Date: Jan 22, 2013 01:11 pm Title: Chapter 18
I'm feeling bad for not leaving a comment ... Let me tell you, Yana ... Today Porcelain is one of the best stories in this forum.
It's so good to read this story ... You write so well!
Thank you very much!!!
Author's Response:
Haha! Don't feel bad! There's no reason too.
Really? Wow thank you! That means so much especially since I know that you get around to reading a lot of fanfiction from what I understand! I'm really happy you think that. I appreciate it so much! This made my night! Thank you, I honestly and sincerely appreciate comments like these more than you can comprehend!
No, thank you! :D
Date: Jan 20, 2013 09:37 pm Title: Chapter 18
I cant even.... I dont even know anymore....
Whats going to happen?!?! O.O
Author's Response:
Haha you'll see... ;) lol! That's all I can say!
Aww, no comment about the barrels this time? ;)
Date: Jan 20, 2013 09:12 pm Title: Chapter 18
Are you seriously trying to give me a heart attack?! I think you are. Wow this chapter has been interesting. Please continue
Author's Response:
Haha! I think you might be right ;)
I'll continue soon for sure! :D
Date: Jan 20, 2013 04:15 pm Title: Chapter 18
Daaang, thank god Michael found her! Rose as such a damn hoe, fuck her. Don't even include her in the story xD I hate her narrow ass .___.
Author's Response:
Hahaha! I might as well just censor her name right? R***. Or does she even deserve the R? ;)
Date: Jan 16, 2013 07:09 pm Title: Chapter 17
I'm wondering right? What Michael will do with himself if Dani really does kill herself rather he tries to stop her or not? Continue!
Author's Response:
If anything bad happens to her Michael's going to feel as if it were his fault, so I can tell you right now he'll do everything he can to make things right <3
Date: Jan 14, 2013 03:12 am Title: Chapter 17
Wow her dad is a barrel...
Ohhh no no no no no!!!
im scared. :(
Author's Response:
Rose is a barrel, her dad's a barrel, Michael's a barrel... admit it, you saw it coming ;)
Date: Jan 14, 2013 01:09 am Title: Chapter 17
Why the hell did I just think of "Well fuck, that nigga better run faster! Pretend like she's a bucket of KFC!" I'm not racist, but I'd, why it popped up o.o I guess it reminded me also of ..RUN BITCH! RUUUUUUUUUNNN!!
Sometimes I hate sleeping early (9:40) I just randomly get tired and go to sleep lol reason is I hate it cause someone updates and I don't get a chance to read it spot on x)
Author's Response:
Lmao! "pretend she's a bucket of KFC!" Haha! that amde me laugh too hard XD
Really? I Looooooove sleeping early! I went to bed at 7 once (mostly because my parents were mad at me so I stayed down in my room and slept) but it was nice. And now I go to bed early about every second day. Weekends don't count. I party on weekends... party with myself O-O Haha! No, jk, but I do stay up late on weekends.
Lmao, that was such a pointless paragraph to write! haha! Sorry if I just bored you to death!
Date: Jan 14, 2013 12:40 am Title: Chapter 17
OMG,Can't wait for the next chapter ! This chapter was to short. Michael suffer from real arsholism , no compassion, no concience, no empathy.He is getting on my nerves so bad, I want to kick his ass. Yeahh !!!
Author's Response:
Hahahahahah! EVERYONE wants to kick his ass! Danielle just might have to in the upcoming chapters won't she? ;D
Date: Jan 13, 2013 09:13 pm Title: Chapter 17
*crossing my fingers for Michael to hurry hell up & save Dani cause she seems 4real about this. 0.0 please continue like tomrow or later when u get a chance cause I'm anxious now xD
Author's Response:
Haha I'll really try and update soon! In case you haven't noticed I update my stories in order, so you'll probably ahve to wait at least 4 days :/
Sorry! :(
At elast you're anxious though, and thanks for the review! I really do appreciate it! :D
Date: Jan 10, 2013 09:47 pm Title: Chapter 16
o Lord I LOVE this story but I'm really scared for Danielle!!!
Author's Response:
Glad you like it :D
Eventually you won't have to be frightened for her anymore because it will have to all come to an end; whether the ending is positive or negative... nobody knows yet...
Except me. I know. Haha! But the readers will have to wait :P
Date: Jan 10, 2013 09:19 am Title: Chapter 16
Wow rose is a BITCH! Nope, shes a BARREL!!!!
go michael! Go michael! Hes working his way off the barrel list by setting rose straight!
Author's Response:
Hahaha! XD The barrel list... omg... hahahaha! I laughed too hard at that! XD XD XD XD
Date: Jan 10, 2013 05:20 am Title: Chapter 16
=( hopefully she is alive
Author's Response:
No need to worry yet :) It's all good right now, in the next few chapters her well being can start to be put into question.. :/
Date: Jan 09, 2013 06:59 pm Title: Chapter 1
Naw it's okay xD
Author's Response:
:) Okay good! :D
Date: Jan 09, 2013 02:19 am Title: Chapter 16
The words are now out!
Oh my gosh, so was toooold. Haha.
Anyway, I would like to inform you of some good news:
(Well, depends how you take it, lol)
The story Why Do I have A Family was updated today, I saw alot of your comments so I assumed you liked it.
Just an FYI.
I love this story :)
Can't wait for the next chapter.
Author's Response:
Haha she totally did :P
What? Wow, that's the worst news I've ever heard. That ruined my day.
Haha just kidding XP
I LOVE that story! I just reviewed on it! I couldn't do it earlier because I was busy but I did it now so yeah :)
Oh! I didn't know you were a co-author though! Anyway, I still love the story! <3
Date: Jan 09, 2013 01:17 am Title: Chapter 16
Brandon. Brandon. Brandon. My ex's name..
This chapter, fuck, Michael reminded me SO SO SO much of my ex.
Especially at the I started running; no, fuck that, I was sprinting!
Lmao x)
i might go to rehab..cause I'm having a problem with pain medication..
i was like. Oh hell NO! >:(
Author's Response:
Oh my Gos, I SWEAR I didn't know that!!! Sorry bout that :(
What? Oh my God, I'm sorry to hear that :'(