Date: Feb 24, 2013 04:07 am Title: Chapter 22
First of all, I loooooveee this story, and thank you for sharing it!!!!
Secondly, this was so heartbreaking, but I know I'd be torn as well if I was in the same situation.
But anyhow, he's really trying, and i guess Dani is going to feel it, in a way, that he's being honest this time.. *sigh*
Hope you continue soon! :)
Author's Response:
XD So glad you do! And no problem! I'm just happy people read it :P
I'll continue soon so that you guys can all see what happens :D
Thanks for the review!
Date: Feb 23, 2013 11:16 am Title: Chapter 22
This...made me cry so much, oh my god but I love it .. I think you know why.. :/
I don't want it to end :(
Author's Response:
I do know why <3
I don't want it to end either! But unfortunately it can't go on forever :'(
I'm really happy to hear that you've liked it so much :) Thank you
Date: Feb 23, 2013 08:03 am Title: Chapter 22
awwwww so sad!!! bit he really doesn't deserve her but on the other hand Michael is really trying to change!!!!!!!!!! ugh I'm torn!!!!!
Author's Response:
:'( it's a tough thing. Should they get back together or not? Michael really hurt her, he IS making an effort to save her and change <3 :)
Date: Feb 23, 2013 08:01 am Title: Chapter 22
Poor mike. Poor dani. :(
They kissed :o
ending soon? And we'll like it u say? Hmmm ;)
Author's Response:
:O They DID! *scandalous*
Lol, I hope I used that word right :/
Yes, it's so sad because I love love LOVE this story, but I can't go on forever ;) and yes, I think you guys will be happy with it :) At least part of you will
Date: Feb 13, 2013 09:28 am Title: Chapter 21
OMG, I read the story note and LOL @ the dude using <3. This is so scandalous haha. Is he french? Oh! I don't want you to think that every french are like him, but yeah I met a lot of guys like before hut they are everywhere. BTW fuck off in french is "Va te faire foutre" <-- and this the "polite" way the more harsh is "Va te faire enculer"
After this french lesson, i'm leaving LOL :)
Author's Response:
Lol! Yes, he is French, and don't worry I know not all of the guys are like that! Most of the guys here are normal (except him and a few others lol), but it's funnier to hear the stories about the 'not-so-normal' ones right? ;)
HAHA! omg! That made MY DAY just to get an answer to that question! lol! Ah geez... I'm just going to memorise that expression now :P The more harsh one obviously; let people know I'm not messing around ;)
Lol! Thanks for the French lesson though! Probably the best thing I've learnt so far during my stay in France lmao!
Date: Feb 13, 2013 09:23 am Title: Chapter 21
Oh my, he is really sorry! But yeah, like he said she shouldn't forgive him and even if she does he will still be guilty about it. I hope she going to be better and I hope someone will take care of her; not her crazy parent and certainly not Michael. I hope she finds someone else to trust :)
Great chapter! Can't wait for the next one
Author's Response:
:) Hopefully she'll be able to turn her whole life around
Thank you! Glad you thoguht so :D
Date: Feb 13, 2013 01:51 am Title: Chapter 21
Poor michael....i hope he talks to dani soon :)
omg!! Lol i love how i know this story without reading gay factor! ;D
wow hes creepy....
girl, i know its difficult, but u just HAVE to stop being so sexy! ;)
Well, fat chance of THAT happening!
good luck! XD!!
Author's Response:
HAHAHAHAHA! Well, I'll try, but it just comes so naturally I don't even realise when I'm being sexy ;) lol!
Haha, you always get first dibs though on all of my stories ;)
Date: Feb 12, 2013 06:42 pm Title: Chapter 21
I really think michael & dani should hook up now cause abviously he is falling 4 her again & she is aswell. & mike he feels like shit 4 putting her through shit welp I hope he learned now. Can't wait 2 see them patch things up soon.
Anyways loved the chapter & update soon! ^_^
Author's Response:
:) <3 Happy endings are always nice, but if they get back together there's definitely going to be some repair work..
Thank you! I'll try my best for faster updates! :)
Date: Feb 12, 2013 02:54 pm Title: Chapter 21
Aw god, even though Michael was a complete puto (Spanish curse for dick or fucker cx ) to Dani, imma let this slide, I feel like being that angel beside him and hugging him. lol <3
& Asefdhsjkdjdgfkskshdk! That happened to me before ! xD the story in the end notes! Dang, happened to be lots of times, I always told them to fuck off and go screw a slut and die with herpes x) ._______.
Author's Response:
Haha! I love foreign curse words XD <3
Lol! Too bad I don't know what "Fuck off" is in French! lol! Maybe I'll just tell him I'm a lesbian and hope he doesn't think that's a turn on... lol!
Date: Feb 06, 2013 06:59 pm Title: Chapter 20
Things are really changing I see. I guess nothing in life lasts forever then. Michael should get his act together now since he learned his lesson. He almost lost Dani maybe he will appreciate her more.
Update soon.
Author's Response:
Hopefully he can man up and appreciate her; but will she forgive him?
I'll try my best to update soon, but it's really unpredictable :P
Date: Feb 05, 2013 06:28 pm Title: Chapter 20
Awww I hoped you liked Paris and that it wasn't that cold. I nearly died today because of the wind, it was so cold! I am french hehe :)
Thank god he regrets!Ugh, Rose is a disgrace like I said! I bet she won't out of the picture... Rose seems to be a hater and I don't think she is ok wth Michael breaking up with her!
I just want to say, I freaking love your story and I can'tw wait to read more about it!
Author's Response:
Oh you're French? Awesome! :DD
Unfortunately, it was FREEZING! lol! I was wearing two sweaters, a jacket, mitts, a tuque, and a scarf and I was still cold!! But I guess we spent most of the time outside anyway and I'm one of those people who just can;t stand the cold even though I live in Canada! lmao!
Oh thank you! I'm glad that's the case! :)
BTW, thank you for all of the reviews! I appreciate them all and I did read them all although even if I'm only replying to this one. Lol! I lvoed the gifs! The 'I can't" and Prince's face made me lmao! Ahaha!
Date: Feb 05, 2013 06:18 pm Title: Chapter 19
Ugh, she is going to forgive him again. If she does that quickly I will be done with her. C'mon, he had her again with flowers?
Date: Feb 05, 2013 06:12 pm Title: Chapter 18
I hope she truly isn't forgiving him. I hope it isn't just words! Michael is a pathetic dumbfuck and becaue of him she almost commited suicide! Hope she is ok
Date: Feb 05, 2013 06:04 pm Title: Chapter 17
Michael has some nerves to judge her life. It's not like she choose it and he isn't making it better for her either. LOL, dumbass.
Wwow, Danielle is so weak right now. Michael better save her ass
Date: Feb 05, 2013 05:56 pm Title: Chapter 16
LMAO he finally dump that slut! LMOL @ him sprinting!!!!
Dani, don't forgive Michael that easily! He deserves to suffer. I hope she didn't try to kill herself. How awkward if Michael discovered her :S