Reviews For Behind the Mask
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Reviewer: giveintothefire Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 21, 2012 10:53 am Title: Chapter 73

Oh shoot! I can't wait to hear what happened. On another note, I'm glad that they got things settled out. Mike should know that Nessa is always going to be there for him no matter what, especially since they have a baby on the way. Great chapter girlie :-)

Author's Response:

Thank you so much!

Reviewer: iam_music Signed [Report This]
Date: May 21, 2012 08:14 am Title: Chapter 73

Smh man Michael needs to spit it out! Spit it all out! Vanessa is supposed to be hi partner but she won't be for long if he keeps her in the dark. Idk what's goin on with him or what's happened, but he's acting really bipolar and irratic. The worst way to be with a baby on the way. I hope he tells her EVERYTHING. And is active in trying to fix whatever has happened to him. 

Author's Response:

So true! I think Michael is beginning to realize that she really is his partner and that they both need to start laying everything out on the table. Especially with a baby on the way! They'll get it together hopefully.

Glad you're still reading!! Thanks for your review =))

Reviewer: 2human4nature Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 21, 2012 03:49 am Title: Chapter 73

I wonder what happend to Michael that makes him so upset .

Reviewer: mjalways Anonymous [Report This]
Date: May 17, 2012 09:53 pm Title: Chapter 72

Oh lord Michael with his 'tude again, ESP after begging her back! Did MJ have a procedure done or something with his disappearing act etc...? Vanessa is preggers oh boy! Will Vanessa convince him to rehire Frank? I just love this darn story!

Reviewer: mjalways Anonymous [Report This]
Date: May 16, 2012 08:57 pm Title: Chapter 1

This story is the absolute BEST I've read in a WHILE omg! Please keep it going.

Author's Response:

Aww, thank you so much! Glad you're enjoying it!

Reviewer: 2human4nature Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 14, 2012 09:16 pm Title: Chapter 72

Is this where the pills come in.? Hmmm.? Nessa is pregnant agian!! Yay!! Lol

Reviewer: giveintothefire Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 14, 2012 05:08 am Title: Chapter 72

You're back! And oh my gosh she's preggers! Why do I have the feeling that Mike is taking drugs?? hmmm...anyway great chapter! I can't wait for more! Please update soon! <3

Reviewer: iam_music Signed [Report This]
Date: May 13, 2012 11:26 pm Title: Chapter 72

Smh those damn pills again, isn't it? Oh lawd. Something tells me Vanessa is NOT gonna deal with this mess this time. Not again. Especially while she's pregnant. She WILL leave his ass and raise that baby by herself. I know damn well she won't be dumb enough to abort again, but I think the consequences are much more dire this time. Now that she's pregnant, that'll give her more incentive to leave him because she won't want the baby to grow up in that environment. I'm so disappointed in Michael. All that begging and pleasing for her to come back and this is how he's treating her. Back on pills again, got him actin moody and distant and leaving for damn near a MONTH?! Hell no. Vanessa sure is a good one cuz it couldn't be me. Especially given the state she's in. Maybe she should leave for some weeks at a time without telling him and see how he reacts. She needs to be a mirror for this fool cuz he just DOESNT get it. 

Reviewer: AlyssaGail Signed [Report This]
Date: Apr 29, 2012 10:49 pm Title: Chapter 1

So is that the end? Were you going for an open ended finish to the story? Well played.

Author's Response:

HAHA! Oh, no I'm not done with this story yet! LOL I've just been having a little writer's block with it is all. But I'm definitely not ending it like that!

Reviewer: lashai01 Anonymous [Report This]
Date: Apr 08, 2012 01:33 pm Title: Chapter 71

Please continue with this great story. I miss it soooo very much! :)


Reviewer: Mjjprincess Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 25, 2012 10:35 pm Title: Chapter 71

Aww they are getting married!! The frank situation is alil messy but i hope things work out for the better

Reviewer: joy2thaworld Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Feb 29, 2012 11:07 pm Title: Chapter 71

Omg yass Vanessa follow your heart. I'm so surprised she said yes but so happy!! They deserve some happiness for a while. Lol one of them always mess it up. I think Mike knows Nessa anit playing this time.

Got damn I wonder if Frank realizes sometimes just who the fuck he is talking too! He talks to Mike like his fat ass made Billie Jean and become a superstar. So happy Michael got rid of him.

Reviewer: giveintothefire Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Feb 24, 2012 09:51 pm Title: Chapter 71

this was freaking awesome!!! it was so worth the wait I just knew that she was gonna say yes and i'm glad that Michael finally fired Frank's ass. ugh i love this story...can't wait for the update

Reviewer: musiclover Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Feb 24, 2012 04:24 am Title: Chapter 71


Reviewer: uppermost Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Feb 23, 2012 11:26 pm Title: Chapter 71

Awww, they're getting married ;)

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