Date: Feb 20, 2022 12:54 pm Title: Gorgeous
Great start😊
Date: Mar 24, 2013 08:08 am Title: End
The end of another gemreat YANA tale :)
i really liked this story!
but i agree with you, everything was just a bit too least, for one of YOUR stories! Haha :P but i enjoyed it all the same :D
A happy ever after?!?! *GASP!*
well, it will be a long time before we see another one of those from you again! XD
drama, drama, DRAMA!
love u for it though :)
Author's Response:
Exactly, it's like... ugh... I can't believe I wrote it in such a perfect life, like that's just so not me! Lol!
Hahaha! Damn straight, I'll have to make one of my stories just end with a massive slaughter :P
Date: Mar 14, 2013 12:23 pm Title: Please Wake Up
Poor Anthony and Michael. Theyre REALLY tore up.
I liked the bit Anthony said about in hospitals people are dying and terrible things but then sometimes babies are being born and things like that. :)
cmon....we need to see Roxanne awake please?? :p
Author's Response:
:P Haha soon for sure
Date: Feb 27, 2013 10:43 am Title: Blame
that was one HELL of a fight!!!
i think even Pewds would be shocked at this display of barrelness!
It was epic though; really well done girl :)
ohhhh i cant wait to see whats gonna go down when they see Roxanne!!
Author's Response:
HAHAHAHA! Pewds would probably be just as shocked as I was when I saw his version of the Harlem Shake :P **disturbing...**
Thank you ^-^
Date: Feb 27, 2013 02:01 am Title: Blame
Dang, Michael and Anthony are at their throats.
Update soon, you know how good your stories are :)
BTW, how are you lately?
Author's Response:
XD omg thank you! That means a lot! I love checking my review and reading that thank you very much<3
I'm absolutely fantastic thank you :) I was in the Alpes last week which was amazing, and today I'm going to a party, and then tomorrow an overnight party, and then I have Friday, Saturday, and Sunday to do homework :/ And then school starts up again... :( Spring break in France is in February, which I thought was really weird, but whatever. lol! XD Hopefully you're feeling just as fantastic as I am<33
Date: Feb 18, 2013 11:23 am Title: Merde
Lol!!! Michaels cute mistakes ;)
i love how since you are in france this story has loads of the language in it. (I know its set in paris but still lol)
ohhhh shit this wont go well...
Forget boss fight, this is a barrel fight :O xD
Author's Response:
Haha! XD
Lol! When I was typing it I was like "It's so convenient that I chose the city to be Paris..." lmao!
Hahahahaha! THERE'S the barrel comment that I love <33
Date: Feb 16, 2013 06:20 pm Title: Fault
Update soon...please! Thanks!
Author's Response: I'll try my best :)
Date: Feb 09, 2013 02:23 pm Title: Fault
What a situation!!
Now Anthony...I'm sure Michael will be a good boy! XD
hahaha! He hopes his plane crashes!
...omg....wait! What...what if it does?!?! O.O
Thatd be one major plot twist!!
im scared now lol :P
Author's Response:
Omg! Definitely a plot twist! Two lovers suddenly now in the hospital :O
Date: Jan 27, 2013 09:37 pm Title: Now
I love michaels dedicstion; as soon as he finds out about Roxanne "im going to paris." Just as casual as ever lol
haha, sauli returns as the little messenger boy ;)
Author's Response:
Lmao! It's LooooooooooOOOooooOOoooOOOOOve! <33
Haha, Sauli! XD After I wrote it I was like "Wtf, this is just so sudden..." lol! He just APPEARS for one chapter after beign absent for about 10! lmao!
Whatever. He's still sexy.
Date: Jan 20, 2013 07:50 am Title: The Runway
anthony is no longer a barrel!!
oh my days, all kinds of shits about to get serious!!
whats michael gona do? And will anthony ask for his help?
Author's Response:
Well it won't be easy for Michael to help out because she's all the way across the ocean.. :(
Date: Jan 19, 2013 04:21 pm Title: The Runway
Oh no!!! I hope she's ok she has to stop before she kills herself :( great update
Author's Response:
Thankfully Michael's always watching out for her, but if he wants to get to her he's going to have to go through a lot of trouble... And imagine how Anthony feels...
Date: Jan 12, 2013 11:15 pm Title: Trust
Ohhhhhhohohohoho!!!! (Im not santa, dont worry, thats just how i feel xD)
Barrels will hit the fan on this trip. I KNOW IT!!!
i have ideas abt what might happen but idk...u always manage to do the unexpected!
Author's Response:
Hahaha! Aww... I was really excited; I thoguht Santa Claus reviewed on my story! :( lol!
You're better than Santa though XD
Honestly I think this story is less unexpected then my other ones, but I dunno; we'll see what happens.. ;)
Date: Jan 06, 2013 10:09 pm Title: Fix Her
I was suprised how dismissive anthony was with michael, i thought tey got along :(
Anthonyyyyyy!!! Denial!! U are in denial Anthony! U....barrel.....
yay at least michael hasnt given up hope and is going to help her
Author's Response:
They were okay, but Anthony can't (and won't) grasp the fact that his 'perfect' sister does drugs.
Hahaha! There are so many barrels in my stories :P I'm surprised Pewds hasn't come and kicked my ass already for working with them XD
Date: Jan 03, 2013 07:16 am Title: Lies
Well now he caught her! How sad I hope she can get help and stop :(
Author's Response:
Hopefully he'll be able to get her some help and make her quit before the consequences of her actiosn come back to haunt her...
Date: Jan 02, 2013 12:26 am Title: Lies
Ohh ROXANNE girl!! Lovely girl but a mess. I know mike can help her, somehow. I hope he isnt going to leave her with this
Author's Response:
He won't leave it :) He's a nice guy in this story, unlike Porcelain ;)