Reviews For Behind the Mask
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Reviewer: musiclover Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jun 10, 2011 07:42 pm Title: Chapter 50

Awwwww poor baby!! Update tonight!!

Author's Response:

i DID!! =)

Reviewer: martovska Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jun 10, 2011 05:10 pm Title: Chapter 50

Maybe going for abortion was not as bad as everyone saying. Abruption placenta is serious diagnosis, and may cause complication not just for the baby, but for the mother as well!!!! Depending on the severity of the placenta abruption, the fetus can develop a distress, and that happens in half of the cases. The mother may develop a shock from the bleeding and possibly dye!!! I know that under close treatment, IV therapies, and blood transfusions it is still possible to save the baby. But which doctor can guarantee that the baby will not be born premature, or will nod develop a complications, which are vary from mild to severe in 40-50% births??? None of the doctor’s can do it!!! Plus if severe bleeding occurs after the delivery of the baby, and blood loss cannot be controlled, the mother will need a hysterectomy (removal of the uterus), which means no more babies ever!!! And as we know Mike wants a lot of babies!!! So, after reading this chapter again I realize that this decision was very hard for Vanessa, and I sympathies her, because there were a lot of WHAT IFs QUESTIONS. And it’s easy to say she is a bitch because she killed Michael Jackson’s baby and so on. But cases like Vanessa’s are here every day with many women who have this diagnosis, who go through not just physical trauma, but emotional as well. As painful as it is, no money, or fame, or the best doctor’s may not buy a PERFECT HEALTH. So maybe it was not a time for Vanessa’s and Mike’s baby to arrive. The only wrong that she did, was doing that by her own without Mike!!!!!

P.S. I know it may be hard for you to write a next chapter, as the thoughts may be taking different directions, but Pleeeease update soon!!! Vanessa and Mike deserve to be happy and have a healthy baby together!!! They are miserable without each other!!! Uhhhhhhh…. Can’t wait for more!!! ;) <3 ya



Author's Response:

*ROUND OF APPLAUSE* lol. but seriously though--i'm so glad you came back and looked at it w/ a different perspective. i agree w/EVERYTHING you said. her AND the babies' health was at risk, her and Michael's relationship was on the rocks and she didn't feel ready for a child. it made sense to her in that moment. she should have told Michael and still needs to even though the deed is done. that's where she messed up BIG time. 

Reviewer: iam_music Signed [Report This]
Date: Jun 10, 2011 03:27 pm Title: Chapter 50

Vanessa ain't shit for killing that baby. That's all I have to say. She ain't shit. I have no sympathy for her from this point on. If she can't have kids ever again, her trifling ass deserves it. I don't even want Mike with her anymore.

Author's Response:

Danggggg. well if that's how you feel, that's how you feel. but i feel like we can't be too quick to judge. it's messed up--i'll agree, but she clearly made a mistake. is it truly unforgivable? i don't know--we'll see!

but thanks for reading anyway!

Reviewer: RhythmChild Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: Jun 10, 2011 01:40 pm Title: Chapter 50

Oh my GAWD! Son of a B!TCH! Yea, mjmotowndevotee, I had the same thoughts a you did, but not solely for killing the baby.


Fact is, many women do this. Either because there are physical complications or because they simply don't want ti or because they're frightened of being disowned for it. I understand it and as long as it's within the period when the fetus is not yet an actual growing baby, they should have the choice. What I DON'T like is when they make that kind of choice without even telling the father about it. For her to lie just so she could abort the fetus is a low blow, especially to michael. 


If the father was an abusive, sick, horrible man and Nessa didn't want to bring the child up in that household, I could understand. But in this case, the father is a good man who wants babies, and if anything she could have AT LEAST let him know why she was doing this; she shoulda given him the benefit of the doubt that even HE would understand. OR she could have given the child up for adoption.....oh, hey! I got an idea! Why don't you USE A F@CKING CONDOM when you have sex so that you don't have to worry about this! What's that? You don't like the feeling? You're both clean? Well, use birth control and cross your fingers, cause you BOTH PUT YOURSELVES IN THIS SITUATION.


Sorry, Liberian, my friend and fellow mj lover, but I have more sympathy for Michael right now than Vanessa. Although it's not by much; i'm still pissed at him for the tatiana situation. (I will patiently wait for the closure she deserves in later chapters, if that is how it must be.)

Author's Response:

Oh man!! you guys are on FIRE! lol it's a difficult topic to really speak on and come to a conclusion about since everyone has their own opinion on it. but i agree w/what you're saying--SHE SHOULD HAVE TOLD MICHAEL. That's the FIRST thing you do. especially if you love that person. you should be able to confide in them about everything. so that's where she messed up. 

and i'm pretty sure Vanessa was on birth control but perhaps she wasn't taking them consistently enough LOL. 

