Date: Dec 02, 2012 09:52 pm Title: Chapter 10
I can't help it when I read this story I was mad at the both of them really. Dani is stupid 4 falling 4 his dumb ass & michael look at him shit his curls are 2 damn tight. Why would he ask her 2 have sex with him right after she gave him std's wtf?? He is stupid maybe they both belong together in the long run. = Dumber & Dumber.
They both doing shit togther. They both should know better but sadly they don't. Michael is stupid but Dani is even more stupid. How stupider can they both get??! -_- I can't wait 4 the next chapter in a week like you said :D
Author's Response:
lmao! "his curls are 2 damn tight" had me rolling! I haven't heard that before!
Lol! The stupidity will end soon, and it'll just start to get to the point of insanity, intensity, isolation, and just plain mean :O You'll see... you'll see...
Date: Dec 02, 2012 09:34 pm Title: Chapter 10
NO NO NO she better keep her got damn clothes on & not listen 2 me. If I was her I would smack the shit outta him 4 taking me in the men's bathroom stall & telling me 2 take my clothes off. Wth man! He think he's so slick well not with me oh no no no I'll chop his little magic stick off if knws what's good 4 him he another coming if he is gonna be playing me like that. After all that fucking time treating me like nothing just cause u think I gave Std's on purpose shit was an accident yo! Ok let me stop before I keep blabbering her. This chapter makes me want to go all kung-fu panda xD
Ok I was almost in this story 4real girl! Lolz :P
Author's Response:
lmao! This had me laughing! XD
lol! His magic stick... lol sorry, that's really immature of me to be laughing at that :P
Haha geez... I shoulda asked YOU to make up the dialogue for Danielle! You know what you're talking about unlike Dani! lol!
Date: Dec 02, 2012 09:19 pm Title: Chapter 10
Omg! What's he gonna do??! 0_0 I'm actually nervous 2 read the next chapter now. He better not make her look like a fool or I'll come up in this story & knock him upside the head. -_-
continue!Author's Response:
Haha as you should be ;)
Lol! You might just have to do that ;D
I'll try and update soon! Definitely within 1 week :D
Date: Dec 02, 2012 08:47 pm Title: Chapter 10
Dude!! I'm like screaming so damn loud!! I'm like "OH MY MOTHAFUCKING JESUS GOD!! MICHAEL NO MAN NO!!"
I screamed when I saw this being updated, and I'm working on the stories as fast as I can girl.
Author's Response:
This is probably one of the funniest reviews I've ever recieved! lol! I was laughing so hard at this!
"Clucking globbinf fuck!" lol! Nice vocabulary ;)
Yay! I can't wait XD But take as long as you need, the wait builds up the suspense, and leaves me craving more. :P
Date: Nov 27, 2012 12:16 am Title: Chapter 9
Poor thing :/ it sucks when your parents are just as messed up as you are. Who do you look to then?
I was really hoping and praying that wasnt' how she got it. lol idk how else but I was honestly hoping it wasn't her fault. I'm tryna root for Dani but she out here giving people STDs! lol!
Michael is still an ass and I still don't like him. Hopefully he has a change of heart with this whole bet.
Thanks for the update!:)
Author's Response:
Yea, it's tough because those are the people that raised you, looked after you, so it's just natural to turn to them, but when they can't do anything to help you it's like what can you do? :/
lol! It's hard to root for either of them, both did wrong! :(
Haha, change of the heart with the bet...? Maybe... Change of heart in general... More likely ;)
No problem! Thanks for the read and the review! :D
Date: Nov 26, 2012 05:53 pm Title: Chapter 9
Oh my god, continue please! <3
Haha, he got hit! Poor baby, but he deserved it :o
Author's Response:
I'll try and continue ASAP :)
Haha yeah, he did didn't he?
