Date: Nov 18, 2012 08:12 pm Title: Chapter 27 : Decode
They both just keep there hands off eachother lolz they really need 2 get married already cause I can see that can't live without eachother. I thought it was funny on how he annoyed about her prince fetish come on don't most of us girls have fetish 4 prince? I got nothing but love 4 michael 2 but I gotta also have a dab of prince in my life ;) xD & I felt bad when he said he's lonely on tours aww :/ there there mike *kisses his forehead* lolz he'll never be lonley cause he'll never leave Bev out of his sight anway. & I wonder what he's planning 2? I like surprises as long as there good ones lolz & yes I will definitley update Stuck in few days. I can't wait 2 update it. & dang u a Miguel fan to?? My siter loves all his songs & everything about that man. She keeps up on everything he does lolz I will admit he is so cute & I love his song Adorn a lot & i can't wait 4 your next update. <3
Author's Response:
Yo're right they really need to get arried since they can live without each other!
Hahaha I feel BJ on this one, Prince has this je-ne-sais-quoi that is moving! I love me some Prince too ;)
Well you'll know what is he planning and the meaning behid "now i know" soon too. A good or bad surprise? You'll know later too
I looooooove Adorn too but my favorite is definetely "Use Me", because... Well i don't even have to explain it, the song is just everythng!
It's going to be a hard week since i have to catch up on so many lecture and start to revise for my exas but i defo try to update before the end of the week and come back to read the nex chaptr of Stuck too ;)
Date: Nov 18, 2012 07:57 pm Title: Chapter 27 : Decode
Wait I'm a bit confused. So they got back together just like that?
Author's Response:
Actually, this chapter is 5 months later the Soul Train Awards and the all Rosho drama. I completely forget to put this on the chapter, but it is now! I am very sorry! About the confusion and everything. It looks clear in my mind, obviously because i am the one writting it! Haha! I'm glad you point that out!
I've fixed this I hope it's clearer. Actually they reyally got back together before he got back to the Dangerous Tour. They just spent that together during these 5 months
Date: Nov 18, 2012 05:32 pm Title: Chapter 26 : Heartbreak hotel
Aww mike cooked 4 her that's sweet. But wait he tried not 2 call her baby? He might aswell continue 2 call her baby anyway with his horny & pervy self. Him & those bedroom eye's lolz & agree with bev 100% that it was pretty twisted 4 her first ex 2 comfort her over new ex. Lmao! That was differen't & weird but at least michael was there 4 comfort. & uh ooh mikes not giving up until he gets those goodies from with constantly staring at her with those bedroom eye's he thinks he's slick. XD I can't wait 4 more :)
Author's Response:
HAHAHAHHA you're so funny! You're right Mike ain't slick with it but hey, it wants her back so he have to find a way to ake her understand without being to strong! The ost important is that, she gets it haha! It's hard for him to call her anything but Baby! He called her baby for like 2 year, old habits die hard. Mike is a big flirt and is she going to gave in?? Well you'll just have to read the next chapter! It's online by the way. Hope you'll enjoy :)
BTW, thank you again for ALL your funny review and you NEED to update Stuck soon because i need to know what Michael is planning with Inga's number!!!
Date: Nov 18, 2012 05:17 pm Title: Chapter 25 : The thrill
Wow I sort of felt bad 4 roshon in a way :/ but at the sametime I understand bev's point of view 2. She needs someone 2's not fair 2 her either maybe roshon will move on & find someone else. I can't believe Mike&Roshon was both in her house at the sametime 0_0 I thought it was gonna be some kung-fighting up in there lolz but it was handled pretty well..hi 5 to bev 4 that. XD & aww michael is so sweet 2 be there 4 her like that I can tell that he my still love her. & btw michael is so hot in all that black oh gosh if I only I could touch him. :P
Author's Response:
I felt bad for Roshon too while writing this story but hey, you can be in a realtionship without trust! Damn that was a good idea, Mike and Roshon should have shown their funky fight and ask Bev to choose! I wish i would i've think of it earlier. *facepalm* myself. Anyway, thank for the idea ;) BJ know how to handle that kind of situation! Yeah, Mike desn't like to see her cry and the fact that another man is making her crying is heartbreaking for him! Mike is a sweetheart!