CLOSURE is exactly what they ALL need right about now. smh dramaaa lol.

thanks for reading dear! and stay tuned for more!

Reviewer: Mjjprincess Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jun 10, 2011 12:53 pm Title: Chapter 50

Aww this is so sad :( she aborted the baby & now her dad died D; just full of drama. I hope thifs get better, gosh i love this story. Cnt wait for the next part

Author's Response:

it can ONLY get better! or at least i hope so! too much sadness right now.

but i'm glad you like it! stay tuned for PLENTY more!

Reviewer: martovska Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jun 10, 2011 12:24 pm Title: Chapter 50

Oh nooooooooo!!! How could she do it? I know that abortion is a woman’s choice, but she should have told Michael, and now she is going to be regretting even more!!!! Sometimes to get to the good stuff you have to go through bad thing in life. And Vanessa had a lot of drama and s***t in her life already, so I don’t understand why did she have to run from everything she dreamed about??? Would she be able to live with a lie??? No, no, no, not a good way to start a family life!!! Was a stupid kiss with Tatiana worse aborting a baby and her future??? As much as i love Vanessa in this story, I don’t feel sorry for her at all. Now she has to be begging Michael to forgive her ass, she totally deserved it!!!! Pleeeeeeeeease update as soon as you can!!! The waiting is killing me already!!! LOL. Great job on the story, you are a great writer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please give us one more chapter soon. Just Pleeeeeeeeease! :) <3

Author's Response:

Exactly! that's how i feel. her biggest mistake was not telling Michael. And not only did she not tell him, she lied and told him she wasn't pregnant at all! that's surely going to piss him off if he ever finds out. And i know Michael won't be happy about her getting rid of his child either. he won't be happy at all.

i'm sooooo glad you're enjoying the story!!! you guys' and your great feedback is what truly keeps the creative juices in me flowing so THANK YOU! i'm surely updating as quick as i can =)

Reviewer: Samanthaslovinmj Signed [Report This]
Date: Jun 10, 2011 11:55 am Title: Chapter 50

OMG... this is such a tragic chapter! Awww how sad. First she aborts his baby.. (Which i think will come back and bite her in the ass) but oh well, and then her dad dies and michael is going to get hooked on meds again! Damn.... love this story!

Update soon please!

Author's Response:

Such DRAMA lol. but this is what we live for!

Glad you're still enjoying it! There's plenty more to come =)

Reviewer: joy2thaworld Signed [Report This]
Date: Jun 10, 2011 11:12 am Title: Chapter 50

Dirty Vanessa...smh that po'chile...I want to hit her and hug her. I think she rushed that abortion if Tati didn't kiss Michael I don't think she would have done it. Now her father has passed on..she is going to regret killing that baby. Nessa gurl I hope this doesn't bite you in the ass. You just may have killed two things..your child and a future with Michael. My poor Michael I wish I can help hime sleep..*blushes*.

Author's Response:

"I want to hit her and hug her." <---EXACTLY how i feel!! she makes dumb decisions but you know it's not coming from a bad place so you don't know whether to yell at her or just hold her. 

And i'm sure she is ALREADY regretting her decision to not have the baby. but since she's already done it, she just better tell Michael. 

Oh boy, anyways--thanks for reading! and stay tuned for more!

Reviewer: motownmjdevotee Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jun 10, 2011 11:02 am Title: Chapter 50

Yeah girl.  I just reread.  Vanessa's a bitch for that sh!t.  Too many women have made it through problem pregnancies.  Mine was hell.  Yet, my son's 14, 6'2'', and 180lbs.  And smart and handsome to boot.  You're a freaking BITCH Vanessa!  Oo, I can't stand your a$$ for killing my baby's baby.

Sorry Liberian, she's a bitch for that.  I'ma keep reading though.  Got my coffee.  But I'm mad as f**k.  Killing that baby without even seeing if the bitch a$$ doctor was right.  Okay girl.  I'm mad.  I gotta find another story now.  Vanessa, I wish I knew you girl.  So I could cuss yo triflin a$$ out.  B!tch!

Author's Response:

LOL!!! OMG you are really really PISSED! idk if Vanessa's a "bitch" for doing what she did. She was in danger of not only losing the baby but some health complications for herself. But that's not the MAIN reason why she decided to abort it. She wasn't "prepared" or didn't feel like her and Michael had a stable enough relationship to bring a child into. When the doctor told her about the complication w/the baby--that just added on another reason to not go through w/it.

it's a difficult decision to make. and it's not like she made it w/no remorse. the biggest issue, i think, is that she's keeping it a secret from Michael. that's not fair to him and he'll be none too pleased about that i'm sure.

but let's all take a deep breath LOL--and try not to judge and maybe understand her point of view. at the same time, we're all entitled to our opinions. so if you think she's a "bitch" then so be it!

