Date: Apr 12, 2011 11:18 pm Title: Chapter 17
Omg damn Alicia is a stank HO!!!! I hope that bitch gets AIDS and dies! Poor Regina. She's a beautiful woman and just can't catch a break. She deserves so much better. I'm glad she and Michael talked but as far as I'm concerned those are just WORDS! It's time to be about action. He needs to get Alicia the fuck outta his life now and for good. He needs to work his ass off to get Regina back. Maybe Alicia getting with Alphonso is a blessing in disguise, more ammo he can use to get that bitch outta here! Enough of this victim shit, my patience is wearing thin! Lol
Date: Apr 12, 2011 07:39 pm Title: Chapter 17
First off I love you for updating the story :)
Thanks for the great chapter!! I love it! Omg alicia, alicia, alicia, My lord. that girl needs help. Shes just so ruthless and doesnt care for anyone thats the definition of Heartless!! Cnt wait for thr next part!!!!
Date: Apr 12, 2011 06:38 pm Title: Chapter 17
What a hoe! She won't let Regina be happy for shit! Somebody need to put Alicia in her place! And that should be Regina!
Date: Apr 12, 2011 06:13 pm Title: Chapter 17
Oh man...Regina can't catch a break.
Date: Apr 12, 2011 05:36 am Title: Chapter 9
like the photos of ur characters very beautiful and creative
Date: Apr 12, 2011 03:40 am Title: Chapter 1
very cute and love the sarcasm :)
Author's Response:
Lol thankz!!
Date: Apr 08, 2011 11:18 pm Title: Chapter 16
I have no remorse for Alicia at all. She's had what was coming to her and she knows it! And damn that Alfonso is FINE! I'd date him in a heartbeat! Regina better flirt with that man! HOT DAMN! It'll show Michael! Whoo! Loved this update!
Author's Response:
Thankz and ikr!! Sexxy!!!
Date: Apr 08, 2011 10:18 pm Title: Chapter 16
I so love the visuals...LOL! And dayum Alfonso IS FINE!!! Whew...
Author's Response:
Ikr!! Ohhh if I knew that boii I yall just dnt know!! haha
Date: Apr 08, 2011 07:47 pm Title: Chapter 16
Yay ive been waiting for an update :)) i lovee this story!! & omg alicia is finally the one in danger and no ones on her side thank god! & im likin the engagement party cnt wait for the next parttt
Author's Response:
Lol yeah I havent been updatin faste nough :( lol
Date: Apr 08, 2011 07:37 pm Title: Chapter 16
That's right Regina!!!! Have some fun girl! Make Michael's punk ass regret every move he made when he picked that stank nasty bitch over you! Dance, flirt, be allll on that fine ass Italian! I hope Michael is jealous as hell too. And I hope the raggedy bitch Alicia will be too. I'm glad she's lost most of her power too and Mike is gaining his back. It's a wrap for you Alicia! I can feel it.. this ho's time is almost out! Idk what Mike is gonna do to get Regina back, but I am sooo glad he's got some competition. Regina sounds like she's gorgeous and I hope she has her some fun with this dude, she deserves it. Update soon, I can't wait to see what happens next.. Mike is not gonna give Regina up that easily!
Author's Response:
Haha ikr she betta enjoy herself!!! She just needs to let loose!!
Date: Mar 18, 2011 02:02 am Title: Chapter 15
lol at the computer pic..can't wait for this two to meet again.
Author's Response:
Lol thanks! And the wait is ova lol
Date: Mar 17, 2011 12:12 am Title: Chapter 15
I hope he beats the shit outta Alicia's trifling ass!! She deserves every bit of it. I'm a lil skeptical about my girl Regina goin to this party though... I hope she doesn't acknowledge Mike or that ho too much. All I know is she better look FLAWLESS!! Show Mike's dumb ass what he missed out on.. shoot, it'd be even better if she brought a date. I cannot wait for Alicia to get what she deserves and get the hell outta Michael's life.. from the looks of things, it looks like her payback is beginning which is GREAT!!!!
Author's Response:
Lol ikr! Thankz for the beautiful review and all of yur other ones!
Date: Mar 17, 2011 12:08 am Title: Chapter 15
Dang I love this story and Im happy regina has agreed to talk to michael, before she makes any big deicisons & omg when Lloyd started hitting alicia that was a big shock, I didnt think he had it in him. Cnt wait for the next part :)
Author's Response:
Aww thanks and I try to right more often lol
Date: Mar 16, 2011 08:40 pm Title: Chapter 15
OK normally not an advocate for violence against women by men (even when they deserve it), but she really needs her azz kicked and by Regina! Looking forward to reading more.
Author's Response:
Lol thanks! And she yur rite she does deserve it lol
Date: Mar 16, 2011 02:38 pm Title: Chapter 15
Oh how the tables have turned! XD The bitch Alicia deserved to get her ass whooped! XD I applaud Lloyd, and I don't even approve of men hitting women! Loved it!
Author's Response:
Lol ikr she had it COMING! And thankz!