IKR! We is so beautiful especially with no makeup! Perfeeeect *BJsvoice*
Date: Nov 18, 2012 05:02 pm Title: Chapter 24 : Where's the fun in forever?
Damn I guess roshon wasn't playing when he wanted out with her? Whoa he got real jealous of her & mike but he's her ex. & maybe mike&bev those a chance of getting back together again. But idk it all depends on there fate. If she let's michael go & move on maybe her & roshon wil stay together. That's what I think but as long as she's weak 4 michael then things will continue 2 be on think air 4 her & roshon. Come on bev choose wisely please. *begs with pleading eye's.* xD btw I like Bj's outfit :D
Author's Response:
Roshon ain't playing! He wanted her during the set of Liberian girl and he still want her! badly! He's not ready to let her go! Yeah girl, I know you like BJ's outfit haha :)
Date: Nov 18, 2012 02:02 pm Title: Chapter 23 : Best thing I ever had
Oh darn I defo gotta catch up. Lolz I'm glad there's a few chapters up now that I can take my time reading :D & thanks girl 4 really liking my story dang u reviewed every chapter xD your reviews were so funny to I was dying at your reactions 2 every chapter especially the first one to the last one about Tatiana, I couldn't stop laughing. & yes I have Migual Jontel as Mike's partiner. :) me & my sister loves him especially my sister she head over heels over that dude :P but anyways I can't wait 2 read these chapters yay! Idk but I get so excited everytime I see like 2 or 3 chapter up. I'm ready 4 more laugher & drama from #Team Bev&Mike. <3
Author's Response:
Hey girl! Glad you back to read the new chapter ;)
You don't have to thank me! I really like your story and it was my pleasure to review, rate, read and make you laugh with my coments haha! I have nothing against Tatiana but the way your portrayed her was too overwhelming for me! I looooooooove Miguel too! I'm actually listening to 'Arch & Point" while responding to your comment! Well i can't blame your sister, he is charming! And his voiiiiiiice. Humm
Hahah, get ready girl!
Date: Nov 16, 2012 10:52 pm Title: Chapter 25 : The thrill
Wow Mike looks DEE-LISH in that pic. Sometimes I wish he wore no makeup more often.
Anywho, I wonder if Mike is gonna try to get BJ back? He seems like he's not over her
Author's Response:
Yeah so handsome! With or without makeup he is perfect! Well we will see at the next update ;)
Thank you for reviewing
Date: Nov 15, 2012 03:08 am Title: Chapter 23 : Best thing I ever had
I loved it girl! & that sketch they did at the awards was so funny xD & wow Boys2Men won :D I love that group they have such wonderful hits.
Oooh I see some type of love connection happening again with bev & mike. The sparks are flying I see. Michael misses her & he even proved it with his actions & everything. & like her friendship with Tyra, btw tyra was in michael's video black&white did u knw that? She was adorable & silly in his video. Oh boy roshon is jealous & annoyed now... he wants 2 marry her quick now so she could 4get about michael but I'm not so sure about that tho. Idk if she'll ever dust michael off the chemistry is still there. #team bev&michael ;) lolz & btw I love both dresses! I can't wait 4 more. Much Love!
Author's Response:
Than you! They actually won a award at this ceremony of the Soul Train Awards ;)
Here we go again! They can't help but missing each other! And the fact that he performs Remember the Time wasn't at random ;).Yeah I know, the morph thing is actually my favorite part and Tyra is so cute in there!! Actually that how I wanted my reader to picture her in the story.
Roshon truly believe that all she needs to forget about Michael is to marry someone else! Let's see if she agreed and even if sh's okay, do you think she will forget about Mike?
Thank youuuu girl, Annie :)
Date: Nov 14, 2012 06:56 pm Title: Chapter 23 : Best thing I ever had
Hold on,.. Okay I love me some MJJ, but Boys II Men mm mm B2M, wooooooo all 4 of them is sexiness! Lol bt I think wen I read that they won I think I clapped a lil lol I ain't gone even lie. I dnt c wat Roshon mad about, that arguement wasnt even necessary. BOYZ II MEN.....HAHA RANDOM!!!!!!!!!!