Thanks as always for reading!! Stay tuned!

Reviewer: SweetesluvMJ Signed [Report This]
Date: Jun 10, 2011 10:45 am Title: Chapter 50

this is such a sad chapter my heart really breaks for both of them.

Goshh they just don't ever get a break!

Good writing & update.

Author's Response:

They DON'T! *sigh* 

thanks for reading! and stay tuned!!!

Reviewer: motownmjdevotee Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jun 10, 2011 10:40 am Title: Chapter 50

Awww, Liberian.  I don't usally request this:  But please update soon.  What have you done to my MIchael girl?  And Vanessa did some foul a$$ shit.  Oo, I can't stand her baby killing a$$ right now.  I mean I know she's hurting too.   But girll how you gonna kill Michael's baby?  I"m so mad at her right now.  Mad, mad, mad.  Poor Michael.  I understand all the placenta problem, but still.  I'm mad.  Girl, this was not the way to start my morning.  I'm mad.  Now I gotta go fix me some coffee cuz I'm mad.  Sorry about her Dad (is it?  I'm still sleepy so I gotta go back and reread after I drink some coffee to get my anger off my back.  I'm so mad.  Oo, I'm mad.

I mean, great job on the update tho sis.  But Vanessa has pissed me off to no end.  Oo, I can't stand her.  Dirty heifer.

Author's Response:

Awww mannnn!!! You are PISSED lol--but i can't say that i'm too surprised. I didn't know that this was how the story was going to go--it just kind of happened. and after i wrote it i was like "uh oh--this is going to piss EVERYBODY off" lol. But i've said it before and i'll say it again and again--Michael AND Vanessa are HUMAN and they make mistakes. They just seem to make mistakes more often LOL. 


Reviewer: Call_it_bliss Signed starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jun 10, 2011 09:30 am Title: Chapter 50

I believe in a womans right of choice so if she felt she qanat ready for a baby that's up to her bit honestly now I think that her & Michael will never be able to have the same relationship cuz of it either the guilt will eat her alive or she tell him & he'll never forgive her I mean come on it's michael Jackson were talking about children are his number one inspiration & she took that from him he'll never get over if he finds out..... She kinda fucked up bad when it comes to her relationship with him lol!!! Anyways great update can't wait to read more!!!

Author's Response:

i must agree--Vanessa DID mess up!! but she's HUMAN, right? she made a rushed decision that she felt was right in the moment without fully thinking about the consequences. Nearly everyone has had a moment like that. 

Now it's going to be about her coming clean with what she did to Michael and then Michael being able to forgive her. that's the only way their relationship will ever be whole again. But we will see what happens now!

Thanks for your great review and for reading! Plenty more to come!

Reviewer: mjslovelyone Anonymous [Report This]
Date: Jun 10, 2011 05:34 am Title: Chapter 50

While Vanessa is  trying to find out who she is, she leaves Michael, aborts his  child and her father dies,  how much sadness can one take.

She needs Michael more than ever for his love and support and he needs her as much.

I hope she realizes this soon.

Looking forward to more.

Great writing girlfriend

Author's Response:

EXACTLY! Too much sadness =(

They do need each other now more than ever. A reunion is due i think =)

Thanks for reading dear! Stay tuned!!

Reviewer: deenajones Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jun 10, 2011 04:52 am Title: Chapter 50

I'm all for Vanessa finding herself...but she's doing exactly the opposite now. She lied about her pregnancy, and then aborted the baby? I can't believe it. Woww. She's losing herself trying to find herself. I mean, IMO, that's unforgivable. I still want them to be together, & I know he'll forgive her but man...I'm utterly disappointed in Vanessa, & I know that Mike will be too.
Gosh, couldn't she have just told him the truth upfront? That she wasn't ready to be a mother, & she's getting an abortion? He deserves to know. She prematurely took the life of her baby, & now her father dies. Whoa. Heartbreaking.
Anywho, I loved the chapter. It certainly took an unexpected turn, for sure.

Author's Response:

"She's losing herself trying to find herself."<--- i like that. and it's somewhat true. i know it's a risky topic and ppl have different views on abortion but i think we can all agree that Vanessa's BIGGEST mistake was keeping this all from Michael. that's just a "no-no". And trying to keep it a secret only makes it worse. 

it's crazy how this story writes itself. even I didn't know that she was going to have an abortion! it literally came to me as i was writing it. that's just how the story's supposed to go, i guess. but we will see what happens now. 

Thanks for reading! 

Reviewer: gottaluvrikki Signed [Report This]
Date: Jun 10, 2011 03:32 am Title: Chapter 50

Awww she killed the baby and her father died just damn.

Author's Response:

*Sigh* I know. Damn, damn, damn. 

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