Date: Aug 16, 2012 12:22 am Title: Chapter 18
Hey gurl! I'm just now catching up with the last few chapter's you posted up. My bad I haven't been on the site lately but I'm back. And damn! All that happened. I'm happy they are together now though. I can't wait to see what happens next with this..keep this up!
Author's Response: Aw it's ok.. sometimes I don't be on the site for awhile and a fall behind a the stories I like. It's all good and thanks so much for your review and yes they are together girl. Lolz
Date: Aug 15, 2012 07:00 pm Title: Chapter 18
OMG i was crying halfway into this chapter. And im crying again im SUPER GLAD that Michael and Emily are together. And im happy that Michael opened up to her and Emily opened up to him. I cant wait to see where this relationship is going to take them. By the way i loved reading long chapters especially when it leads up to what i just read. Whenever you get a chance can you please update,Thanks. Lots Of L.O.V.E.
Author's Response: I know I feel the same way too. I'm happy that they finally are together. I almost was in tears myself while wrting this lolz
Yes I know things are starting to pick up for them now. Thanks so much! I'm glad you enjoyed :) <3
Date: Aug 15, 2012 04:49 pm Title: Chapter 18
Awww finally there together. I hope things go alright between them. But I know drama is always gonna be there. I like how Emily bonds with Michael's family. That's great! I felt sorry for her on how she wanted to die. I'm so happy Michael is there to help her. Please update soon when you can.
Thank you
Author's Response: Yeah that's true no matter there will always be drama that's life though but the biggest part is that they are together now. And they could stick with each other through thick and thin. And thanks for your review <3
Date: Aug 14, 2012 08:57 pm Title: Chapter 17
Aww I agree with her aunt they really do look good together and they deserve each other. I hope they end up together. He could really help her and she could really help him and his little asshole ways he be having. I can't wait for more.
Author's Response: Yep they do deserve to be together. She could help Michael with his ways that is actually true. They can inspire each other in a way. That's what I think most couples should do. And thanks for your review :)
Date: Aug 13, 2012 03:14 am Title: Chapter 1
Omg I really need to catch up on this story really soon!! So sorry, I've not had a chance to lately. D: Lol
Much LOVE! <3
Author's Response:
aww it's ok brina, i understand i sometims have to catch up with stories i fall behind for awhile and then i catch up again. lolz and thanks girl! <3
Date: Aug 09, 2012 07:37 pm Title: Chapter 17
OMG i cant believe all of this happend. But i hope now Michael and Ema become a couple because she really does need Michel. Whenever you get a chance can you please update,Thanks. Lots Of L.O.V.E.
Author's Response: I know way to much happened. Yes I hope they become a couple soon they deserve each other. Yes shemost definitley needs michael. He will always be there for her. She should give him a chance in due time. And thank you very much and more is coming :)
Date: Aug 09, 2012 01:16 am Title: Chapter 16
Wow! Just wow! 0_0 I know Emily would lose it in due time. It was just in a matter of time. Some one had to push her buttons. And what's up with Mason? I hope Michael can Find Emily. Please update
Author's Response: Yep that's what happens when a person gets pushed to much. I know mason is sort of a mess right now. Aw he will fine her.
Date: Aug 08, 2012 06:28 pm Title: Chapter 15
I just caught up with this story and i hope you continue.
Author's Response:
thank you and more is coming :)
Date: Aug 08, 2012 01:49 am Title: Chapter 15
awesome update! finally michael stood up to his immature friends bah. steve is so funny sometimes. lol i can't wait for more :D
Author's Response:
yes im glad for that too yeah i agree steve is funny. lolz and thanks! :)
Date: Aug 07, 2012 08:30 pm Title: Chapter 15
YES Michael finaly stood up for Ema to his jerk ass friends. And im super glad Michael was able to help Ema. Whenever you get a chance can you please update,Thanks. Lots Of L.O.V.E.
Author's Response:
Yes finally he did stood up to his friends maybe that's proof to emily that he is really changing. thank you so much <3 :)
Date: Aug 06, 2012 10:15 pm Title: Chapter 14
Great chapter i think Emily needs to be more careful with her gift because she is slipping majorly now. i hope Michael can help her and don't play with her head. i can't wait for more. Thank You
Author's Response:
she is slipping a lot with her gift but hopfully michael is the one to help her. thanks :)
Date: Aug 06, 2012 06:29 pm Title: Chapter 14
Whoa! Those Girls are real Bit**ches they gonna be sorry for messing with her.
I hope Michael can help her though this is crazy she almost killed that kid on the bike.... plz update Asap.
Author's Response:
i agree, and yeah i hope he does too. thanks :)
Date: Aug 06, 2012 05:39 pm Title: Chapter 14
OMG i hope Michael will be able to help Emy because she really does need it. I really think Emy needs a break from everything and i think Michael is the person to help her to do that but i think Emy wont let him. Thank You for posting this chapter. Whenever you get a chance can you please update,Thanks. Lots Of L.O.V.E.
Author's Response:
yes i hope he can too and thank you so much! <3
Date: Aug 05, 2012 11:02 pm Title: Chapter 13
Wow gurl this chapter was a trip.
What's up with her momma?? let me find out she checking mike out her self that would make her a crougar lol
Can you update soon... and thank you.
Author's Response:
LOOLZ maybe her mom was who knows. Micheal is highly attractive without a shadow of doubt. thanks for your review :)
Date: Aug 04, 2012 04:51 pm Title: Chapter 13
Wow her moms is slick some how. Seems like she knew what she was doing She caught them off guard I see lol I really hope Michael is being true to Emily this time because I couldn't handle a guy like that. I can't wait for more
Author's Response:
I don't think many girls can handle a guy like that. lolz Michael is unpredictable haha yeah her mom can be really confusing at times and thank you fot your review. :)