Author's Response:
We all have our guilty pleasure ;) They actually won the price and I wanted Tyra and BJ to introduce a price where Michael wasn't nominee!
Roshon his jelly because they were too close, but you know TV showed only what they wanted to show!
Date: Nov 14, 2012 02:44 pm Title: Flashback - April to January 1991
Thank you so much I been wanting 2 knw 4 so long on how u upload videos on here I been dying 4 song 2 put videos up but I never even thought about asking anybody *hits my forehead* Loolzz &btw I replied 2 your review on my story thank you 4 rating it 2 if you like you can check out my story Stuck. :)
Author's Response:
You're welcoe. I proise i'll check out your story this weekend girl :)!
New chapter online BTW
Date: Nov 13, 2012 07:13 pm Title: Flashback - April to January 1991
D: ohhh poor Mike... but BJ's right... she didn't deserve that... much love Xoxo can't wait for an update
Author's Response:
Yes, that was an eventful chapter :/
The new chapter in online ;)
Date: Nov 12, 2012 07:40 pm Title: Flashback - April to January 1991
BJ sure stood her grounds & let him go completly including the ring. I knw it had 2 be hard but she sucked it up with her tears. Maybe it was 4 the best anyway. & now she can be Bj & not just MJ's ex girlfriend or ex fiance or whatever ppl wanna consider it. He may have opened a few doors 4 her & all but now she's finding herself & being her own person without Michael's fame. I think it may have worked in her favor in a way. Some things happens 4 a reason sometimes. & roshon is a good expirence 4 her maybe it's good Bj&Mj take some time apart from eachother anyway. &btw I love the outfit :)
Author's Response:
Hey girl! Like usual thank you for reviewing, rating and reading :)
You're right. She needed to find herself and being attached to Michael wasn't helping her at all! Yeah you're right she is now a supermodel and Michael kind of help with that too...
For for Roshon is just an experience? Yoiu believe that she is meant to be with Mike right?
I know you love these outfits :D!
xoxo Annie
Date: Nov 12, 2012 07:28 pm Title: Chapter 22 : It ain't over till it's over
Yay! I see that u updated :D &btw how do u post youtube videos on here? I never asked anyone before. Lolz
Author's Response:
Well my youtube is in french so'ill try to translate but basically you click on "Share" > "Insert"> you copy the code and past it on your story :)
And don't worry if when you preview it the code is still here, when you add the story the video appears!
I hope it was clear girl :)
Date: Nov 12, 2012 06:17 pm Title: Chapter 22 : It ain't over till it's over
So much has gone on between bev & mike but now it's bev & roshon. I wonder how long they will last? Even tho mike had broken her heart I still believe that could be a wee bit of hope 4 them again. But atleast she moved on tho. & btw I love Lenny :D
Author's Response:
You're right on time for the next chapter i've just posted it!
Yeah you're right! Everybody thought they were perfect for each other but it seems like Beverly is made for Roshon. But who is made for her??
Yes BJ is a big girl and she is not ready to spend her entire life crying over a guy, not even over the King of Pop!
Ayyyy, you need to know that i'm in LOVE with Lenny! He is just so... I don't know! This song was perfect for BJ&Mike!
Thank you very much for always being here for rate and review my story girl!
But what do you think will happen at the Soul Train ?
xoxo Annie
Date: Nov 12, 2012 02:48 pm Title: Prologue
One Direction fans need a good beat down. Seriously I hate deluded One D and JB fans, don't even get me started -__-
Lenny Kravitz --- All I know about him is that song he made with MJ that went on to the Michael album ahah (embarrassed)
(If I dont reply back I've passed out on the floor, K?) XD
Author's Response:
Lenny Kravitz its... God i don't know how to describe it. You should listen to his songs. The ore famous is Are you gonna go my way :)
Me likeyyyy. It's from My Lovely One right?
Damn i'm now pregnant with twins! haha
God he is perfection!!!
Imma pass out