Date: Nov 25, 2012 05:12 pm Title: Chapter 8
OMG I hate Michael :( He's being such a jerk :/
And HOOWWW!!! Did this girl get herpes lawd? I'm just gonna wait. Thanks for the update :)
Author's Response:
Haha yeah she had herpes and passed it onto Michael :(
How? Just like how anyone else would, she slept with a guy who had it and it was passed onto her.
I just thought I'd tell you that now because the emphasis on this story isn't really about how she got the STD in the first place, it's more about how Michael got it and the aftermath of that :)
Haha thanks for the review! ;D
Date: Nov 25, 2012 03:25 pm Title: Chapter 8
Daaaaamn..I kinda hope that Dani doesn't fall for Michael, I don't know why! & I don't think I'm gonna upload anymore stories, like update them as often. Going to rehearsals ^-^ just 2 hours and we're done for today! Guess what song we're doing right now...Black or White! Yeaaaah ! lol its like 5:25 here at 7 we're done ^-^
I'll update Falling For The Young tonight.
Author's Response:
Oh yeah, if I was doing something as awesome as you I'd update a whole lot less too! I seriously hope that everything works out well! It would be sooooo cool!
Date: Nov 18, 2012 10:32 pm Title: Chapter 7
Ooooh michael has a PERSONAL project hehe okayyy dani better watch out ;)
Author's Response:
Haha, personal indeed ;)
Date: Nov 18, 2012 07:28 pm Title: Chapter 7
What Danielle passed on to Michael ? Is't STD, if she knew why didn't had treatment for it. Michael beheaved like total d!ckhead in the past
Author's Response:
Yes, she passed on an STD. That's why her nickname is STDani, and that was why the guys on the bus made the 'HERpes' and 'Something Transmitted by Danielle' comments.
The fact is that because she doesn't have a good relationship with her parents when she found out she had no one to tell, and like anyone who finds out that they get an STI, embarrassed. So that's really the main reason. Kinda have to read between the lines with that one; I probably should have made that a little clearer :P
Date: Nov 18, 2012 03:23 pm Title: Chapter 7
So he raped her?! Oh fuck!...Did he? omg.
God, I feel like this story is so me..I and my ex would ALWAYS fight...and he force at times, I pretended to be into it when I wasn't..he was very violent..anyway, God I love this so so much ! This deserves a COLOSSAL Favorite Hurt/Comfort, Romance, Suspence story award(s).
Love you ^-^ !Author's Response:
I wouldn't label it as full on rape, because it wasn't violent, and it wasn't totally unwilling. The thing is, back when that was happening, Dani and Michael were in love, it's just that because Dani knew that she had an STD, she didn't want to keep havign sex with him, but that was all he wanted, and she felt powerless and just ended up giving in eveytime.
Oh my God! :( I'm sorry that you see yourself in this story considering the fact that this isn't really a happy story :( I'm sorry that you had to go though that...
I'm glad you love the story! :D Haha thank you! That's such a nice thing to say! I really appreciate that! :)))
Love you too girl <3
Date: Nov 09, 2012 01:29 am Title: Chapter 6
EW ROSE AND MICHAEL. Excuse me while I puke. -_-
I love it but I hate it haha, I can't wait to read the next chapter to see what Michael wants.... Hmmm....
(LOL DaizyfreeMJJ's comment ahah)
Great chapter :D
, <3
Author's Response:
Haha! I'll say!
lmao! They're so much fun for me! I love cliffhangers <3 ;)
Thanks for your reviews! <3
Date: Nov 08, 2012 10:03 pm Title: Chapter 6
This is just a reply to your response.
Me and Him are gonna go out to the movies tomorrow ! Oh my gosh! We're gonna go see Sinister and Wreck It Ralph. Cute huh? He said he'd pay, aw lol, he's gonna wear the Thriller outfit, just to fuck with people lol. He doesn't cuss or anythin. He's like Michael, and oh my, he texted me saying that he's gonna pretend like I'm his girl! Like in Thriller oh my god, I'm freaking out! Lol but I'm 4'11 , all short .______.
