Date: Aug 03, 2012 07:48 pm Title: Chapter 13
Ooo i wonder what will happend next. Thank You for posting this chapter when you have such a busy scheldule. Whenever you get a chance can you please update,Thanks. Lots Of L.O.V.E.
Author's Response:
Thank you for enjoying and yes i'l be updating a lil more now. 1Love :)
Date: Aug 01, 2012 10:17 pm Title: Chapter 12
I love this chapter keep going
Author's Response:
thank you so much! and yes more is coming :)
Date: Aug 01, 2012 12:08 pm Title: Chapter 12
Wow seems like Emily really means what she says to him this time. I bet michael feel dissed lolol but anyways hope they both workout there differences... but not if that mason dude is in the way I see. Plz update soon! Thank You
Author's Response:
lolz yes im sure he did feel dissed. more will come and thanks for the review :)
Date: Jul 29, 2012 08:26 pm Title: Chapter 12
Aw man they both are just to complicaited together.
At least she told him like it is. But I still felt a bit bad for michael though but oh well he needs to feel what she feels in a way. I can't wait for more girl!
Author's Response:
I agree with you he does have to feel what she feels your so right and thanks for the review :)
Date: Jul 29, 2012 06:40 pm Title: Chapter 11
I figure joe would have to spoil the fun.
That's joe for ya, but wow they kissed? Omg!
I gotta read the next chapter.
Author's Response:
He always spoils the fun. thanks so much for your review :)
Date: Jul 29, 2012 03:52 am Title: Chapter 12
I have a feeling in future chapters Mason might cause a little trouble! 0.o
Omg so Emily IS brushing him off... Karma is a bitch lool
I think its good she isnt giving into him; he cant just kiss her and make her forget everything he has done.
Awesome chapters, girlie!! :D
Update pronto? ;D ,<3
Author's Response:
Yep may have to becareful with Mason, lolz Michael will if she keeps turning him away and not giving what he wants. i know guys can be like that sometimes. and sometimes you gotta teach them a lesson. thanks so much girly for your review :) <3
Date: Jul 29, 2012 03:50 am Title: Chapter 11
Wow, Joseph was very mean with what he said... Has he looked at himself? So sour all the time! :S lool
Awe Michael and Emily kissed again... But why do I have a feeling Emas gonna tell him to back off a little..? She seemed as though she liked it, but she was a little hesitant.
Cannot wait ta read the next chapterrr :) , <3
Author's Response:
Yes he was being rude to her and does need to look at hiself i agree. thanks girly! :)
Date: Jul 28, 2012 06:03 pm Title: Chapter 12
OMG Ema and Michael finaly kissed. Im happy that happend. But towards the end i started to cry because of feelings Michael had and Ema had as well. Whenever you get a chance can you please update,Thanks. Lots Of L.O.V.E.
Author's Response:
Yes it made me sad too. hopfully they will work it out. and thanks so much for your review. :)
Date: Jul 27, 2012 04:00 pm Title: Chapter 11
well damn joe should of kept his mouth shut he neva keeps to himself. im i hoping emily would do something to him. lolololol and I see michael is trying with emily. But I don't blame her I wouldn't trust him yet. michael souldn't force hiself on her like that either. He should let her make her moves on him her own time just sayin. Anywho can't wait for more!!!
Author's Response:
yep joe can sometimes rain the parade. lolz but emily still stood strong though. your right michael shouldn't force hiself on her. thanks for the review! :)
Date: Jul 25, 2012 08:05 pm Title: Chapter 10
this was awesome i can't wait for the next chapter now :) please update soon.
Author's Response:
Thank you!
Date: Jul 25, 2012 01:19 am Title: Chapter 10
Ahhh; I was so shocked when her mother started acting nice!!
I cannot wait to see how the dinner goes/ the next chapterrr! ^_^
Author's Response:
thank you so much Brina for your review and yes that is a shock lolz :) <3
Date: Jul 25, 2012 01:01 am Title: Chapter 9
D: Her aunts vision.... I wonder who the 2 men are!!! AHHH, THE SUSPENCE! :P
Hmm, Mason. It seems like he is majorly crushing on her or something; isnt it obvious to Ema he wants to do more than 'hang out'? haha xD
Amazing as always ;) MUCH LOVE! <3
Author's Response:
yeah her aunts visions are accurate. in due time emily will find out mason is crushing her hopfully. thanks for reviwing much love <3
Date: Jul 25, 2012 12:55 am Title: Chapter 8
Michael needs to get away from that bunch of 'friends' ... Or have balls enough to make them stop calling her names and joining in.
If he ever wants to gain anything; I think that's what he should do!!
Awesome chapter!! ^_^
Cant wait ta read more! , <3
Author's Response:
indeed he does need a new group of friends or he may need to tell them off. i agree with you 100% Thank you girly! <3
Date: Jul 24, 2012 08:51 pm Title: Chapter 10
I loved the chapter!! and mike with his dancing in it was that the surprise from him? haha im glad you added his great talents to the story. update gurl! lololol
Author's Response:
glad you enjoyed the surprise :)
Date: Jul 24, 2012 07:55 pm Title: Chapter 10
Ooo i cantg wait to see what happends next but i will wait. Whenever you get a chance can you please update,Thanks. Lots Of L.O.V.E.
Author's Response:
thenk you for keeping up :D <3