Reviews For The Verge
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Reviewer: michaelfan90 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 15, 2012 02:39 pm Title: Chapter 41

dang her mother is a bitch times 3. how could she do that to her own daughter? i hope michael cuss her ass out next time. mother or not. no forget that i wish emily would levitate her mom and throw her back to where she came from. great chapter please update soon. oh and i love that part on family guy. i do that to my mom all the time. lol

Author's Response:

yes i agree her my is beyond bitch ugh if she keeps pushing her she will get what's coming soon emily could get pushed so far and heck yeah mike better cuss her out next time. girl i love family guy too lolz i did that with my mom to lolz & thanks so much for loving this i frecking appreciate this ;) <3

Reviewer: mimi Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 15, 2012 02:31 pm Title: Chapter 41

Her mother smh... it took a lot for michael not to go off on her. I can't wait to see what happens next update soon thank you.

Author's Response:

ikr her mom is just so mean and cruel to her. & thanks! :)

Reviewer: sugacream2525 Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 14, 2012 05:30 pm Title: Chapter 40

I just wanna let you know that I've been keeping up with every chapter and all of them good with lots of drama and fun lololol and waaaahhh omg! This chapter done did it to Emily and Michael are great and I just love how they work things out to. more couples should be that way I need to be that way with my man lol btw I like that song Dude by Beanie Man :D update soon and Laters.

Author's Response: I know you have loolz & it's ok they always knows how to work there issues out even when ppl come between and trying to ruien it 4 then they try there best tho.. and yes emily has a little wild side that ur seeing lolz & yeah beanie man! Thanks! <3

Reviewer: mimi Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 14, 2012 05:08 pm Title: Chapter 40

Whoa! Hot chapter girl! Ema knows how to treat mikey now it's his turn to put it on her lol but I'm really wondering what's gonna be her mother's reaction to the engagment also? Update soon thank you.

Author's Response: Haha glad you enjoyed it & yeah it was hot and she sure knows how to treat him. Lolz yep wait til you see happends with that too :P &thanks :)

Reviewer: michaelfan90 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 14, 2012 04:19 pm Title: Chapter 40

Grrr lol she put it on him lol. they are the sweetest. i hope nothin comes between them.....not even mason. i have a feelin he is gonna do something very soon. please update when you can hun.

Author's Response: Hahaha she did put it on him ikr they are just to adorable and bahh Mason is still in the picture to he's just quiet for the moment But wait til you see his come back oh boy..with him you never know gotta remember mike did beat his ass and he may do a crazy ass come back. &thanks girly more is coming <3

Reviewer: MJrulzBiebersuxs Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 14, 2012 03:23 pm Title: Chapter 40

Ooo i wonder what Emily's mom will do or say when she tells her that she is engaged to Michael. But im happy they are engaged. I hope they get married soon. Whenever you get a chance can you please update,Thanks. Lots Of L.O.V.E.

Author's Response: I wonder too u never know with her mother smh and yes that would be nice to see them get married too. Thanks<3

Reviewer: winniepoogurl Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 13, 2012 11:24 pm Title: Chapter 1

Wow I just read the first chapter to this and it's pretty good. You seem to have a lot of reviews for this one. I will continue to read every chapter good job! :)

Author's Response:

Thank you very much :) <3

Reviewer: NatashaRosee Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 13, 2012 12:21 am Title: Chapter 1

Reaallly cool story. Love how Michael took the book from her, i don't know why lol.

Author's Response:

loolz that was like so rude of him to do that but was funny at the samtime bad michael :P thanks 4 keeping up :)

Reviewer: mimi Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 12, 2012 06:43 pm Title: Chapter 39

Yikes! Ema was really mad she's became wild now don't mess with her lol wow this was good and I'm glad that she's finally getting these things off her mind. She needs to be in better health again and aww Micheal makes me want to blush with all his sweetness damn! Lol

Author's Response:

yes she can be wild at times lolz no doubt yeah it's about time ema is finally airing her feelings out she should feel better soon tho. yes they are so darn cute together & michael is 2 sweet i just wanna hug him 4 that to. lolz  &thanks! <3

Reviewer: michaelfan90 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 12, 2012 05:45 pm Title: Chapter 39

i know she almost killed that guy but damn. YOU GO GIRL! bet that guy won't mess with her again. she really needs to sit down and tell michael or whoever anything that is bothering her. hopefully she will be ok. cause if she is going mad and beating people up like this now....imagine when her period comes XD

Author's Response:

yeah u go ema! lolz that dude wont be bothering her no time soon thanks to emily's out of control anger.  a totally agree she does need to take a seat and just get everyting off her chest and she needs to listen to michael he's been there for her and she got vera and steve to listen to.  xD LMAO OMG! no not on her period i'd be scared of her girl! she'd probably take that out on the whole town and maybe the school lolz & thanks! <3

Reviewer: MJrulzBiebersuxs Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 12, 2012 05:03 pm Title: Chapter 39

Wow never mess with Emily or you will get your ass kicked by her. Im glad Emily got one of the many things that she has off her chest. I hope after Emily gets everything off her chest she will be ok. Im glad Emily is with Michael they really make a great couple. Whenever you get a chance can you please update,Thanks. Lots Of L.O.V.E.

Author's Response:

LOOlz ikr never mess with emily u never know with her she could be surprising at times and yeah im glad she got it off her chest to it's about time and i agree she needs to talk more Amen to that and yes they are good for eachother. &thanks! more is coming soon <3

Reviewer: MJrulzBiebersuxs Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 11, 2012 07:19 pm Title: Chapter 38

Awwww Michael is so caring X3. I really hope Emily gets better. I laugh so much that i almost fell out of my seat when i read what Maxi,Star, and Dasiy did to those whiches they deserved that every single bit. Star needs to back off before Michael gets pissed off or Emily finds out what Star is trying to do that would hurt Emily so much. Whenever you can get a chance can you please update,Thanks. Lots Of L.O.V.E.

Author's Response:

i knw mike is so caring and gentle with emily. she needs to get better or michael will go insane & yeah that was funny what they did to kyla and them haha in there faces :P they made them look like little defensless punks haha!!  yeah star may be a bit of trouble so michael and emily better lookout 4 that to.  & thanks! more to come :)

Reviewer: NatashaRosee Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 11, 2012 07:02 pm Title: Chapter 1

This is good. :)

Author's Response:

thank you 4 enjoying this i appreciate :)

Reviewer: ThrillerPYT Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 11, 2012 06:36 pm Title: Chapter 38

OMG! This story is like the bomb! No joke! I really think you should keep this around for awhile! :) Please update as soon as you can because I'm officially mesmerized. ^_^

Author's Response:

loolz i knw what u mean and thanks so much 4 giving this a try :)

Reviewer: mimi Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 11, 2012 04:56 pm Title: Chapter 38

Yay! It was a long chapter and good to I love long chapters and aww Ema and her headaches smh I like how they had the little camp moment in her backyard that was so cute to. Lol
I can't wait for more update soon please. Thank you (:

Author's Response:

yes i agree the back yard scene was cute lolz and thanks girl! :)

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