Reviews For The Time Traveler
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Reviewer: MJSWIFEY Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 24, 2013 06:12 am Title: Chapter 15 - Deceitful Eyes, She Got Those 'Come Get Me' Thighs....

Ohhh 1990 MJ is stubborn..  Samantha is nauseous? Bad guacamole? What's up with her? Nice chapter girl..

Author's Response:

Yes, girl. He is very stubborn. LOL the guacamole was just her way to make Michael forget about why he fainted but Samantha will see :) Thanks hun xoxo

Reviewer: xMOONWALKERx Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 24, 2013 02:04 am Title: Chapter 13 - Only You....

I read this chapter like 5 times and each time its still sexy A.F. when know what ;-P But the possibility of her getting preggo and heading to the future is kinda erk... what if she does become preggerz??? The baby would end up being from This is It Mike, how would she explain that to Danggy?

But wait... maybe that's what This Is It Mike wanted.

*over thinking, now confused*

Will Danggy end up jealous of This Is It Mike, if Sam end up preggo? lmao

Author's Response:

"I read this chapter like 5 times and each time its still sexy A.F." <--- LMAO Well ok. You liked it mucho XD I'm glad you enjoyed it

"what if she does become preggerz??? The baby would end up being from This is It Mike, how would she explain that to Danggy? " <--- YESSS Now you see her dilemma.

"But wait... maybe that's what This Is It Mike wanted." <--- Are you reading my mind? O__o Get out of my head! You will see. *lips sealed*

"Will Danggy end up jealous of This Is It Mike, if Sam end up preggo? lmao" <--- LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOO Maybe them two could fight for her XD


Reviewer: xMOONWALKERx Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 24, 2013 01:32 am Title: Chapter 15 - Deceitful Eyes, She Got Those 'Come Get Me' Thighs....

ummmmmm I don't like 1990's Michael....hmph jerk lol

I feel bad for Sam it must be Really hard to deal with Michael acting so mean, harsh and treating her the way he is. Also having them thoughts about future Mike, if he only slept with her cuz of the fight must be hell to deal with all at once. I always wanted to time travel but don't want to be shoes right now.

Can she go back and forth from past to present if she wanted? or would it mess with Michael's life?

Author's Response:

lol Michael became dangerous after bad, didn't you know? XD

Yes, Sam is hurting but she did expect Michael to be a bit bitter. For him, she just walked out on him. We know that's not true.

"Also having them thoughts about future Mike, if he only slept with her cuz of the fight must be hell to deal with all at once" <--- That's a hard pill to swallow especially if you love the person.

"Can she go back and forth from past to present if she wanted? or would it mess with Michael's life?" <--- With the new technology Doc has made her, she could freely travel anywhere however I think is best if she chooses her destinations wisely. Remember, her footprint in the past already changed something in the future. She might not be going back to the same Michael in 2012.

Author's Response:

lol Michael became dangerous after bad, didn't you know? XD

Yes, Sam is hurting but she did expect Michael to be a bit bitter. For him, she just walked out on him. We know that's not true.

"Also having them thoughts about future Mike, if he only slept with her cuz of the fight must be hell to deal with all at once" <--- That's a hard pill to swallow especially if you love the person.

"Can she go back and forth from past to present if she wanted? or would it mess with Michael's life?" <--- With the new technology Doc has made her, she could freely travel anywhere however I think is best if she chooses her destinations wisely. Remember, her footprint in the past already changed something in the future. She might not be going back to the same Michael in 2012.

Reviewer: RhythmChild Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 23, 2013 05:51 pm Title: Chapter 15 - Deceitful Eyes, She Got Those 'Come Get Me' Thighs....

....Wow....Samantha is the most selfless woman in history. She is getting to the root of the problem with Mel and Mike, and tryna fix it. This is serious lol

Author's Response:

LOL Yes. Samantha has some good in her. But it ain't over. The triangle between Mel, Sam and MJ heat up ;)

Reviewer: Karoll84 Signed [Report This]
Date: May 23, 2013 02:56 pm Title: Chapter 15 - Deceitful Eyes, She Got Those 'Come Get Me' Thighs....

aaaww i know that Michael is still love sooooooooooooo very much

Author's Response:

Michael is just afraid of getting hurt again. tsk tsk . Thanks for the review :)

Reviewer: MJSGOTHICGIRL777 Anonymous [Report This]
Date: May 13, 2013 10:10 am Title: Chapter 14 - Living in Danger....


Author's Response:

Thank you!! I'm so glad you are enjoying it :)) and LOL is a good movie. Tracy Morgan is a trip XD

cop out photo: cop out new 2 copoutnewscreens2.jpg

Reviewer: karamarinas Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 08, 2013 03:33 am Title: Chapter 14 - Living in Danger....

ok, I'm a bit confused, why was she kidnapped? and who kidnapped her?Why is she back in time again?...


