilyn will stick by him or he'll start making friends! somethign tells me he will at the party... especially with his new badass attitude (by drinking the beer so eagerly I'd assume he's gone badass now)
Can't wait for the chapter with the party! update this weekend?
Author's Response:
He's starting to go badass... the evolution is coming! XD
This weekend? Mm... maybe. We'll see ;) I'll try my best, but I want to update a few other stories first ;)
Date: Dec 14, 2012 09:48 pm Title: Chapter 4
Damn. Lmao.
That shit is crazy! :o
Author's Response:
Lol! I'm taking that as a compliment ;)
Date: Dec 14, 2012 08:57 pm Title: Chapter 4
Marylin as a girl? WTF? update
Author's Response:
Lol! That's what I thought when I saw the music video; I'm glad I could get the same reaction out of you guys XD
Date: Dec 10, 2012 08:08 pm Title: Chapter 3
When do you intend to update? I'm really curious about what's gonna happen! I love this story. It's also a big success haha! Only 3 chapters and already 24 - now 25 - reviews (: Congratulations, sweetie, you deserve it! Much love <3
Author's Response:
I try to update all of my stories at least once a week. I try really hard to make my stories have even intervals, that way nobody's waiting.
I'm glad you're liking the story! :D
Yea! I didn't think I'd get that many reviews at all! I thought people would be like "What the heck YANA... what on EARTH are you writing now?!" lol!
Thank you so much! Much love to you too <33 :D
Date: Dec 10, 2012 05:56 pm Title: Chapter 3
I'm really liking this story, I can't wait for more! :)
Author's Response:
:D Yay! I'm glad! Thank you I'm really happy you like it! I can't wait to post up more! I'm actually really excited for this story :D
Date: Dec 09, 2012 10:27 pm Title: Chapter 3
Hahahaha Merilyn had me cracking up when the officers came in and then he goes "kiss u, im gunna kiss u!" And all that stuff that was so funny xD
oooh cant wait for mike to try n be a badass! :D
hahaha yeah tbh, Ryan Seacrest was what i thought of when i first read the summary xD but its fine, puts a weird spin on it :P
Author's Response:
Lol! I think everyone liked that part :D
OMG nooooooo! I was hoping that not that many people noticed! lol! I can't believe I did that... it was SO not intentional!
Lol, maybe I should just make Ryan Searcest the principal XD lol jk jk
Date: Dec 09, 2012 06:58 pm Title: Chapter 3
Omg...why doesnt Michael just tell the truth?!? It's like...naawwwgghhh!!! ....Just...*heavy sigh* Of all the people to accuse...! And now he's with the bad crowd...permantely.. quiet sad actually...Well I hope the best for Michael in the next chapter :D
Author's Response:
Like the truth that he's innoccent? He's tried but nobody believes him :'(
It is sad, but soon Michael's gunna find the fun in it ;)
Date: Dec 09, 2012 03:56 pm Title: Chapter 3
Haha! The part at the beginning with marilyn and michael had me laughing! i could just picture michael writhing is disgust as marilyn hugs him! lol! i'm excited for the next chapter, i can't wait to see how badass michale becomes throughout the story and where it leads him. and yea, i noticed the seacrest thing, lol! it's kinda funny, don't change it!
Author's Response:
Ugh, stupid Ryan Seacrest... WHY MUT+ST YOU BE FAMOUS?!? Lol! I want to change it but it seems like too much effort. :P
Date: Dec 09, 2012 08:33 am Title: Chapter 3
He's gonna be a badaaass.
Go on. lol I'm putting this on every review x)
Author's Response:
Lol! I love when you put pics in your reviews XD
Date: Dec 09, 2012 02:56 am Title: Chapter 3
I thought of Ryan Seacrest too :P lol. Update :)
Author's Response:
Lol I could NOT BELIEVE that I had done that! It wasn't my intention at all! I typically try really hard to find nams that can't be related to other celebrities (unless I want them to) and then I realise that I did THAT! omg, it bothers me so much! lol!
I'll try and update soon! :) Five days probably.
Date: Dec 09, 2012 02:54 am Title: Chapter 3
Hmm... Marilyn, you better protect Mikey, 'cause if you don't... (and be nice to him.)
Poor Mike, trying to make a good impression.
Keep going, this was a great chapter of first class! <3
PS: Marilyn's reaction in the morning, well, it was fabulous! ;)
Author's Response:
Lol! We'll see how long Marilyn will be able to tolerate Michael for..
