Reviews For The Time Traveler
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Reviewer: xMOONWALKERx Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Apr 13, 2013 12:25 am Title: Chapter 12 - Secrets And Explanations....

You know I gotchu hahaha

WOAHHHHH I was NOT expecting that ending.. Well not so soon at least!

I'm glad she won't be around...hummmm for now, but hoping that for good.

That flash back to when he fell in love was 'Perfect' totally feeling what she said to him. I wish I woulda been able to tell him that myself *sighs*

Boy oh boy, I can't even take a guess as to whats gonna happen.

Author's Response:

haha I know you got me XD

and yes, it happened but drama is on the way. Remember this is only a short story :)

"That flash back to when he fell in love was 'Perfect' totally feeling what she said to him. I wish I woulda been able to tell him that myself *sighs*" <-- Thank you. It really was huh? and you and me both, girl. I'm trying to romance a nerd so I could have him build a time machine and make this story a reality haha

Thx for the review hun xoxo

Reviewer: Karoll84 Signed [Report This]
Date: Apr 07, 2013 02:53 pm Title: Chapter 12 - Secrets And Explanations....

omg he finally belive her he is so sweet and omg she will go back gosh i love this story please write more pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee :*************

Author's Response:

yes he did but now she has to convince the younger version of him. Will she suceed? hmm? :)) Thanks hun. I'm glad you are liking it so far xoxo

Reviewer: nene147 Signed [Report This]
Date: Apr 06, 2013 10:20 am Title: Chapter 12 - Secrets And Explanations....


Author's Response:

 photo tumblr_lncqr3jPcZ1qclt3z_zpsae27fbed.gif YAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYY

Reviewer: karamarinas Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Apr 06, 2013 07:21 am Title: Chapter 12 - Secrets And Explanations....

Yay! Great chapter...question is why are they going back to year 1990 to fix what now?...Anyways, please update soon...Thanks.

Author's Response:

The new chapter is up now. Michael explains what happened in 1990 and you will find out more when Samantha goes to 1990 :)) Thanks for the review

Reviewer: Southern_cutie Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Apr 05, 2013 02:56 pm Title: Chapter 12 - Secrets And Explanations....

awwwwwww he want to have kids with her!!!! and why would Frank mess with his head like that?! it's a little shady!!!!! and how the hell did he get out of that hospital without people seeing him?! so many questions!!!!! Lol please continue!!!!!!

Author's Response:

Yes, he is so sweet and Frank ugh! never liked him as a manager. He seems shady AF.

"how the hell did he get out of that hospital without people seeing him?!" <---- LMAOOOOO He's Michael Jackson

thanks hun for the review xoxo

Reviewer: xMOONWALKERx Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 31, 2013 09:06 pm Title: Chapter 11 - Samantha or Melissa?....

Nooooooooo why you stop there?? This story is soo freaking amazing! Deff hooked. Oh I can't wait for a new update!

I think he is gonna push her away she has some explaining to do. But I'm glad that she went back to check on him.

Mel is deff a bitch, how can she say that to Michael? That was sooo messed up.. I hope she is out of the picture lol I'm sure thag won't happen soon and it won't be easy. I was shocked to know that his pills problem was cuz of Sam and that he waited for her.

Author's Response:

New chapter is up now :) Thanks honey. I'm soooo glad you are enjoying it xoxo

"I think he is gonna push her away she has some explaining to do." <-- You may be right ;)

I just knew Melissa was going to get all the hate mail XD yeah she was wrong but you won't have to hear about her for too long.

"I was shocked to know that his pills problem was cuz of Sam and that he waited for her" <-- You are th eonly one who caught that. Good job!

Thanks for the review :))

Reviewer: AMALuvzMJ Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 31, 2013 08:50 pm Title: Chapter 11 - Samantha or Melissa?....

First of all Happy Easter hunnie Bew!!!! YAYYY you Updated ^__^
OMG Melissa did not just call Michael a freak oh hell no she's so wrong for hurting him like that :((( Poor MJ

-________- I'm not here for Samantha's sister laughing at her cause she said she slept with Michael Jackson and .........

"You telling me you had sex with Michael Jackson really means you masturbated in front of his poster, you nasty hoe"

LMFAOOOOOOOOO her sister ain't shit for that :/ OMG I HOLLERED!!!

ahdajfhahffhjafhhdaddff SAMANTHA KISSED MICHAEL!!!!!

"FUCKIN SHIT" I'm dying to know if he kisses her back *squeals*

Great chapter Bew Luv ya xoxoxoxo Toni :-)

Author's Response:

I hope you had a great one Toni xoxo. Join the  "We Hate Melissa" Club. lmaooo Yeah she was wrong but don't worry, she's not an important character ;)

"-________- I'm not here for Samantha's sister laughing at her cause she said she slept with Michael Jackson and .........

