Reviews For Liberian Girl
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Reviewer: Mjjprincess Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Dec 13, 2012 09:10 pm Title: Chapter 19 : Stay together

Well they should at least respect her honesty, but under circumstances like that; She shouldve said something different lol & aww that was probably a blow to mikes heart just saying she doesnt want to get married :(

Author's Response:

You're right! At least she said the truth. She didn't make Michael and his family she is planning on marrying him. It was quite harsh actually, she should have suger coated it lol. Mike was super happy with BJ on tour with him and now something is broken

Reviewer: Mjjprincess Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Dec 13, 2012 08:43 pm Title: Chapter 18 : T-R-U-S-T

Hahaha he took care of her like no other in this chapter ;) hah Im happy shes going with him! Going on tour with him is really going to be a test to see if she can rly stick with him

Author's Response:

Yes, he take goooooood care of her ;). Yay, she is going on tour with hi! Let's just hope it will be great!

Reviewer: Mjjprincess Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Dec 13, 2012 08:26 pm Title: Chapter 17 : Why don't you love me?

Hah Michael's all jealous! Oh damnn that was hottttt! :) & whats messed up why did he just leave like that!
Another great chapter:)

Author's Response:

Michael doesn't want Roshon's paws on BJ! He loves her! How cuuuuuuuuuute ;)

Reviewer: Sabrinamjjlove Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Dec 12, 2012 01:34 pm Title: Chapter 36 : Move on up

Well damn, BJ's hormones are wiiiiild (UNDERSTATEMENT) haha

Whoa Rebbie's reaction was a shocker, though a positive one! I can't quite believe Katherine acted like that, then again she real religious. 

Whoo I had no idea they already got married. ;P

Update sooon. :)) , <3

Author's Response:

HAHAHA, yeah, BJ is going crazy and the thing she is finding out is not helping! Yes, Rebbie stood up for Beverly! Everybody though she was the one who hated her more! But it changed after their confrontation after the wedding. Only fools never change theur mind! Katherine is certainly not going to forgive her precious Michael for got Beverly pregnant before their wedding but hey they got married in a civil service in june! I know, i decide to do a flashback for the next chapter. Stay tuned ;)

Reviewer: missmj2012 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Dec 10, 2012 05:59 pm Title: Chapter 36 : Move on up

Wow Bev's harmones is all over the place loolz xD & her friends r so crazy 2 be talking about her having sex with michael while being preggo's haha! But I'm glad that everyone know's she's having the little moonwalker :D gees this exciting, & I would understand why katherine would be a bit disapointed cause she is very religous women but I'm glad michael was able 2 talk it out with her & mike&bev deffo did get married before having the baby so they did a really good thing & I hope kathrine will accept this soon. & I'm so glad that they didn't fight over the naoimi situation cause that happened a long time ago. & finally bev didn't get 2 crazy about it..I love how they both talk things out first before it becoming serious fights. #Team Bev & Mike! Can't wait for more. Much Love!

Author's Response:

You're so right! Beverly is going nut with her hormones and the baby. She needs to relax if she doesn't want to harm the baby with her stressful self. HAHAHA, Chris and Max are so perfect together and so crazy! The kind of friend you wish you had ;)Yes, know everybody knows about the baby except the whole wold haha. Now they need to make it official! We all understand Katherine but since she is the loving and caring one, we all thought she was going to accept it for Michael. But I guess it was the final straw. But the best thing is that Michael stand up for Beverly! THE MAN! Ys, BJ is not that crazy after all.

Thank you love! The next chapter will be an flashback about their secret wedding in June ;) stay tuned ;)

Reviewer: missmj2012 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Dec 10, 2012 05:45 pm Title: Chapter 35 : Bodies

I'm soo happy & thrilled that she'll preggo's :)) omg!! & loolz prince flirted with Tyra & Bev that was so funny girl! I love how u always puts him in the chapters & damn diana sometimes can get so annoying along with lisa -_- & oh shoot he fucked naomi?! O_O

Author's Response:

Yeah, me too! I feel like it was the right time for them to be pregnant and Michael is so happy!! HAHAHA i needed Beverly to fially meet Prince! And Tyra is here of course! He flirted with her and he enjoyed it ;)

Yeeaaah, you're so right about Diana. So right that she is not going to be in that story again because she infuriate me! Oh let's not talk about lisa haha


Reviewer: missmj2012 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Dec 08, 2012 05:33 pm Title: Chapter 33 : Bliss pt 1

i noticed u updated on both stories ^_^ i gotta catch up once i get some quiet time 2 myself. much love! 

Author's Response:

Yeees! Actually I've update every stories and soon publishing my very first short story ;))

Reviewer: Sabrinamjjlove Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Dec 08, 2012 09:17 am Title: Chapter 34 : Bliss pt 2


Omg tho whats wrong with Chris?? (her friend Chris) 0_o

Haha the part where she was concerned about Michaels mental health. He's hella happy she's pregnant, as you would expect him to be. :D

Can't wait for more! ^.^ , <33

Author's Response:

Chris Tucker is the man!!! I needed to put all his imitation of Michael somewhere hahaaaaa! DTTYGE in Rush Hour is my favorite par "Shamone Lee!!"

