Reviews For The Time Traveler
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Reviewer: Karoll84 Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 30, 2013 02:02 pm Title: Chapter 20 - Fight for this love....

o wow Michael is churge i like it this will be so interesting

Author's Response:

Yes, older Mike is now in charge *__* thank you for reading and reviewing :)))

Reviewer: AppleheadJax Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Aug 30, 2013 01:57 pm Title: Chapter 20 - Fight for this love....

Great chapter as always. I really love how you portray the older Mike!!! He's so sexy! Beast man lmfaooo I love! Can't wait for more! <3 ALL FOR LOVE

Author's Response:

lmaoooo. Thank you. I like to believe that the older Michael got the "beastier" he became. Thank you for reading and reviewing. Much love <333

Reviewer: xMOONWALKERx Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Aug 16, 2013 10:55 pm Title: Chapter 19 - I ain't saying she's a GOLD DIGGER, but she ain't messing with no BROKE ****...

Well Oh shit! That was wild and unexpected. 

I was expecting Melissa to be there for Mike. But all she has ever done is mess things up for Mike. First she wants to get rid of Sam. And now we've come to know that she help KILL Mike. Like...this bitch!

As for Mike, man I hope he is smarter than to let anyone control him.  Especially Melissa, she don't need to be talking to no Sam. Gtfo

Sam is smart,  I trust she'll make the right decision. No I don't, but I hope she does.

Author's Response:

lol thank you! That was the idea.

"I was expecting Melissa to be there for Mike. But all she has ever done is mess things up for Mike. First she wants to get rid of Sam. And now we've come to know that she help KILL Mike. Like...this bitch!" <--- It's crazy, huh?

Obviously Mike is a bit of a push over. He's strong when he needs to be but he seems to have a thing for Melissa. Like he can't say no to her but maybe Samantha will fix that.

"Sam is smart,  I trust she'll make the right decision. No I don't, but I hope she does." <--- LOL I have a feeling she will.

Thanks for reading and reviewing hun. xoxo

Reviewer: purebutterflies Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 16, 2013 07:51 pm Title: Chapter 19 - I ain't saying she's a GOLD DIGGER, but she ain't messing with no BROKE ****...

Loved it, can't wait for more...

Author's Response:

working on an update now so I hope to have it soon. Thanks for reading and reviewing. :)

Reviewer: Karoll84 Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 16, 2013 02:23 pm Title: Chapter 19 - I ain't saying she's a GOLD DIGGER, but she ain't messing with no BROKE ****...

omg please help him girl oh god tell him that he is a daddy

Author's Response:

Samantha cares for Michael. She traveled to help him so she won't let him suffer. Regarding the daddy thing, that's tough. How can she explain she got pregnant by him in 2012? We'll just have to wait and see what she decides. Thanks for reading and reviewing.

Reviewer: StrawBerryMilkshake Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 16, 2013 12:34 pm Title: Chapter 19 - I ain't saying she's a GOLD DIGGER, but she ain't messing with no BROKE ****...

Dang that was smart XD do you think you tell me your opinion on his death?  :3 sorry I'm just really curious :)

Author's Response:

lol thank you. Samantha is one smart cookie, isn't she?....His death, jeez where do I begin? I don't want to get into detail but I believe there is more to the story. There's too much stuff involved in that day that it's too fishy. Security footage erased, emails from workers erased. Why would people erase the footage and evidence if this case was as simple as they say? And then this thing with AEG!! Let's just say sometimes murder is not just someone going to up to the person with a gun. Sometimes someone could kill someone without them even knowing. A very slow and tortorous death. I believe people saw Michael was overworked but no one care. They let him die for their own money gain while the whole time he was screaming for help. They just covered his mouth and buried him, metophorically speaking. Who's they? Honey, that's the mystery. One Michael took to his grave and one "They" will never speak about. Thanks for reading and reviewing.

Reviewer: nene147 Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 16, 2013 11:47 am Title: Chapter 19 - I ain't saying she's a GOLD DIGGER, but she ain't messing with no BROKE ****...

Omfg!!!!! This chapter is the best! It really gets you thinking! I love it

Author's Response:

Thank you!!! And that was the idea lol now it's up to Sam to stop that from coming true. Thanks for reading and reviewing.

Reviewer: MJLover_98 Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 16, 2013 11:43 am Title: Chapter 19 - I ain't saying she's a GOLD DIGGER, but she ain't messing with no BROKE ****...

Ahhhh!! Damn it, cliffhanger! This is getting goooood!

Reviewer: MJLover_98 Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 16, 2013 11:42 am Title: Chapter 19 - I ain't saying she's a GOLD DIGGER, but she ain't messing with no BROKE ****...

Ahhhh!! Damn it, cliffhanger! This is getting goooood!

Author's Response:

lol sorry but I am working on an update now. Hope to have it up soon. :) Thanks for the review and for reading.

Reviewer: Rizzo87 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Aug 16, 2013 11:18 am Title: Chapter 19 - I ain't saying she's a GOLD DIGGER, but she ain't messing with no BROKE ****...

I hope Michael finds out before it's too late..

Author's Response:

Me too. Thanks for the review. :))

Reviewer: thelostchild143 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jul 28, 2013 05:11 pm Title: Chapter 18 - Is This Goodbye?...


Author's Response:


 photo funny_zpsae357f4b.gif

Reviewer: QueenofPop98 Signed [Report This]
Date: Jul 26, 2013 01:42 am Title: Chapter 18 - Is This Goodbye?...

Oh my gosh... Please bring them back together again because this story is seriously making me feel sad with how it's going now, lol. Please update very soon!!

Author's Response:

lol I'm sorry. It will get better soon. :))

Reviewer: Rizzo87 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jul 25, 2013 12:42 pm Title: Chapter 18 - Is This Goodbye?...

I hope she doesn't actually end up keeping Michael from his child. That would be cruel, no matter how much she thinks she's doing it for his own good. :(

Author's Response:

Yes, I agree but we shall see. She's a little stubborn right now but I have a feeling things will change soon. :)

Reviewer: Rizzo87 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jul 25, 2013 12:14 pm Title: Chapter 17 - Elizabeth's Party (Part 2)

Poor Michael and Samantha.. :(

Author's Response:

Yes. It's tough being them right  now (._.) Thanks for reading and reviewing on most of the chapters. It means a lot that you are enjoying it.

Reviewer: Rizzo87 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jul 25, 2013 11:33 am Title: Chapter 16 - Elizabeth's Party (Part 1)

I feel so bad for Samantha. I hope she finds a way to prove to him that she's from the future. Ya know...without him fainting afterwards.. ;p

Author's Response:

LOL what to do when you have a fainting guy in your hands?

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