Date: Sep 16, 2012 07:10 pm Title: Openly Together
Of course they would go off. Lol!
Date: Sep 15, 2012 02:46 am Title: Something To Hide?
It's very sad for Chris' niece.And I'm agree, his niece is more important than he told Michael. He kept too much things from her.
I hate those reporters! But I'm like Chris,I really wonder how they found him? lol
Author's Response:
I'm not gunna lie, there's more significance to his niece than what was shared by Chris... but we won't see that until later... but be sure to keep it locked in the back of your mind :)
Date: Sep 13, 2012 10:31 pm Title: Something To Hide?
Aww poor Chris. I feel bad. But there's gotta be more to that story about his niece. Damn reporters! Hate them. They wasps that won't go away!
Author's Response:
Hehe I wouldn't make a whole chapter about it if it wasn't going to be important ^-^ *hint hint*
Lmao! That's a good comparison! Wasps that won't go away... I wish I'd thoguht of that... lol!
Date: Sep 11, 2012 08:22 am Title: Love You
There are so cute together! Wow Chris' house was really unexpected.How can he live there?
I was as surprised as Michael.Chris acts so sexuel on stage...I really wonder what happened to Chris and if it's link to his secret.
I forgot to tell you, I watched the video you sent me of Adam.I love the MJ's part and he was really funny when he said "Buy ten albums for your friends" or something like that lol
Author's Response: Lmao! Haha he's like, "And then I put out an album..." *crowd cheers* "I hope you all have it, and buy ten for friends," *crowd cheers again* "F*** it, if you buy ten for friends buy ten more!" Haha! I love it.
Date: Sep 10, 2012 09:59 pm Title: Love You
Something happened to Chris. What was it?
Date: Sep 08, 2012 07:33 am Title: Dinner Disaster or Dream?
It's great that Janet and Chris get along well now.
I'm wondering why Chris didn't want to bring Michael at his house at first?What does he hide?
I wonder what they'll do once there...If you see what I mean lol
Date: Sep 07, 2012 11:11 pm Title: Dinner Disaster or Dream?
Whoo Chris and Janet got along without going at each other's throats! That's what I'm talking about!
Date: Sep 05, 2012 11:17 am Title: Chris' World
I'm really waiting to see how the dinner with Janet will turn. Chris, he's really something but I like it lol.
Good story once again girl :-)
Date: Sep 04, 2012 08:15 pm Title: Chris' World
Lol. Reed is right though. But I'm glad Janet giving Chris a chance.
Date: Sep 03, 2012 11:22 am Title: You Better Be Lying To Me!
I'm pretty happy that Janet still want to talk to Michael and to try again with Chris, even if I'm not conviced it will be better the next time they'll meet.
Anyway, happy you're back with updates and good luck for school :-)
Date: Sep 02, 2012 10:08 pm Title: You Better Be Lying To Me!
Yeah Janet will probably NOT get to like him. But she'll have too for Michael's sake.
Author's Response:
Hmmm we'll see ;)
Date: Aug 27, 2012 09:01 am Title: Chris Confronts Janet
Janet and Chris' meeting was like I expected...Horribe lol.
But I wouldn't think that Chris would reveal everything like this.Now Michael will have real troubles with Janet...
Date: Aug 26, 2012 08:46 pm Title: Chris Confronts Janet
Damn, he wiped the laughter in her face immediately! XD Go Chris!
Author's Response:
Hahahahaha! I honestly LOVE all of your reviews! They make me either laugh or smile every time! GO CHRIS *fist pump*
Date: Aug 26, 2012 06:31 pm Title: Turning
the chapter is cute
Author's Response:
Haha thank you! Glad you think so... the next chapter might not be as cute :/
Date: Aug 26, 2012 01:12 am Title: How Can I Make Her Like Me?
I would like Janet to like Chris but I really doubt about it. She really hated him.
But let's see, maybe we'll be surprised! lol