"You telling me you had sex with Michael Jackson really means you masturbated in front of his poster, you nasty hoe"

LMFAOOOOOOOOO her sister ain't shit for that :/ OMG I HOLLERED!!!"

LMAOOOO that sounds like something your sister will really do XD

And "Fucking Shit" She did!! The new chapter is up so you will know what happens next xoxo Love you Toni

Reviewer: Lumilovesmichael Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 31, 2013 03:53 pm Title: Chapter 1 - Believe....

Hello and Welcome back.  HAPPY EASTER!!!! Thank YOU so much for this much awaited update. Please I need to know what happens very, very, very soon (ASAP LOL).

In my opinion I know that Michael will kiss her back is going to be heated, sexy, sweet and A LOT of passion.  I can't beieve his wife call him the (F) word.  I can't even repeat it made me feel so P*SS OFF and it also make me cried.  I can imagine his face as she would speak this words to this amazing man.  She doesn't deserve him.  My opinion of course but, I'm right Dag Nabit.....LOL 

Keep up the great work and look foward to next chapters.

PS: My B'Day is coming up: 04/08 and I have the Day Off from both my Full time & partime jobs I would love a b'day wish of 2 chapters if possible of course.  L.O.V.E-Lumi

Author's Response:

I'm sorry I couldn't give you the 2 chapters. I was crazy busy. But I did rush one for you. You see I do care about my readers? xoxo I hope you enjoyed it :)

Reviewer: MJSWIFEY Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 31, 2013 03:14 pm Title: Chapter 11 - Samantha or Melissa?....

Melissa you bitch. How dare you call him a freak. Since she barely takes care of her kids, i'm glad her ass is gone.. Good move btw, Samantha, that's exactly what needed. God I hope he kisses her back...  Please Update ASAP!!


Author's Response:

When this was chapter was posted, I sat back and waited for the hate mail to Melissa lol. I knew she was going to get everyone angry. She knows she was wrong with what she said to Michael but those two really were opposites. And I know ppl say opposites attract but they were never mean to be. Now let's continue with the story. Samantha is going back in time to help Michael take control of his life. S stay tuned. xox Thanks Paula :)

Reviewer: Southern_cutie Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 31, 2013 01:53 pm Title: Chapter 11 - Samantha or Melissa?....

ugh i really abhor Melissa!!!!!!! that woman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Author's Response:

I know. She said some mean things :(( Thanks for the review xoxo

Author's Response:

I know. She said some mean things :(( Thanks for the review xoxo

Reviewer: Karoll84 Signed [Report This]
Date: Mar 31, 2013 11:16 am Title: Chapter 11 - Samantha or Melissa?....

i think he will want to tell him why she left him but with the kiss i think he will kiss her back

Author's Response:

Hmm...Thank you fo sharing your thoughts. I hope you are right. xoxo

Reviewer: AppleheadJax Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 31, 2013 10:45 am Title: Chapter 11 - Samantha or Melissa?....

I'm so sorry for being such a silent reader o.o" I loved this.

I hope he doesn't break the kiss. I hope he gives in to her. <3

Samantha is so pretty! :| Melissa is a bitch. I hate her guts. How did she even dare to call Michael a freak?! I was already while reading this, at my sister, and now I'm angry at Melissa xD


Shiniee xx

Author's Response:

No problem hun.I'm just glad you have been enjoying it so far. And don't be afraid to tell me what you feel about the chapter. I love feedback, it gives me the encouragement to continue. I write for you guys :)

And yes, me too. I want them to be together. Let's see what Mike does and yes, Sam is really pretty and Mel haha I knew this will not go well. She changed, hasn't she? I think she might be suffering from a mid life crisis. She wants to relive the glory days while Mike wants to settle down. This is not the end of her though.

And aww you were mad at your sis? Well, lucky for her now you have transfered your anger at Melissa XD

Thanks, Shiniee xoxo

Reviewer: thelostchild143 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 21, 2013 11:30 pm Title: Chapter 10 - Stay With Me (Don't Let Me Go)....

oohhhhh schnap!!! XD sweetness!!! ^_^ 


update soon girl!!! <3

Author's Response:

lol "sweetness" XD new chapter is up now xoxo thanks for reading :)

Reviewer: karamarinas Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 19, 2013 04:55 am Title: Chapter 10 - Stay With Me (Don't Let Me Go)....

Uh-oh.... Great chapter by the way, I hope for some updates soon... Cheers!      

Author's Response:

Wait no longer. New chapter is up now. Enjoy! and thanks for reading :))

Reviewer: thatmoonwalkerchickk_ Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 15, 2013 06:52 am Title: Chapter 10 - Stay With Me (Don't Let Me Go)....


Author's Response:

lol yes he did!! new chapter is up now. thanks hun for the support xoxo Drea

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