Hoping for a new chapter soon....Thanks...

Author's Response:

Michael explained why she was going back to 1990 in chapter 13. He also explains the trouble he got himself into after she "left". Samantha is going back to stop the contract he signed so long ago. The contract that gets him shot like he explained in the TII era and she is also going back for her own gain as you will see. :)

Reviewer: AMALuvzMJ Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 06, 2013 02:45 pm Title: Chapter 14 - Living in Danger....

YASS Samantha went back to 1991 Dangerous Era Michaellllll *squeals* I can't wait to see what happens next ^___^ Fingers crossed everything works out for them!!!

Lmfaooooo deadddd at Sam's Spanish rant to Mike lol he was all like wtf is she saying? lmaooo that had me cracking up

ahfjaghahgfahgfjhgfjhfjfhjff girllll yessss I'm still like omg how does this always happen? Your fiction characters always seem to find a way to connect with each other in real life O.O The pic of Eva and Ana had me fangirling this is so awesome *___*

*wipes thug tears* cause your stories are coming to an end I'm definitely going to miss them :/ you already know I'm a big fan of your work! Luv ya Drea xoxoxoxo Toni

Author's Response:

LOL no 1990. Stop time traveling Toni XD come back to 1990. Leave 1991 alone for now lol

LMAO Samantha was all over the place. Can you blame her? She was kidnapped. The spanish came out of her.

The pic of Ana and Eva :') that made my day

"*wipes thug tears* cause your stories are coming to an end I'm definitely going to miss them :/ you already know I'm a big fan of your work! Luv ya Drea xoxoxoxo Toni" <-- I know. But they had to come to an end at one point, is sad all are ending at once. :( Thanks honey. You have always been my biggest supporter. Love you!!!

Reviewer: nene147 Signed [Report This]
Date: May 05, 2013 10:55 am Title: Chapter 14 - Living in Danger....

Tracy Morgan lol

Author's Response:

tracy morgan photo: TRACY MORGAN m_6a1abece11a227b41957138811a0793d.jpg LOL YES!

Reviewer: Karoll84 Signed [Report This]
Date: May 05, 2013 10:08 am Title: Chapter 14 - Living in Danger....

no she doesn't lost his heart he still loves her sooooooo much

Author's Response:

Yes you are right. Michael is just stubborn. Thanks for the review :)

Reviewer: AMALuvzMJ Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Apr 28, 2013 09:28 pm Title: Chapter 13 - Only You....

*squeals* Yay you updated ^___^ OH MY GAWD this is getting so crazy, first of all he finally believes that Sam actually did Time Travel and she didn't want to leave Michael in 1989. Secondly woooo hooo they made love again lmaooo idk why that part made me blush ;) loool Holy Shit if she ends up pregnant tho O.O SHIT gon get real!

Ayee at the song you have in this chapter ^__^ I'm over here Jammin' lmaooo

Cant wait to see what happens next
xoxoxoxo Toni

Author's Response:

Toni!!! Did it really make you blush? hehe. Samantha is living my dream. She sleeps with Bad era MJ, then TTI era MJ now she is going to the dangerous era *flails*

"Holy Shit if she ends up pregnant tho O.O SHIT gon get real!" <--- YESSSSS

Girl, only you by 112 was my jam. I had the shit on repeat XD

xoxo thanks girl for the review :)))

Reviewer: RhythmChild Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Apr 25, 2013 06:01 pm Title: Chapter 13 - Only You....

*looks down* Wow, this chapter made me write so much about it! LOL that's how you know you're reading a good story, when you write this much about it! :)

so, this quote:

"it's not even a real marraige, they wouldn't be together if blah blah blah"

that's the kind of crap I hear from dumbass mistresses every day who justify what they're doing. Mike had a fight with his wife. It feels like their marraige might be over. But for all they know it could just be pure anger, and sicne they have kids and they've been together so long, at elast have the decency to wait until the divorce is finalized to start humping around?

And look, I am all for the Sam and Mike pairing, I'm just matter how much it feels like "true love"... what if Samantha was in a long marraige and the two of them had a big fight and then he slept with someone else?

And I'm not trying to stick up for Melissa either. That was fucked up what she said to him.

But something in Melissa's rant (from the previous chapter) stuck out to me:

"I want a normal life, without the cameras, without the fans chasing us everywhere we go. "

The other things she said, I BELIEVE, came out of anger and frustration. I don't condone it. never would, never will. But look at it from Mel's perspective. Being MJ's wife, I AM SURE, is no simple feat. Given the fame and paparazzi and everything, I am positive she gets the same amount of harassment from the media he does, and she's probably resentful because she gave up so much to be his wife.

