Date: Feb 05, 2013 05:49 pm Title: Chapter 15
Oh, he wants to apologizes now ? How pathetic!
I hope Danielle is done with her suciidal thoughts. I hope her little fight with Rose made her feel better because she was so right. Rose is a disgrace for girls; she let her boyfriend sleep with another girl just to humiliate Dani.
LOL, poor Michael. It's about to go down
Date: Feb 05, 2013 05:41 pm Title: Chapter 14
I think Danielle is thinking about suicide. I hope he won't do it, esecially because of Michael pathetic ass! Can't wait for her revenge and for her to be stronger. She is going through a rough path but after that I bet she will be a better girl and be better than Michael. I'm glad peop's look on Michael had change because frankly, he is a piece of shit, just like his dumb friend and slutty cheerleaders
Date: Feb 05, 2013 05:32 pm Title: Chapter 13
No, Dani don't do hat! Michael didn't deserve it. I can't believe she is doing that, she is suppose to be less anive and stronger! I hope she will be stronger, maybe not now but soon!
Michael is just a dumbass. He is worried about her now? He should have think about it sooner no? What a douchebag!
Date: Feb 05, 2013 05:25 pm Title: Chapter 12
Damn you Michael! Poor Danielle, she was so naive and I hope she will be stronger now. Can't wait for her revenge!! I just want what happen to be a lesson and never happen again; i want her to react and stop being the victim. She had made mistakes and now it's time to move on and be strong! I hope her wrath will hit Michael!
Date: Feb 05, 2013 05:16 pm Title: Chapter 11
I can't even be angry at Danielle! Michael seduced her and I guess she really wanted thel back and once again she is going to suffer because she is too forgetful. I'm so done woth Michael, he is a man whore! I cn't believe he did that for a BET! WTF? This was the final straw! WOW, this is beyond everything. UUUUUUUggghh, she agreed to take a picture. Danielle, know! You should have know better
Date: Feb 05, 2013 04:58 pm Title: Chapter 10
Oh god, Michael is a whore LOL! I can't believe he would do that just for a bet? Like, seriously???
And please, Dani just said she didn't love Michael so she better not take off her clothes in a restaurant just to please Michael's trifling ass. Dani, nooooooooo. In a man's bathrooom? That's the unclassiest stuff I have ever see in my entire life. Don't tell me she will do that!
Date: Feb 05, 2013 04:45 pm Title: Chapter 9
WOW! He isn't letting go huh? I guess the bet is a pretext to be near her again. I can't believe he would accept it just to humiliate her, I want to believe he just want to be with her again...But if it isn't the case! Dmn you Michael!
Ugh, I want Danielle to blow him off again! He threw 2 rock at her windows and he wants her back after all he did. I hope she is smarter than that and that she will make him duffer. Yeah! She should take him back just to make him suffer! Can't wait to see what happens next :)
Date: Feb 05, 2013 04:36 pm Title: Chapter 20
SInce you've been in PARIS i don't think it's a problem that you weren't writing this. It's a problem that I CANT GO TO PARIS!!!!!
lol good story.
Author's Response:
Haha! Whew, glad you guys understand :P Hahaha! My Mum has been saying stuff like that too ;) She's never been before and she's freaking out because I'm going before her! lol!
Date: Feb 05, 2013 04:29 pm Title: Chapter 8
I freaking hate Michael! I mean... How... What... Why... When
What is the point of humiliate her again? She is already living hell and he wants to add more? WTF! I'm glad Dani didn't fall for his game, she knew better! But I'm scraed she will fall for him again, She didnt seem to resist a lot when she was with him so I guess he knows her enough to know how to win the bet. So disgusted
Date: Feb 05, 2013 04:13 pm Title: Chapter 7
What did she do? Did she wheat on him and this is why she caught an STD? God, I need to know but I love how you keep the suspense in it! I bet Michael regrets all he did to Danielle, hell he didn't had the balls to fix the stuff and he brought his friends to threatened Danielle! Or maybe he is just planning on making her suffer again! But I like to think he is trying to make it up to her, if he really loved her I think his feelings for her will come back if he spend more time with her and bye bye Rose!
Date: Feb 05, 2013 04:00 pm Title: Chapter 20
Finally this niggarachi gets some sense ! Lmao
Dani better realize that he DOES love her! Eeeee, I'm so happy you updated!! I was DYING without thissss! I can just imagine Michael in those tight..tights..and those pads..and the shoes and the jersey for the Football games and practice...oh god o.o :dies: <3
Ooo, Pariiis! It's a beautiful city! <3 been there better, you should go to Berlin, it's beautiful over there too ^.^ Also London !! <3 I'm sooo happy too cause my page for the tour finally has more than 325 likes! lol :333
Author's Response:
Haha I know! It was killing me to not update! I was laying in my bed like "It's been practically 2 weeks sicne I've updated..." lol! But I didn't have wifi anyway :/ And I was SO TIRED! I had 3 flights. The first one was 1 hour, then a 3 hour wait for a 6 hour flight, then another 3 hour wait for a 7 hour flight, and then we went STRAIGHT into touring because by then it was 9:30am in Paris! lol! So I was exhausted :P
Ooh, I like that mental image ;)
Oh! I'd love to do that! I don't know if I'll be able to because I'm staying with a host family and I have to take school here which is 8:30 - 5:00 or 5:30 I think... lol! I'm sooo dead! And I have to take GERMAN! lmao! I only know a few words and one sentence that's rather nasty lol! If I said it I'd get in trouble ;/ lmao! Anyway, I think we are going to Germany though, so I guess it'll be useful.
Congrats on the 325 likes! :D You deserve it!
Date: Feb 05, 2013 03:48 pm Title: Chapter 6
Oh I see... Michael caught an STD! I get it now LOL. Can"t wait for Dani to push back; even though ignoring her bully is the best thing to do sometimes you need to act! Aww Rose... Ugh! Nooooooo, Dani don't goo!
Date: Feb 05, 2013 03:39 pm Title: Chapter 20
ooooo I want to travel sooooo bad ugh. Great chapter by the way!
Author's Response:
Thank you! Yeah, when I'm older I definitely want to travel all over the place! Africa would be fun :)
Date: Feb 05, 2013 03:19 pm Title: Chapter 5
Well, their plan almost worked LOL. I wonder who's fault is! They keep on blame the other and even though I don't know the entire story I'm on Dani's side! Michael seems to be a heartbreaker and Dani must have been another victim, and he was the one who insist in the guy's lockers room! Ugh, Rose again...
Date: Feb 05, 2013 02:57 pm Title: Chapter 4
WOW it's getting J-U-I-C-Y! So they had sex in the boys' locker room... By the words he used, Michael really seemed to love her. I wonder what and why it went wrong between them. I love Latoya and Janet for defending Danielle, Girls power! LMAO @ Tito "I don’t want to know about that whore cheerleader you’re dating"!! Gotta love him. I bet Rose's picture is besides the definition of whore in the dictionar. Anyway! Can't believe she let Danielle down just like that. I guess she was jealous she had Michael since she is dating him now.
Haha! The English teacher paired them :)