Reviews For Pasta, Please
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Reviewer: Kay Jackson Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 01, 2015 10:22 pm Title: Chapter 32

Total terror!

Reviewer: Kay Jackson Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 01, 2015 09:58 pm Title: Chapter 31

What a story!

Reviewer: Kay Jackson Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 01, 2015 07:40 pm Title: Chapter 30


Reviewer: Kay Jackson Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 01, 2015 06:33 pm Title: Chapter 29

Things appear to be getting back to normal. They really should be on guard.

Reviewer: Kay Jackson Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 01, 2015 06:23 pm Title: Chapter 28


Reviewer: Kay Jackson Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 01, 2015 03:57 pm Title: Chapter 27

Wow! Good job! 

Reviewer: Kay Jackson Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 01, 2015 03:41 pm Title: Chapter 26

The Calvary to the rescue!! Good job!

Reviewer: Kay Jackson Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 01, 2015 03:28 pm Title: Chapter 25

Great idea!

Reviewer: Kay Jackson Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 01, 2015 02:44 pm Title: Chapter 23

Crazy mean people. Wow! I wish they had used a different name. Great use of suspense in your writing. Looking forward to reading the next chapters.

Reviewer: Kay Jackson Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 01, 2015 01:24 pm Title: Chapter 22

Treacherous and vindictive people. They hurt regina first and denied doing it. Now they want to still hurt her. Some people are just bad people.

Reviewer: Kay Jackson Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 01, 2015 12:32 pm Title: Chapter 20

Wow! How awful, its not right! That's why you have to be careful who you let your children play with. They need their own parent's love and supervision. They need to know what is appropriate touch for little children to accept and not accept from grown ups, and who should be considered a stranger. Then they should be able to always tell the things that someone does to them.

Reviewer: Kay Jackson Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 01, 2015 09:24 am Title: Chapter 19

Good job!

Reviewer: Kay Jackson Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 01, 2015 06:23 am Title: Chapter 18

You always have to find a way to get your life together. There has to be a plan and a sequence of steps to get life back on track.

Reviewer: Kay Jackson Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 01, 2015 05:59 am Title: Chapter 17

Alicia is constantly making trouble. Regina does need to get away from her. Some people will never accept friendship , no matter what. Great job, writing!

Reviewer: Kay Jackson Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 01, 2015 05:52 am Title: Chapter 17

At least they tried to talk.

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