Date: Jan 14, 2011 09:48 pm Title: Chapter 5
Hhaha!! I really loved your ending it was so funny!!! Keep on going I really do love your story...
Author's Response:
lol thankz!! I was hoping I could add sum humor to the end and I'm glad you liked it!
Date: Jan 14, 2011 06:25 pm Title: Chapter 5
Aww she's wrong for teasing him!! She coulda at least rubbed it.. lol. Well hopefully they'll get to that point soon. And I hope he meant what he said about not hurting him. They would make a really nice couple.
Author's Response:
lol ikr. I want them to have some strong history before I rush into the other stuff. Thankz for revewing!!!!
Date: Jan 14, 2011 05:51 pm Title: Chapter 5
All right said pass the pasta, let's get some sauce! LOL = very good story, looking forward to reading the rest.
Author's Response:
rofl thanks, and I promise I'll update soon!!
Date: Jan 14, 2011 05:48 pm Title: Chapter 5
I love this chapter.
ONLY $987.00 for dinner. Gotta love that guy. He knows how to treat his girl.
Oooooh when he spoke french to Marcel!! So sexy
Keep it coming girl
Author's Response:
rofl thanks!!!!
Date: Jan 12, 2011 06:07 pm Title: Chapter 4
Miranda needs her ass kicked! Hating on Regina.
Author's Response:
lol ikr!? Thx for the review!
Date: Jan 12, 2011 01:55 pm Title: Chapter 4
It looks like a good one!!! Please update soon!!!
Author's Response:
kk I will! Thank u!
Date: Jan 11, 2011 06:11 am Title: Chapter 3
come on right more !!!!! eager to know what happens next :))
Author's Response:
Lol ok ok I promise! lol

Date: Jan 09, 2011 01:09 am Title: Chapter 3
Cliff hangers are bad for your health lol
Author's Response:
Lol ikr im a bad prson lol

Date: Jan 09, 2011 01:05 am Title: Chapter 2
Lol the part when miranda said i rather be a rich tramp then a broke ass bitch had me laughing haha
Author's Response:
Lol thankz!

Date: Jan 09, 2011 01:01 am Title: Chapter 1
Lol diggin it so far :)
Author's Response:

Date: Jan 08, 2011 05:39 pm Title: Chapter 3
i freaking love this story so freaking much
Author's Response:
aawww thank u!
Date: Jan 07, 2011 03:20 pm Title: Chapter 3
this is great love the story so far :)
Author's Response:
lol thank u!!! Therez more comin!!!
Date: Jan 06, 2011 12:40 pm Title: Chapter 3
I really like ur story. Keep up the great work! :)
Author's Response:
Thank you! U guyz really help me wen u review!
Date: Jan 05, 2011 07:19 pm Title: Chapter 2
I like it. Keep Going :)
Author's Response:
Thankz, and I'll try to update as soon as possible!

Date: Jan 05, 2011 09:38 am Title: Chapter 2
Woah. I love thissssss.
Can't wait for the juicy stuff ;D
Update soon!
Author's Response:
thanks! The real juicy story stuff starts after the 3rd chapter! I had to make a strong foundation first. Thnkz for reviewing!