Thank you! Glad you thought so :D
Date: Dec 09, 2012 01:50 am Title: Chapter 3
Michael's classmate are really terrifying lol...
I laughed when Marilyn woke up and tried to convince the officers he wanted to kiss Michael...I imagined the scene, Marylin hugging and kissing Michael on the cheek lol.
It's good that in a way, Michael had Marylin's protection even if it means he had to begin to be a badass...Let's see how things will turn now...
Author's Response:
lol! They are juvenile delinquents ;)
I dunno what you guys are gunna think of badass Michael... Michael won't be in 'full badass mode' if you will, until a little bit, but you'll see it growing :)
Date: Dec 04, 2012 10:29 am Title: Chapter 2
Haha mj sayin he did the crimes whoa and "sparky" hahaha no eyebrowed bitch is soooo funny xD
cant wait to see where this goes!
Author's Response:
Oh yeah, saying that he did the crimes was reaaaally tough for Michael, but like he said, he needs the 'street cred' lol!
Haha the nicknames... I don't even know why I added that in there.. lol!
:D It's gunna go in a lot of crazy directions XD
Date: Dec 04, 2012 10:23 am Title: Chapter 1
AWESOME!!!! Ur doin it again girl, another classic!!!
mj bein found guilty-well i think its similar to his trials cos even though he wasnt guilty and proved innocent ppl still dont want to accept it and label him guilty
Seacrest school....bleh haha but intruguing
marilyn-i knew u had to do it! Lol
marilyn and michael-WHAT a combo!!!!
Haha yh about making this slash, ive seen mj with adam, chris, prince and more but Marilyn.... Wow that would be....idk i really dont know how id react, especially if marilyn is mental an mjs a goody two lol xD
Author's Response:
Haha Oh geez... your comments make me smile everytime girl you know it!!
Oh wow, I didn't even think of that! Now that you mentioned it though yeah it's so true!! Ugh, I hate it when people albel him as guilty. -_-
Lol! I had to! I was dying to do one! I love Marilyn XD <33
Oh my gosh, if I had them in a slash story together I think people would be like, "YANA, wtf?!?! FIRST you put him with Adam Lambert, THEN you put him eith some freak show glam rocker kid, and now MARILYN F-ING MANSON!??!?! Next you'll put him with Jeffre Starr... -_-" lmao! You know someone would... ;)
haha, I hope by Chris you mean Chris Slade ;)
Haha! Marilyn is reeeallly crazy, so putting them together would be like... you know... I don't even know how I'd react to that! lol! If someone did it though I'd totally read it.
Lots of love to you <3
Date: Dec 03, 2012 06:02 am Title: Chapter 1
Yeah, Marylin is a nice guy. Just like Mikey different in real life.
Yep, a souless ginger and yes, of the story Sensitive Secrets. No offense to gingers though. I know you're an Adam Lambert-fan and I heard he was/is a ginger, is that right? ;)
Take care! <3
Author's Response:
Haha that's what I thought; you said rape and I knew that it was that story because there's a "sly rapist" as is stated in the summary XD
Haha don't even worry about it, I actually think that most gingers take it as a joke. Kinda like how I take the dumb blonde thing as a joke. My friend and I were joking around, trying to convince the other that we were more 'unique' than the other and he's like,
"Gingers are almost extinct, there's less of my ginger-fam than your blonde-fam."
"Yeah, but I'm a smart blonde, you don't come across that everyday..."
"Oh, you're a smart blonde?"
"Yup. And there're less smart blondes out there than there are gingers with souls."
He laughed at me pulling the 'gingers have no souls card' lmao! But anyway, that's just to prove my point that I think most people take it as a joke. Kinda like Kick A Ginger Day...
Anyway, I gotta stop with the ginger jokes. Someone's gunna contact me and tell me that I'm being 'mean'. lmao!
OMG! YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES!!! Haha, omg, I'm a total Glambert/Lambskank/AdamBomb lmao! Yeah, he was a ginger though, then he died it black, and then black w/ turquoise, then brown, then black w/ blonde tips (my fav), then completely blonde, and now back to black with blonde tips (yay) lmao! I'm sorry, I couldn't help but share that.
He has lots of freckles too; like a ginger XD
You too! Thanks for chatting with me! :D <3