Reviews For Porcelain
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Reviewer: missmj2013 Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 08, 2013 11:09 pm Title: Chapter 16

Hurry up MICHAEL RUNNNNNNNNN a fast as you can & away from that Rose witch -___- I'm glad he kicked her 2 the curve where she belongs she ain't nuttin but a chicken head hoe anyway I still think Dani is way better even tho she did had an std but that was a mistek so I really hope Michael can patch things up with her now. I can't wait 4 the next chapter I'll be on that lookout ^_^

Author's Response:

Lmao, at first I thought you were going to say "Run run as fast as you can, Rose can't catch you you're Michael Jackson!" lmao!

Glad to hear you're anxious for more XD

Reviewer: missmj2012 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 03, 2013 10:29 pm Title: Chapter 15

Michael is so stupid in this story 4real I can't even... ugh

He's Rose's little bitch instead. So ok he could treat dani like sh**t but rose like real rose pedels even tho he dnt like her I'd say he should give her the boot to. She not cinderella just whore tho & I'm glad Dani stood up to her to.
Rose is just annoying why all of sudden she wants him at her house?? -__- dumb Rose pedels I'll stomp allover that ugly witches face. If mike can't really help dani then I have no hope 4 that peice of crappy sexy thing he is but stil no he pisses me off along with rose hay maybe those 2 belong together.

dani could so much better get sexier guy then michael & make him jealous :P haha but yeah I hope dani will be ok & michael comes 2 his senses's & try 2 help come on michael I'm rooting 4 you dumb ass just a tad bit cause I love your sexiness don't waste all your sexiness on being stupid. Can't wait 4 more!! :D

Author's Response:

LMAO "He's Rose's little bitch instead." made me LMAO too hard! hahahahahha!

Woo, you have no idea how much I LOVE reviews like this! Lol!

I like throughout this whole rant you add "sexy thing" and "I'm rooting for you dumb ass just a tad bit cause I love your sexiness"  XD

He is sexy; even if he's a dick.

Hahaha! More is coming soon I promise! :D

Reviewer: AtMJsHouse Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 03, 2013 02:56 pm Title: Chapter 15

She better not do anything stupid..I hope Michael gets to her before she does it was a good story

Author's Response:

Haha! "otherwise... well... it was a good story." That made me laugh XD

We can hope that Michael will be able to get to her, but even if he did will she listen to the guy who screwed her over so badly?

Reviewer: ThrillerEraSlave Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 03, 2013 07:37 am Title: Chapter 15



*ahem*...*ahem*...*soft voice* sorry true ghetto Mexican side came outta me..Lmao! xD

Anyway I had a dream of this story last seemed so..REAL!! :D

Dani looked like Nikolina Konstantinova Dobreva :o

Rose looked like...Reese Witherspoon o.o

And Michael his dick self xD

Author's Response:

LMAO! That made me laugh so hard! XDD I think he needs someone like you to set his mind straight ;)

Oh I like her! She's so pretty :* Haha! XD

Lol! That is like the perfect celebrity match for her! Or Paris Hilton... idk why, I just think of Paris Hilton lol!

Haha! omg...

Girl, your reviews always make me laugh XD

Reviewer: Pytinhercloset Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 03, 2013 01:48 am Title: Chapter 15

Awwwwwwwwwww yeaaaaaaahhhhh!!!!

that fight between rose and dani is the most epic thing ive ever read !!!! XD

so awesome!!


Author's Response:

Lmao! XD

I like how you think it was epic whereas I'm sure most people would be like, "Ugh, Rose is such a f***ing b****!!!!!!"

Lol, idk. :P

Glad you liked it though :D


Reviewer: Reney Signed [Report This]
Date: Jan 03, 2013 01:26 am Title: Chapter 15

I love it !!! can't wait for the next chapter, so please update soon. Happy New Year 2013. Reney.

Author's Response:

Thank you! I'll update soon :) And yes, Happy New Year to you too as well! Have a happy 2013! :D

Reviewer: Pradachic718 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Dec 29, 2012 07:15 pm Title: Chapter 14

Wow that shit is so sad :/ how that poor girl is gonna harm herself even more. I hope Michael can come to his senses some how and be a real man and help her before she really self destructs. As always each chapter is Amazing keep it up!

Author's Response:

Aha 'be a REAL man' ! XD YES HE SHOULD! But he's a teenager, none of them are real men ;)

Thank you so much! :D I appreciate the encouragement!

Reviewer: PiperJackson4eva Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Dec 28, 2012 10:07 pm Title: Chapter 14

Haha. That must have been weird for you. My bedtime was 1 am. Now it's 10. And I have to write the next chapter when I get back to my grandmas house. My moms house caught on fire and we're living with our grandparents for two months and I had the perfect beginning to the next chapter on my moms PC. I love this story so far. I just don't like the cutting. My sister uses to cut :(

Author's Response:

I'm supposed to go to bed at 10pm, but I usually stay up until 11pm. By that time I fall asleep :P lol!

