Date: Dec 26, 2012 08:42 am Title: Chapter 6
Michael needs a hug ASAP, that's what he needs lol. Love this, girl! Much love and merry belated Christmas lol <3
Author's Response:
Haha aww <3 He needs a comforting hug right now! The poor guy has been sentened for sometihng he didn't do, stuck with a wacko roommate, got majorly drunk, and made an awful first impression on a girl he actually liked :( Poor Mikey
Thank you! I'm glad to hear that you're loving it! And yes, Merry belated Christmas! Haha! :D

Date: Dec 26, 2012 01:02 am Title: Chapter 1
Also, just want to say: This is your best story so far!
Author's Response:
Oh you really think so?! Well thank you! I'm glad you like it because I'm liking it too! XD I appreciate the comment thank you!

Date: Dec 26, 2012 12:57 am Title: Chapter 6
My Christmas was awesome! shopping, shopping, shopping! love this chapter too, please continue.
Author's Response:
Oh did you go shopping for Christmas? I know my friend doesn't get gifts but rather she gets to go shopping and her parents buy her whatever she wants :)
Thank you! I'll continue soon! :D

Date: Dec 25, 2012 11:24 pm Title: Chapter 6
Michael was so in denial! lol! Michael needs to sort shit out.
& my Christmas went great, except I was on the..you know period ._____,
But it was awesome, I got like 2 headphones, one of em are wireless, and daaaaamn, I was outside just chilling and listening to Michael, and my tv was inside! Also, I got a record player so that I can play my vinyl albums of Michael <3, I got 3 perfumes, Nicki Minaj, Katy Perry and Bebe. I got Taylor Swift's RED album, a shit load of pajamas, more Michael Jackson bed sets ^-^ <3 Michael Jackson pajamas. :D Aaand, an Easy Bake .____. ... It was okay xD , A second copy of Moonwalker, my aunt didn't know I had it x) and I got the best presents EVER. A life size cut out of Michael from the Bad Tour :dies: and the Bad 25 set, the 3 CDs and the DVD. Omg. I fucking CRIED when I saw those! Oh yeah it had the 2 little books of pictures and a poster OH MY GOD. I posted it with those tacks up on my ceiling, and when I woke up the next morning, with my Bad 25 cd in my stereo, I looked up and..THERE HE WAS :dies again: starin down at me, oh god, I was in a suuuuper good mood <3 well I'm glad that you had fun when though you were sick, I did too <3
Check out my new story on this account and on my other account, BadEraSlave .
Love ya girl <3 :]
Author's Response:
Lol! he has numerous things to sort out :P
Oh shoot. That sucks! Honestly, I hate when you wake up and you figure that out, it just ruins my day... or rather my week -_-
Oh lucky! I asked for headphones last year but my Mum accidentally got me earbuds instead because that's what she thought I meant so I've just butchered that idea all together! lol! I'll buy some headphones later..
OMG! LIFE SIZE CUT OUT!?!?!?! I saw something like that on ebay and I wanted it but my parents said no because they thought it was weird. Lol! Fools.. :P
Haha I got pajamas this year too, but no clothes because my parents don't have very trendy clothing style, so I just asked them to skip that this year. I did get a gift card to my favorite clothing store though :) And I got a gift card to a book store, and to the movies XD I also got two purses which are so trendy and fierce! omg, I love them! And I got some scarves, a hat that my Mum bought for herself, me and my sister so we could match (lol), some make-up, a Marilyn Manson t-shirt from my granny which I found really funny because she could have gotten me a t-shirt of MJ or Adam Lambert, but noo she had to go for the super heavy metal artist! LoL! It's just really funny because my grandparents are the stereotyical cute old people so I just could not imagine them buying that for me! Lmao! I got a camera and a nail art set :) It was a good year. :D
I checked out Smooth Criminal and I love it! I think it's such a good idea! I hope you continue with it soon! :DD
Omg girrrl, you know how I feel about you :* :)
Date: Dec 22, 2012 02:27 am Title: Chapter 5
Oh poor Michael...What an horrible first impression he left on Tilly...She was beginning to appreciate him and then, BAM, the vomit lol.
It's not good of Marilyn to let Michael alone on the floor...I think he will be in deep troubles with the officers.
Love this chapter, girl. I love when Michael is wasted lol
Author's Response:
Lol, definitely not how a good romantic relationship starts.
Oooh yeah, he's gunna have a bit of trouble.
Lol thanks! I love it when he's wasted too XD
Date: Dec 21, 2012 07:00 am Title: Chapter 5
...... I don't even have anything to say to Michael. Like... *sigh* Smh. Such goodness... Wasted. Awesome chapter girl :D But I feel so much disappointment that i can't even really make a good comment. Poor Michael.
Author's Response:
Ahaha what do you mean you can't make a good comment? I love your comments! Especially the last one! XD It had me smiling! :D