Ah, Chris... You'll need to read the net chapter! So do you think, Michael is right about her? That she is not happy about her best friend getting married

She didn't even know she was pregnant haha! Michael is the happiest man alive he fainally married her and now she is pregnant! EvERYTHING is perfectt!

Reviewer: Sabrinamjjlove Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Dec 08, 2012 03:27 am Title: Chapter 33 : Bliss pt 1


This was amazing, haha I laughed when the priest got fustrated, Michael and BJ were like a couple of kids. XD

This was so sweet, and ahh Michael's outfit! Its true that Michael rocked it without makeup; he looked beyond beautiful with it but the natural look on him... Sighs. *speechless*


Author's Response:

They waited so long for their wedding that it better be perfect for them ;)

HAHAHA, this is y favorite part too, Mike and BJ can't behave when they are together!

Yeees, Michael outfit was amazing and those silver boots! MAMAMIA!

Reviewer: Sabrinamjjlove Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Dec 08, 2012 03:01 am Title: Chapter 32 : Whenever Wherever Whatever

Awwwe that was too cute! They're so in love, and everything is going perfect. ^.^ (Despite Rebbie, lmao)

Love how Michael took care of BJ.

Can't wait to read how the wedding goes. XD

, <3

Author's Response:

Indeed, EVERYTHING is perfect, so you know what is going to happen right... DRAMAAA

Michael is a sweetheart ;)


Reviewer: Mjjprincess Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Dec 07, 2012 12:37 am Title: Chapter 16 : Hell of a day

Ahh that was great:)! i loveee the gif of him saying thats a wrap and his cute little wink:)!

Author's Response:

That's y favorite part of the video! He is so cute with his tie haha ;) Love it :)

Reviewer: Mjjprincess Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Dec 07, 2012 12:27 am Title: Chapter 15 : This too shall pass

I love that she has a friend like chris always there for her:) haha who can resist michael honestly? Hah another great chapter:)

Author's Response:

Yes, Chris is the kind of friend everybody wants. She is very caring and always there for our BJ ;) Oh yeah, nobody can resist

Reviewer: Mjjprincess Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Dec 07, 2012 12:19 am Title: Chapter 14 : The words to say goodbye

Aww I was actually really upset that michael stopped calling but it seems he has returned for her:) ahh finally getting a chance to catch up:)

Author's Response:

Hey you ;) Thank you for reading, reviewing and rating! I didn't realise that you stopped read a that chapter! there's so much going on haha you'll see ;)

Reviewer: missmj2012 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Dec 05, 2012 08:11 pm Title: Chapter 34 : Bliss pt 2

LMAO there wedding was hilarious I'm glad Chris is his friend too! :D geez he was putting on. Show if ya know what I mean.. chris tucker is soo funny & I'm glad that there finally a happily married couple now. ^_^ & wooowww she's preggo's omg omg omg. 0.0 I think michael is like the happiest man ever. She's gonna have a little moonwalker :P I can't wait 4 more. I'm glad I caught up with this just an hour before my BirthDay lolz it's 11:11pm now & yes these chapters was a good b-day gift 2 me! Lolz

& btw like always her outfits are fab! Can't wait 4 more! & Much Love!

Author's Response:

HAHAHAH! Chris is the best ! And his imitation of Michael is so on point! HAHAHA! I wish i could met him, he is so amazing! Gotta love him! Yes they are married and above all pregnant! Michael feet won't touche the ground for a long time, he is flying and so happppy! It must have been the besy days of his life! A little boy or a little girl, too cute! I wrote the next chapter and i will publish it later ;). I don't really want to update too fast  ;)


Reviewer: missmj2012 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Dec 05, 2012 08:01 pm Title: Chapter 33 : Bliss pt 1

I was laughing when bev was surprised that karen didn't make her face look ugly in the makeup LMAO!! She did a good job on her tho & her wedding dress is fab!!& those shoes or nice! ^_^ & that's so true even tho mike has such a cool signature style I would of told him 2 give the loafers a break lolz I love him in that suit & his silver bootz!! That's differen't I didn't even notice that either until I looked closely in the picture. I love how michael switches his style up time 2 time without the penny loafers. He basically looks great in anything :D & aww there having the wedding in NeverLand & out of all places under the giving tree! Now that's awesome!!! This was a great a chap & I will read the next one in a few! <3

Author's Response:

HAHA, you'll never know with Karen! I would have been scared to let her do my make up too ;) Glad you lke the wedding dress ;) AHHA? exactly, we all like the white socks, black shoes thing but not for their wedding ;) Those silver boots are the bomb! I like the way he switches style too! He evenn look great in his LA Gear sneakers ;) It's like so perfect, in neverland and under the giving tree!

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