Reviews For Liberian Girl
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Reviewer: Sabrinamjjlove Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Nov 12, 2012 02:31 pm Title: Prologue

LOL OMG YES THE POUT, OH DEAR LORD. Seriously that last gif slays me EACH TIME.


LOL Haha I remember that song, YES SHAME ON YOU.


(Girl... I used to have all of P Diddys songs on my phone and on CDs, and I used to be madly in love with him so I'm even worse that you ahahah. Don't tell anyone ;P)

, <33

Author's Response:

I am on your Tumblr and when I see the One Direction thing, all i said was "BITCH PLEASE!" Directionners are crazy!

HAHAHA! The unbelievable, indescribable, BABY V!!! I can't help it I love this song. Sue me!

The fact that you have all P Diddy song is okay, but in love with him? Nu-uh! Hahaha!

This gif slays me !

I'm pregnant now!

I used to be in love with Lenny Kravitz and you know what? I AM STILL IN LOVE WITH HIM! So much sexiness should be illegal

Reviewer: Sabrinamjjlove Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Nov 12, 2012 02:07 pm Title: Prologue


I don't think there's anything better than MJ biting his lip... Except for him grabbing his crotch ;P lmao I will stop with the silliness now. 


Author's Response:

WHAT? There's something sexier that the crotch grab and the lip bittin...


And especially the one at the end of Dirty Diana!!!

SPECIAL BONUS: The lip bitting pout

There's nothing sexier!!

PS : I was listening to old song on my computer and I found myself listening to Come back to me by Vanessa Hudgens. I know the entire, shame on me.

Reviewer: Sabrinamjjlove Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Nov 12, 2012 02:06 pm Title: Flashback - March 1991

Awwww are you ever gonna work on 'The Thrill' story?? I wanted to find out what happeennnneddd, darn it ahah.

Btw your banners are AMAZING dude. (Random but I was swooning over them the other day haha, especially the one you had for The Thrill) *_* , <33

Author's Response:

The thrill is going to be back in a couple of weeks. I like to see where my sotiries is going and i couldn't see an end with this one. And i think that maybe i should replace Rita with Beyonce because I want to use Bee lyrics in my story :)

Thank youuu! I didn't use photoshop in years! I'm trying to do cool stuff but i'm still not satisfied. The next banner will be hotter :P

Don't worry you're going to find out what happen soon :D

Reviewer: Sabrinamjjlove Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Nov 12, 2012 01:27 pm Title: Flashback - March 1991


I think it'll all kick off at the AMA's... Haha, knowing Michael, once his eyes are set on her, he won't let her go! ;P

I dont know what exactly will happen ahah but omg I can't wait XD

Btw, do you know that flashback you put in, after BJ ran away did Michael not come back in to contact with her...? , <33

Author's Response:

I am going to put a chapter in the present time and another following the flashback ;).

Yeha you're right Mike is going to stare at BJ like this all evening

I freaking love this picture, hum that lip-bitting is driving me craaaaazy *beyonce'svoice*

BTW i've deleted The Thrill because i had anther idea for this story and I'm going to work on it

Reviewer: Sabrinamjjlove Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Nov 12, 2012 01:02 pm Title: Flashback - March 1991

OMG I JUST RE-READ IT AND AHHH... Omfgg lmfao I was actually left wondering why 'chapter 21 Never Ever' ended with that thing about Michael, I was confused but now that you've told me- OMG SHE'S ENGAGED TO THE DANCER. *__* WHAT A WAY TO INCLUDE HIM, LOL :P


Pheeeew I sense so much drama coming on, I'm more excited now because I can tell this will blow my mind ^_^

, <33

Author's Response:

Haha I knew it! It was not clear enough. I was wondering why you were so happy too haha!

Haha i told you i was going to include him gurl! Yeaaah, i am working on another chapter right now with more drama!

What do you think will happen at the AMA ?


Reviewer: Sabrinamjjlove Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Nov 12, 2012 10:45 am Title: Flashback - March 1991

Whoa dude, Michael may be real busy but he should know better than to just disappear at all hours.

Its bad how Michael would just flee if there'd been an argument. Michael should learn that its 2 people now; and he can't just walk off when things get heated or he doesnt get his own way. He needs to see the changes and sacrifices BJ is making for him; its like she's now dedicated to him and afraid to speak against his actions in fear of losing him. She shouldnt feel like that!

(You can tell I was angered at Michael because of that whole paragraph above, right? ahah)

I wonder how Michael will react when he finds out she's not there... Does the flashback continue?

Can't wait for more, Sweetie XD , <33

Author's Response:

Yes I can tell you were upset about Mike behaviour hahaha!

Since BJ is not engaged to Michael anymore there will be other flashback but the next chapter will be the rest of the chapter 21. I can tell it's confused because I believe that you and missmj2012 still think that BJ is still with Mike!