Date: Dec 20, 2012 10:41 pm Title: Chapter 5
Oooh Tilly and Michael :D and then the vomit.. :/ ahah, poor Michael. Update, love the party :)
Author's Response:
Haha, it would have been a nice first encounter if he hadn't been drunk out of his mind! XD
Thank you! I'll hopefully update soon! :D

Date: Dec 20, 2012 10:06 pm Title: Chapter 5
Wow, it appears michaels swag may be amiss... "Cool cats" was the firt offence but then vomitting on Tilly?! Damn.
and all this with the "After all, if he hung out with Marilyn Manson he must have at least a couple of ounces of cool lurking within him." Assumption i was rollin xD
oooh i still think michael and tilly might get it on hahaha xD
Author's Response:
Lol! I love how you referred to them as 'offences' XD
Haha, well I'm not going to say anything yet about their relationship :P

Date: Dec 20, 2012 09:36 pm Title: Chapter 5
Haha about the review thing, it's all okay :) You told me that you'd try, and I'm sure you did :) Anyway... this chapter was lol! I can't believe Michael got that wasted! I definitely didn't expect it! I guess he is going badass... didn't think i'd see it at the party. I kinda thought that he was going to be the loser in the corner or something. Glad to see that he's breaking out of his shell! A little disppointed to hear that that was the kind of first impression he left on Tilly! :(
Author's Response:
Lol, oh yeah, he's definitely going badass, but just wait until he wakes up... he's going to be in a lot of trouble.. ;)
Lol, it wasn't exactly the kind of impression he wanted to make on her... :/

Date: Dec 20, 2012 09:29 pm Title: Chapter 5
I feel like this is Michael when he's all drunk..
lmao! But in regular speed x) Tilly sounds like Titty tahahaha! Michael shoulda said that! But in his drunk ass voice, all slow. "Ha..ha Tilly..s-sounds like..l-like..l-l-l-like TITTY!! Taha..tahahaha...tahahaha ha!..ha. Haha...aha..ha...oh look beer." He stumbles away.
Sorry I'm just kinda hyper and I'm watching the Hangover Part 2 <3
Author's Response:
"Ooh, ooh, oh! OPEN GANGNAM STYLE!" XD
Lol, I like how that's what you relate Tilly to XD Haha omg he should have!
Girl,, you should have written this chapter instead of me! Your ideas are so much better! lol! XD
Oh I don't blame you, it's a good movie :)
Date: Dec 15, 2012 11:15 am Title: Chapter 4
Omg... Michael wtf. I would usually say you don't have to be stupid to be cool but I see in this case you have to e stupid to survive. I don't know if I'll like this new Mike- in fact I doubt it- but if he successfully survives the next years because of it and luckily changes his life around when he's out, then I guess it'll all be good? Awesome chapter! :D
Author's Response:
Lol! " I would usually say you don't have to be stupid to be cool but I see in this case you have to e stupid to survive" had me smiling! XD That's a pretty good way to describe life at Seacrest School.
Thank you! Glad you think so :D

Date: Dec 15, 2012 01:55 am Title: Chapter 4
Hahahah Marilyn is just relentless xD
this party will be very interesting ;)
Author's Response:
Oh trust me it's going to be more than interesting ;)
Date: Dec 15, 2012 01:30 am Title: Chapter 4
Michael began to turn badass lol...And I like it. I liked the part when he drunk the beer, really badass...And Marylin's reaction was priceless lol.
Marylin as a girl is kind of creepy lol but it was funny too.
I'm waiting for the party to begin and see what Michael will do there...I think he will meet a girl, I mean the girl right? :)
Author's Response:
Lol the beer thing was him 'breaking out of his shell'
Lol, I just couldn't help but add that in, and as long as it made him seem creepier, I was all for adding it in ;)
Yes yes, the girl ;)
Date: Dec 14, 2012 11:58 pm Title: Chapter 1
In a strange way Gerard Way when he is wearing his makep reminds me of Marilyn Manson
Author's Response:
He kinda does now that you mention it, I see where you're coming from.
Gerard Way <33
Date: Dec 14, 2012 11:43 pm Title: Chapter 1
This is great.Update
Author's Response:
Glad you think so! :) I'll try and update soon