It, in my opinion, is SO unfair to tell her to make a choice between him or the modeling career. She has never forced him to choose between her or his career, has she?

But see, she couldn't. Because compared to his career, hers is so much more fragile. His career is part of who he is. To the world, her marital status is all that Melissa is.

"You have your entire career that no matter how crazy the media makes you appear to be you have this wonderful career that will have you remembered for centuries. What about me, huh? What have I done?"

That's why that modeling angency was so important to her. IN relationships, we need to maintain a sense of who we are APART from the person we are with. It keeps us centered and keeps us from losing ourselves in someone else. I know she loves Michael, but really, apart from being a wife and a mother, what exactly is it that she has done for herself?

"YOu have made me a father. YOu made me a husband."

Which is beautiful, but trust me, as part of human nature, we all need to be defined as something other than that. We need to have something for ourselves. Michael had a career and a fanbase and a legend long before he made Melissa his wife. He would NEVER be defined as Mel's husband. But she will only be defined as his wife. (or soon to be ex-wife.)

Melissa loves the hell out of Michael. But I don't think she is cut out to continue on. She's nearing fifty and feels dissillusioned with her life because she feels only defined by other people: her husband and her kids. And I have a feeling Melissa KNOWS her husband settled for her, and that helps build resentment. Like, "I'm going through all this shit for you, and I know in your heart I'm only second best."

I'm not saying it's right or wrong, but it IS human nature. Clearly, their story has to end because this is a Samantha/Mike story. But I do hope they work through the emotional baggage this marraige has heaped onto them.


Sorry for my therapist rant lol, I loved the chapter, can't wait for more!

Author's Response:

 photo bigbangtheorypennythrowlaptop_zps8cc7eb9a.gif O___O Your review!!! hehe

Personally, I agree with you 100%. I'm not a fan of cheating, no matter what circumstances it does not gives you the right to pursue an attached man but I'm not Samantha. She has a mind of her own. ;) and you are right, I never said Melissa was a bad person...sure, she said some mean things but who hasn't when they have let their emotions get the best of them. She is human and she is entitled to her mistakes.

I think what Samantha figured was they are married now but I'm going to go back in time so if I change the events of time once again they might not be married at all in the future. Howver, that way of thinking is what is going to get Samantha in trouble and you'll see how and why. And don't count Melissa out yet because Samantha might have won the battle in the TII era but Melissa is more feracious in the Dangerous era. So drama is just on the way.

Thanks honey for the long review. I enjoyed reading it xoxo


Reviewer: Southern_cutie Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Apr 25, 2013 05:04 pm Title: Chapter 13 - Only You....

awwwww!!! younger Michael is gonna be sosoooo confused if she is pregnant!!! he's gonna be like "but the kid is not my soon" *Billie Jean* 

Author's Response:

LOL!!! Yesssss

 photo Billie-Jean-michael-jackson-9604179-400-300_zps41a4d9a2.gif

Reviewer: Karoll84 Signed [Report This]
Date: Apr 25, 2013 04:42 pm Title: Chapter 13 - Only You....

omg that was so beautiful moment i can't wait for the next part

Author's Response:

Thank you ^__^ next part is coming soon. Stay tuned

Reviewer: Lumilovesmichael Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Apr 13, 2013 05:22 pm Title: Chapter 1 - Believe....

THANK YOU so much for the shout out it was a great birthday treat.  I love it I was surprise I scream, laugh and cry too.  I'm surprise that Michael push her away from her kiss but, as I read on it make sense.  I need to know what happens as she travels back to 1990. SSOOOOONNNNN!!!!

1.  Does she ask Michael for the pin back so she can take it w/ her?

2. So when she left the letter was sent and Michael & B*tch were talking again so are they together by this time?

3.  Is DOC will  giving her a device in case she needs to comeback?

So many more questions I CAN WAIT????? Let us know soon.  MUCH L.O.V.E

LUMI :-)

Author's Response:

Aww you are so welcome. I hope you had an amazing birthday. How old are you now?

1. Does she ask Michael for the pin back so she can take it w/ her?  <---- Yes, that pin is very important. You will read about that soon. :)

2. So when she left the letter was sent and Michael & B*tch were talking again so are they together by this time? <--As you will see in the new chapter up now, Melissa and MJ were on and off after Samantha left but Michael explains this further. I'll let you read it :)

3. Is DOC will giving her a device in case she needs to comeback? <--- He better!! lol Samantha is going back in time smartly this time. :)

"I need to know what happens as she travels back to 1990" <--- It gets DANGEROUS!!!

xoxo thanks for the review hun :)


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