He gon be MAD guuuurl! He takes her for grated, his propriety!

Let's see in another chapter ;) ;)

Reviewer: Sabrinamjjlove Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Nov 12, 2012 10:25 am Title: Chapter 21 : Never Ever

WHOA They're engaged! XD She wants to stay engaged for 2 years? Damn ahah.

Can't wait to read the next chapter ^_^

(I see the dancer is gonna make another appearance in the story! Dis should be good :P)

, <33


Author's Response:

So much misunderstanding. BJ is engaged to Roshon hahahahahahha. I need to be more precise next time

Reviewer: missmj2012 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Nov 11, 2012 09:49 pm Title: Chapter 21 : Never Ever

Yay! There engaged!! :D & I can't wait 4 the next chapter.

Author's Response:

The next chapter is already online ;). It's a flashback in case of confusion about what hapenned !

Thank you for rating and reviewing ;)

Reviewer: missmj2012 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Nov 09, 2012 03:28 pm Title: PART 2

Oh the soundtracks fits 4 this to i like it! & I can't wait to read the next chapter when u post it. Up. Much love!

Author's Response:

See you on monday for the next chapter! I can't wait too! I hope you will liked it ;)

Reviewer: missmj2012 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Nov 09, 2012 02:13 pm Title: PART 2

Oh gosh! I'm excited I have 2 read this chapter in a few :D

Author's Response:

I'm eager tooooooooooooo! I already finish a couple of chapters but i want to make you wait a little bit and i'm working on another called "The Thrill" chekk it ot until the next chapter of Liberian girl ;)

Reviewer: Sabrinamjjlove Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Nov 09, 2012 01:21 am Title: Chapter 20 : We all try

Awwww! :') That's all I said while reading this through ahah because it was so damn cute, sexy, romantic AH I LOVED IT XD

Diana is a bitch omg, if only Michael didnt turn up. Id like to think BJ would have beat her ass up ahah.


*Ceeeelabrate good times, COME ON!*


I can't wait till part two, I adore how you've split it up into these sections, by the way :)) Imma steal your idea. (lmao I'm kidding girl ;D)

Thanks for sharing this amazing story, I loves it and I love youuu


(Can u feel da love? Ahah.)


, <33

Author's Response:

I'm so happy that you liked this chapter girl! I wanted to be eventful and full of emotions and I hope i've suceeded :)

In every story, Diana is a bitch, so why change haha! I wanted her to be very protective of Michael and the fact that BJ is way more beautiful than her kind of hurt her feeling. Well, Mike upgrade :)

Yeaaaah, finally! Let's drink to that. After ore than 1 year she finally say yes, and this time again after a mind-blowing sex. Mike know how to make her say Yes haha!

I finished the first chapter of the second part but i want to wait a little bit more! Let's just say that the first chapter is full of emotions too ;)

And i'm sorry i could find a place for Roshon on this chapter :/

I can't wait to see your reaction haha! Thank you for showing the love (i looooooooove FRIENDS by the way) to me and to this story gurl !!


See you on Monday!

Reviewer: Mjjprincess Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Nov 07, 2012 04:09 pm Title: Chapter 13 : Wide Awake

Hahah that was so funny when he called her a swagger jacker ha

Author's Response:

She try to stole his swag with her fedore! Come on, she can't!


Reviewer: Mjjprincess Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Nov 07, 2012 04:02 pm Title: Chapter 12 : Emotional rollercoaster

Michaels rly playing ppl left and right

Author's Response:

Indeed! But you know Whaterver he wants he gets! ;)

Reviewer: missmj2012 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Nov 07, 2012 03:58 pm Title: Chapter 20 : We all try

Ooooh I loved this chapter so much. After all of Michael's bickering with her. She finally agrees on marrage and I love how she says I love you to him. She better love that man now or still him away from her :P lolz "I love you like a fat kid lovs cake." Oh man that ish was funny girl xD I can pictures michael laughing at this to. I was so happy that they finally saw each other again after his tour. They are such a great couple that can make you laugh,cuss, and cry. I can't wait 4 more! & loved her dressed espcially the yellow one she wore at the soul train awards. &thanks for the shout! I love this story

Author's Response:

Yeah it's happening! But this is the last chapter of the first part so let's see what happen next!

Hahah! "I love you like fat kid loves cake" that my line, in 50 cent's 21 questions remember? :)

wWhen i saw this dress on Vanessa Hudgens i knew that i needed BJ to wear this dress. So stunning!

You're welcome! You and Sabrina review everytime i post and that makes me happy!

See you soon fo PART 2 :) ;)

What are you expecting?

Reviewer: Mjjprincess Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Nov 07, 2012 03:56 pm Title: Chapter 11 : Cold shoulder

Lol mikes getting some from her & tati playaa

Author's Response:

I know!! He is a smooth playa!

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