He said he likes short girls ^-^ Anyway, he wants me to wear something similar like what Ola was wearing. I'm excited!
He's such a sweet guy, oh my god, I think my ex got jealous when I told him x)
Oh well..but every morning he texts me this, ' Goodmorning beautiful. <3 Hope you're feeling alright. Much love.'
Cause I'm like sick..but he is sweet, loving, passionate, he's so...Michael. lol
Author's Response:
Oooh! Sinister is really good! You'll like it!
<3 That's so cute! Have a good time! He sounds like such a nice guy (with a sense of humour too since he plans on dressing as Michael lmao)
Date: Nov 08, 2012 04:09 pm Title: Chapter 6
I'm wondering what's up Michael's sleeves now? Continue.
Author's Response:
Hehe, I most definitely will :) Thanks for reading!
Date: Nov 07, 2012 10:57 pm Title: Chapter 6
Damn, Michael was such a fucking dick .. Sorry but he really was, I freaked the fuck out when this was updated! I was like 'Thank you Jesus!' I remember my boyfriend would do role play, as Thriller Era Michael, lol, and we would always fight lmao, it was pretty funny. We would get it on..haha, he would actually be a mix of sweet, loving and torturing, mean, evil Michael. That shit was scary lol Anyway, I'm actually scared for Danielle, I just have a feeling.
Oh my gosh! I need to tell you something! I went to the store today to Walmart and, well I drove myself there, I'm 14 and I drive lol anyway, uh, I was in the toy section, buying toys for my friend's baby, I'm babysitting, he's 2 months old, and I was there and this guy approached me, he was looking at the toys. And, Oh.My.Jackson, he looked like Michael...exactly like him! So I'm just there, picking out toys and he was like at the other end of the hall so, we started walking, we were looking down and we bumped into each other! The toys fell and he apologized and we got down to pick em up, my papers fell too, which I had in my hand, and I'm like no it's fine..and we looked up..our eyes met! I literally melted! He smiled, damn..same smile, he sounded like him too! I smiled back and we got up and he put the toys in the little basket thingy and he handed me my papers. I said thank you, he said you're welcome..and he stared at me for awhile, I blushed. He extended his hand to me and said, ' name's Michael...' I smiled up at him, and shook his hand and I said 'Oh, hi..I'm Carolina..nice to meet you..' And then we talked for a little about the toys, and how he loved children like I did. Then he gave me his number! Really! I found out that he lives in McAllen, where I was born! Well in the rich neighborhoods. And he walked me to my car, he's so sweet. Oh my gosh, and I asked how old he was, how tall, he said 'Oh..I turned 24 in August..I'm 5'11..." My heart was pounding...we just stared at each others eyes, I said 'Uh...I don't know if you get this often but..You look like Michael Jackson.." He blushed and smiled, then touched his lip, like Michael always does! And replied 'Oh yeah..everyone tells me that.." Oh god and his laugh ! Gosh..that was the best experience ! I wanted to cry but I didn't lol, we were complete strangers and when I was gonna leave , he hugged me and gave me a kiss! Then said 'I'll call you or text you" I was like "Okay" head over heels lol. God, I was shocked, happy, mixed emotions! He was ACTUALLY wearing this, and he looked like this but his skin was a tiiiiiiny bit darker.
I'm shocked lol
Anyway, I looooooved this, I love this story. I am in love with this story, with Dont You Remember?. Damn I am like...your biggest fan! "I'm your number one fan!" lol from the Incredibles. I'm incredi-boy!
Author's Response:
Haha! Michael was a dick! Not gunna lie there!
OMJ! That is so cool! Did you actually meet someone who looked just like Michael, named Michael!?? I'm jealous. He sounds like a cool dude :)
Haha! Thank you! And omj! Haha, it sure feels like that! You've been reviewing on practically all of my stories! I really appreciate it a lot! I can;t thank you enough for it all!
lmao! omj! I loooooove that movie! <3