Date: Jul 23, 2014 11:45 am Title: Chapter 29 - The Story Of My Life....
Am loving this stoey so much, please carry on
Author's Response:
thank you so much for your sweet compliment, I am glad you are enjoying it <333
Date: Jul 02, 2014 07:30 am Title: Chapter 5 - The Talk....
nice though it wont last..... frustating
Author's Response:
lips are sealed :X
Date: Jul 02, 2014 07:20 am Title: Chapter 4 - The New Plan....
whoa..... does this mean..... gosh..... how's this gonna work
Author's Response:
lol you have to read and find out
thanks for the review <333
Date: Jun 22, 2014 07:02 am Title: Chapter 1 - Believe....
travelled back in time...hehehe thats funny....
Author's Response:
haha why is that funny? :/
Date: Jun 08, 2014 11:24 am Title: Chapter 29 - The Story Of My Life....
So ready, yet not ready!
Author's Response:
lol get ready!
thanks for the review <333
Date: May 29, 2014 03:56 pm Title: Chapter 28 - Am I Too Lost To Be Saved?
My reaction when I found out that Samantha's mother Nora and Melissa both fell in love with Michael and killed Sam's grandmother OMFGGG!!
Shit just got REAL!! I hope Sam will return to 1978 and stop Nora, Melissa and Andrew aka Doc once and for all.
Tell me why when I read the parts about Sam going to Forest Lawn I had flashbacks of my moment when I went there on my birthday. I truly do believe that I was mean't to be there that day and Michael's spirit was defintely there in that Mausoleum. I have chills right now O_o
Great chapter hunnie!! I'm all caught up and I can't wait for the next update!
Author's Response:
lmfaooo done at the Will Smith gif. I know exactly what episode this came from. lol
Nora and Melissa are hardcore groupies lol
shit did just get real. Sam is a gangsta for going back in time and kicking ass lol
I thought of you and your recent visit to his grave when I wrote that scene :)
thanks honey! xoxo
Date: May 29, 2014 12:54 pm Title: Chapter 27 - I Must Not Chase The Boys....
*squeals at the picture in this chapter* Awwwwwhhh Michael and Samantha are so cuteeeee together :)♥♥
OMFGGGGGG!!! idk whats going on anymore *collapses to the floor dramatically* lol
The part about Sam and Mike's daughter Alannah (which is a beautiful name btw) being a Time Traveler and visiting Sam while she was still in the Dangerous Era was very sweet :') This is giving me hope that everything with Melissa will be erased and Michael and Samantha WILL be together in the end. I need to keep the faithhhhhh lmao
Lawdddd this is getting so good and very messy
*continues to the next chapter*
Author's Response:
isn't Alannah such a beautiful name? lol I loved it since the first time I heard it
and yes they do look cute *__*
keeeeppp the faiiitthhhh lol weren't we talking about this song the other day with Shy? lol yes, there is hope
love you!
Date: May 29, 2014 11:56 am Title: Chapter 26 - your Past is the answer to the Future....
Okay first of all Doc needs to calm down about the letter that Older Mike sent to Younger Mike. To be honest the letter is the reason why younger Mike FINALLY was able to put all the pieces together and realise that Samantha is a Time Traveler. I think the letter was a good idea :) lol
YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS at Dangerous Era Mike giving Sam some mindblowing, rough, toes curling sexxxxxx lmfaooo I was like a big ole pervert yelling at my computer screen
okay I'll stop ;) hehehe
And awwww the end was so sad :(( Losing a friend to a tragic accident is something Mike will never forget. Like Doc said maybe Danny had to die so Michael could live *sigh*
Anyways great chapter as always hunnie *_*
Author's Response:
Doc is a man hard to understand lol
loved the Britney gif, thanks for the review honey <333
Date: Apr 12, 2014 02:54 pm Title: Chapter 27 - I Must Not Chase The Boys....
i did not see this coming, doc is
Author's Response:
lol yeah he is. thanks for the review <3
Date: Apr 10, 2014 06:43 pm Title: Chapter 27 - I Must Not Chase The Boys....
So, Doc is a bad guy, eh? I did not see that coming. :/ I hope Michael will be okay. He needs to get back home to Samantha.
I loved the moment Samantha had with her daughter and her conversation with Michael. That was sweet. <3
Author's Response:
thank you so much for the review. I've always enjoyed writing mommy and daddy moments. <333
Date: Apr 07, 2014 06:27 am Title: Chapter 27 - I Must Not Chase The Boys....
W.T.F??? I'm sorry, but that's all I can think to say!
Huh? What is going on here??? Answers!!! Update!!!! Pleaseeeeeee!
Author's Response:
lmaooo sorry, answers coming soon.
thanks for the review.
Date: Apr 06, 2014 07:57 am Title: Chapter 27 - I Must Not Chase The Boys....
I kinda guessed Doc was in on it too!!!! That's craaaaaazyyyyy
Date: Apr 06, 2014 07:57 am Title: Chapter 27 - I Must Not Chase The Boys....
I kinda guessed Doc was in on it too!!!! That's craaaaaazyyyyy
Author's Response:
did you really? lol it is, isn't it?
thanks for the review hun xoxo
Date: Apr 05, 2014 08:40 pm Title: Chapter 26 - your Past is the answer to the Future....
Awwww omg! I know the pain to lose a best friend :(. wat a great chapter.
Author's Response:
I'm sorry to hear that, I know to lose someone is always tough...thanks hun for the review xoxo
Date: Apr 05, 2014 07:39 pm Title: Chapter 27 - I Must Not Chase The Boys....
This story is twisted
Author's Response:
never expect the unexpected *wink* ...thanks for the review.