Date: Aug 17, 2012 10:39 am Title: Chapter 15
Joseph is sucha creep!! Lol. Im proud of the happy couple though, on their way to success and stardom.
Date: Aug 17, 2012 10:07 am Title: Chapter 14
Haha! Michael and Pam are soo cute together. Skinny dipping and all. But hooray for them, she's not preggo . Wonder how things woulda worked if she were.
Date: Aug 16, 2012 12:06 pm Title: Chapter 13
I feel bad for Pam, Toya and Joseph are being unnecessarily mean to her. But it's sweet how the brothers are willing to chip in and help pay for her condo.
Date: Aug 14, 2012 02:04 pm Title: Chapter 12
Kathetine took the news better than expected, but there really is nothing she do about it at this point.
Great story :) Seeing these quick updates always brings a smile to my face ! Im a fan of your work.
Author's Response: Thank you very much. You dont know what that means to me ! I will definitely keep up the updates as much as i can during school. I appreciate you reading :-)
Date: Aug 14, 2012 07:13 am Title: Chapter 11
:0 I knew it ! When she first felt sick, I did figure it was those eggs, but I couldn't help but wonder... Also, looking forward to that family dinner.
Date: Aug 12, 2012 05:59 pm Title: Chapter 10
Those two are sooo cute together .And I loved how Pam beat Jermaine! Haha that was hilarious
Author's Response: :-) Thanks for reading :-)
Date: Aug 08, 2012 06:34 pm Title: Chapter 7
Hahaaaaaa!! Their reaction to her bedhead was hilarious!! She's pretty bold.
This story is getting better and better. Im so looking forward to the outcome of their bet. Great chapter, btw
Date: Aug 08, 2012 04:53 pm Title: Chapter 5
One of my favorite chapters! One minute you're showing MJ how to plant a flower and the next you're kissing!! Cool :)
Author's Response: Thank you so much :-) i really appreciate it
Date: Aug 05, 2012 01:55 pm Title: Chapter 3
She's gunna join 'em.? Ooh, would like to see how that turns out!
Keep up the great work. Lovin' it so far
Author's Response: thanks :-) will do
Date: Aug 04, 2012 01:19 pm Title: Chapter 2
Hmm.. interesting.. I'd like to see where you go with this story
Date: Aug 03, 2012 08:51 pm Title: Chapter 1
Great start!I'm enjoying this!
The plot is very good!Please continue!
Thank u!
Author's Response: Thank you :-) I'll be posting chapter two today :-)