Oh my God! I'm so sorry that that happened! That's awful! And you know what? Take as long as you need with the chapter! You know it doesn't bother me in the slightest however long you take! I hope things get better for you regarding your house and anything else that may be going on :)

And I'm sorry about your sister :( Cutting is an awful thing. I have some friends who cut, it's so sad.

Reviewer: AtMJsHouse Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Dec 27, 2012 09:05 pm Title: Chapter 14

This story is really sad...but very good. Please continue

Author's Response:

Thank you! I'm glad you think so, I was worried I lost the sadness for awhile, but I'm trying to bring it back. Glad you like it! And yes, I'll try and update again soon :)

Author's Response:

Thank you! I'm glad you think so, I was worried I lost the sadness for awhile, but I'm trying to bring it back. Glad you like it! And yes, I'll try and update again soon :)

Reviewer: SmellyApplehead Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Dec 27, 2012 06:59 pm Title: Chapter 14

You have succeed making me want to rip michael's face, oh how I hate him so much. In this story, obviously. Hope he will get his karma. Thanks for the story. Add to my favs!

Author's Response:

Lol! I read the words 'You have succeeded'  and I was thinking it was going to be something really positive and then it's followed by... "makeing me want to rip Michael's face off." Lol! I'm sorry it just made me smile XD

No problem! Thanks for reading and reviewing! XD

Reviewer: Pytinhercloset Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Dec 27, 2012 06:28 pm Title: Chapter 14

Wow well at leat michaels feeling some guilt but he needs to realise what hes done 

haha i loved the line "i cant blame him, i wouldnt want to discuss trash either" xD

hahahaha yeah everything is funnier to me later at night or when im lyin down xD

I can relate :P


Author's Response:

It might take some time before he realises what he's done and acts on it. He can realise it and not do anything about it, but that wouldn't help. :P

Haha! It's a good line :P

Haha! There's always that time of night where it's like 'OMG my my iPod! LOLLOLOLOLOLOL'

If I ever want to laugh I go on Facebook and look at what girls post underneath their pictures. Lol, that sounds really mean, but they put the funniest stuff. Like all of these quotes about being nice to everyone and it's like the biggest B out there! Lmao! I'm sorry I just find that really funny. XD


Reviewer: MzMichaelJackson92 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Dec 27, 2012 04:41 pm Title: Chapter 14

OMG I love this story so much I was excited to see you updated but your killing me with these cliphangers lol.

Author's Response:

Haha! Thank you! And I know! Lol! I am too obsessed with cliffhangers :P I need to chill with those a little bit XD Haha!

Reviewer: ThrillerEraSlave Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Dec 27, 2012 04:35 pm Title: Chapter 14

While reading, I was listening to Throwing Punches by Paramore. <3 <3 <3

I LOVE PARAMORE TO LIKE DEATH! <3 Anyway, Michael is such a dick, I don't get why he still cares for her, lol Jk, I think I do but whatever. I'm so glad I didn't hear anything bout Rose. Ugh .__. lol

If you listen to Throwing Punches, I think it relates to Dani ... ?

i know this is gonna be random but..HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO HAYLEY <3 the lead singer to my most favorite band in the whooooole universe, Paramore <3 :}

I'm so happy that you updated & Damn, that must of sucked, a sleepover. I hate sleepovers at times cause you don't do anything. But if I had friends here that LOVE Michael as much as I do..we'd be up until 7 in the morning just watching, listening, talking about Michael ^-^ 

Author's Response:

Ooh, I've never ehard of the song but I'm totally gunna check it out! (Because its her birthday lol) I love love LOVE Misery Buisness though! I think it's so good. "I'm in the buisness of misery let's take it from the top..." XD

LOL! Major dickhead, I must agree ^-^

Haha! It only sucked because it wasn't my sleepover, it was my sister's! Lol! I always have fun when it's with my friends. We usually do fun stuff to keep ourselves busy, but every once is awhile you get the one friend who just wants to Facebook and it's like UGGGGHHHHH! Lol! Omg, lucky! My friends don't like MJ like I do :( But we find other hot guys to talk about lol!

Reviewer: Pytinhercloset Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Dec 23, 2012 01:02 am Title: Chapter 13

I love how u made their attitudes completely different. Dani is self harming while Michael is convinced she'l be fine. Will she be at school? Suspence! :O



Author's Response:

XD Hehe suspense! And thank you! You know I appreciate it! <3

Reviewer: ThrillerEraSlave Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Dec 22, 2012 10:04 pm Title: Chapter 13

No, it's fine really. But damn keep updating this story! <3

& the story Ours, I just updated it ^-^

Author's Response:

I'm glad you're alright ^-^

Haha I will <3

Yes I saw! I left a review on it! It's a great story! I hope it goes far <33

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