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Reviewer: RhythmChild Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 25, 2013 07:09 am Title: Chapter 3 There Goes The Planet...

Michael's prayer.....

HE WROOOOONG for that one lmfaoooo

Reviewer: RhythmChild Signed [Report This]
Date: Feb 08, 2013 12:47 pm Title: Chapter 8 All's Well That Ends Well

I was laughing all the way through this story, this was hilarious!

Reviewer: pweetie subi Signed [Report This]
Date: Dec 31, 2012 08:23 am Title: Chapter 1 Dont You Think Its Time To Make A Mince?

This is interesting :D please can u write a story about micheal married? Thanks

Reviewer: pweetie subi Signed [Report This]
Date: Dec 31, 2012 08:23 am Title: Chapter 1 Dont You Think Its Time To Make A Mince?

This is interesting :D please can u write a story about micheal married? Thanks

Reviewer: pweetie subi Signed [Report This]
Date: Dec 31, 2012 08:22 am Title: Chapter 1 Dont You Think Its Time To Make A Mince?

This is interesting :D please can u write a story about micheal married? Thanks

Reviewer: Tarifa Signed [Report This]
Date: Oct 10, 2012 07:54 am Title: Chapter 1 Dont You Think Its Time To Make A Mince?

oh  please continue this story !!!


Reviewer: Tarifa Signed [Report This]
Date: Oct 01, 2012 11:09 am Title: Chapter 8 All's Well That Ends Well


Reviewer: iam_music Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 18, 2012 12:29 pm Title: Chapter 8 All's Well That Ends Well

Perfect chapter. Although it would be neat to see some threesome action poppin off, I'm just glad everyone's happy. 

Reviewer: MJSmile Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 17, 2012 04:15 am Title: Chapter 1 Dont You Think Its Time To Make A Mince?

 Oh sukie now!


lol but seriously, great chapter. Sexy, like it was already said. Poor guys, they missed out big time...I wonder what threy're gonna do now. Its good they finally stopped fighting though.

Reviewer: iam_music Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 16, 2012 10:22 pm Title: Chapter 7 Oh HELL NAW!!

LMFAO!!!! Girl I love it! This is sexy and hilarious at the same damn time! At least the girls got their rocks off. Too bad for Prince and Mike. 

Author's Response: Lol thanks ! I'm so happy u like it :-)

Reviewer: Tarifa Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 15, 2012 11:40 am Title: Chapter 2 I'll Make It Worth Your Wild ;-)

I love your story !!

Reviewer: iam_music Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 15, 2012 09:10 am Title: Chapter 6 WAIT...light bulb moment

Lol at Mike gettin stuck in the tree!!!! I wonder what these two have planned.

Reviewer: MJSmile Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 15, 2012 08:39 am Title: Chapter 6 WAIT...light bulb moment

Hmm, Can't wait to see Brandi's devious plan in action. And laugh my butt off at Michael getting stuck in that tree. Just imagining that whole scene is like hilarious and Prince, lol they are a mess. Really do act like little kids sometime.

Reviewer: iam_music Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 13, 2012 03:45 pm Title: Chapter 5 Wanna Be "Big Time BITCH"

Lmao hilarious!!!! Those two will never get along. Looks like Lisa and Brandy both will be sexually frustrated for awhile. Maybe they can get it on with each other cuz those men of theirs are stubborn as hell. 

Author's Response: Lolz read n see ;-) thanks for the review ;-)

Reviewer: MJSmile Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 13, 2012 01:51 pm Title: Chapter 5 Wanna Be "Big Time BITCH"

Gotta love the tension between those two...and the ridiculous thing is they both secretly admire each other. Laughing at Michael with his little snide comments every five minutes. Brandy and Lisa have gotta set the guys straight though or the little rendezvous they've been dreaming up won't be happening.

Maybe Prince and Michael should talk to each other without the girls around, then they wouldn't feel the need to prove themselves to their women by constantly one uping each other. Or...they might kill each

Anyway, I'm really liking this story. Thank U for the update. :D

Author's Response: Thanks ! that's a good point u made :-) I'm glad ur liking it :-)

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